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Notificator Member List

This is the complete list of members for Notificator, including all inherited members.

Class enum nameNotificator
Critical enum valueNotificator
Freedesktop enum valueNotificatorprivate
Information enum valueNotificator
Mode enum nameNotificatorprivate
None enum valueNotificatorprivate
Notificator(const QString &programName, QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon, QWidget *parent)Notificator
notify(Class cls, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QIcon &icon=QIcon(), int millisTimeout=10000)Notificatorslot
notifySystray(Class cls, const QString &title, const QString &text, const QIcon &icon, int millisTimeout)Notificatorprivate
QSystemTray enum valueNotificatorprivate
UserNotificationCenter enum valueNotificatorprivate
Warning enum valueNotificator
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