▶CAbstractThresholdConditionChecker | Abstract class that implements BIP9-style threshold logic, and caches results |
CWarningBitsConditionChecker | Threshold condition checker that triggers when unknown versionbits are seen on the network |
CAddedNodeInfo | |
CAddressTableEntry | |
CAddressTableEntryLessThan | |
CAddressTablePriv | |
CAES128_ctx | |
CAES128CBCDecrypt | |
CAES128CBCEncrypt | |
CAES128Decrypt | A decryption class for AES-128 |
CAES128Encrypt | An encryption class for AES-128 |
CAES192_ctx | |
CAES256_ctx | |
CAES256CBCDecrypt | |
CAES256CBCEncrypt | |
CAES256Decrypt | A decryption class for AES-256 |
CAES256Encrypt | An encryption class for AES-256 |
CAES_state | |
CAggregator< T > | |
▶Callocator | |
Cmt_pooled_secure_allocator< T > | |
Cpooled_secure_allocator< T > | |
▶Cpooled_secure_allocator< uint8_t > | |
Cmt_pooled_secure_allocator< T >::internal_pool | |
Csecure_allocator< T > | |
Czero_after_free_allocator< T > | |
Cancestor_score | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy::apply< HeapPolicy > | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy::apply< typename > | |
Cimmer::atom< T, MemoryPolicy >::get_gc_atom_impl::apply< U, MP > | |
Cimmer::atom< T, MemoryPolicy >::get_refcount_atom_impl::apply< U, MP > | |
▶CArena | |
CLockedPool::LockedPageArena | Create an arena from locked pages |
CArgsManager | |
CArgsManagerHelper | Internal helper functions for ArgsManager |
Cimmer::array< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::atom< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
CBannedNodeLessThan | |
CBanTablePriv | |
▶CBase | |
Cimmer::detail::unsafe_free_list_heap_impl< Storage, Size, Limit, Base > | |
Cimmer::free_list_heap< Size, Limit, Base > | |
Cimmer::identity_heap< Base > | |
Cimmer::with_data< T, Base > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::unsafe_free_list_heap_impl< detail::thread_local_free_list_storage, Size, Limit, Base > | |
Cimmer::thread_local_free_list_heap< Size, Limit, Base > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::unsafe_free_list_heap_impl< detail::unsafe_free_list_storage, Size, Limit, Base > | |
Cimmer::unsafe_free_list_heap< Size, Limit, Base > | |
▶Cimmer::with_data< free_list_node, Base > | |
Cimmer::with_free_list_node< Base > | |
Cbase_blob< BITS > | Template base class for fixed-sized opaque blobs |
▶Cbase_blob< 160 > | |
▶Cuint160 | 160-bit opaque blob |
CCKeyID | A reference to a CKey: the Hash160 of its serialized public key |
CCScriptID | A reference to a CScript: the Hash160 of its serialization (see script.h) |
▶Cbase_blob< 256 > | |
Cuint256 | 256-bit opaque blob |
▶Cbase_blob< 512 > | |
Cuint512 | 512-bit unsigned big integer |
Cbase_uint< BITS > | Template base class for unsigned big integers |
▶Cbase_uint< 256 > | |
Carith_uint256 | 256-bit unsigned big integer |
▶CBaseRequestHandler | Class that handles the conversion from a command-line to a JSON-RPC request, as well as converting back to a JSON object that can be shown as result |
CDefaultRequestHandler | Process default single requests |
CGetinfoRequestHandler | Process getinfo requests |
▶CBaseSignatureChecker | |
▶CTransactionSignatureChecker | |
CCachingTransactionSignatureChecker | |
CMutableTransactionSignatureChecker | |
▶CBaseSignatureCreator | Virtual base class for signature creators |
CDummySignatureCreator | A signature creator that just produces 72-byte empty signatures |
▶CTransactionSignatureCreator | A signature creator for transactions |
CMutableTransactionSignatureCreator | |
CContributionVerifier::BatchState | |
Cbench_data | |
Cbench_ecdh_data | |
Cbench_inv | |
Cbench_recover_data | |
Cbench_sign | |
Cbenchmark_verify_t | |
Cbenchmark::BenchRunner | |
CBerkeleyBatch | RAII class that provides access to a Berkeley database |
CBerkeleyDatabase | An instance of this class represents one database |
CBerkeleyEnvironment | |
Cbenchmark::best_clock | |
CConsensus::BIP9Deployment | Struct for each individual consensus rule change using BIP9 |
CBIP9Stats | |
CCuckooCache::bit_packed_atomic_flags | Bit_packed_atomic_flags implements a container for garbage collection flags that is only thread unsafe on calls to setup |
CBlockAssembler | Generate a new block, without valid proof-of-work |
CBlockHasher | |
CBlockTransactions | |
CBlockTransactionsRequest | |
Cimmer::box< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
CCAccount | Account information |
CCAccountingEntry | Internal transfers |
CCuckooCache::cache< Element, Hash > | Cache implements a cache with properties similar to a cuckoo-set |
CCacheItem< K, V > | Serializable structure for key/value items |
CCacheMap< K, V, Size > | Map like container that keeps the N most recently added items |
CCacheMap< uint256, CGovernanceObject * > | |
CCacheMap< uint256, CGovernanceVote > | |
CCacheMultiMap< K, V, Size > | Map like container that keeps the N most recently added items |
CCacheMultiMap< uint256, vote_time_pair_t > | |
CCActiveMasternodeInfo | |
CCAddrDB | Access to the (IP) address database (peers.dat) |
CCAddressBookData | Address book data |
CCAddressIndexIteratorHeightKey | |
CCAddressIndexIteratorKey | |
CCAddressIndexKey | |
CCAddressUnspentKey | |
CCAddressUnspentValue | |
CCAddrMan | Stochastical (IP) address manager |
CCConnman::CAllNodes | |
CCAppNapInhibitor::CAppNapImpl | |
CCAppNapInhibitor | |
CCAutoBitSet | Serializes either as a CFixedBitSet or CFixedVarIntsBitSet, depending on which would give a smaller size |
CCAutoFile | Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE* |
CCBanDB | Access to the banlist database (banlist.dat) |
CCBanEntry | |
▶CCBase58Data | Base class for all base58-encoded data |
CCBitcoinExtKeyBase< K, Size, Type > | |
CCBitcoinSecret | A base58-encoded secret key |
▶CCBaseChainParams | CBaseChainParams defines the base parameters (shared between dash-cli and dashd) of a given instance of the Dash system |
CCBaseDevNetParams | Devnet |
CCBaseMainParams | Main network |
CCBaseRegTestParams | |
CCBaseTestNetParams | Testnet (v3) |
▶CCBatchedLogger | |
Cllmq::CDKGLogger | |
Cllmq::CBatchedSigShares | |
CCBlockFileInfo | |
▶CCBlockHeader | Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree, and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work requirements |
CCBlock | |
CCBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs | |
▶CCBlockIndex | The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple candidates to be the next block |
CCDiskBlockIndex | Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage |
CCBlockLocator | Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the same branch, it can find a recent common trunk |
CCBlockPolicyEstimator | We want to be able to estimate feerates that are needed on tx's to be included in a certain number of blocks |
CCBlockTemplate | |
CCBlockUndo | Undo information for a CBlock |
CCBloomFilter | BloomFilter is a probabilistic filter which SPV clients provide so that we can filter the transactions we send them |
CCBLSBatchVerifier< SourceId, MessageId > | |
▶CCBLSIESEncryptedBlob | |
CCBLSIESEncryptedObject< Object > | |
▶CCBLSIESMultiRecipientBlobs | |
CCBLSIESMultiRecipientObjects< Object > | |
CCBLSLazyWrapper< BLSObject > | |
CCBLSLazyWrapper< CBLSPublicKey > | |
CCBLSLazyWrapper< CBLSSignature > | |
CCBLSWorker | |
CCBLSWorkerCache | |
CCBLSWrapper< ImplType, _SerSize, C > | |
▶CCBLSWrapper< bls::InsecureSignature, BLS_CURVE_SIG_SIZE, CBLSSignature > | |
CCBLSSignature | |
▶CCBLSWrapper< bls::PrivateKey, BLS_CURVE_SECKEY_SIZE, CBLSSecretKey > | |
CCBLSSecretKey | |
▶CCBLSWrapper< bls::PublicKey, BLS_CURVE_PUBKEY_SIZE, CBLSPublicKey > | |
CCBLSPublicKey | |
▶CCBLSWrapper< uint256, BLS_CURVE_ID_SIZE, CBLSId > | |
CCBufferedFile | Non-refcounted RAII wrapper around a FILE* that implements a ring buffer to deserialize from |
CCCbTx | |
CCChain | An in-memory indexed chain of blocks |
Cllmq::CChainLockSig | |
▶CCChainParams | CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Dash system |
CCDevNetParams | Devnet |
CCMainParams | Main network |
CCRegTestParams | Regression test |
CCTestNetParams | Testnet (v3) |
CCChainState | CChainState stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain and header tree |
CCCheckpointData | |
CCCheckQueue< T > | Queue for verifications that have to be performed |
CCCheckQueueControl< T > | RAII-style controller object for a CCheckQueue that guarantees the passed queue is finished before continuing |
CCClientUIInterface | Signals for UI communication |
CCCoin | |
CCCoinControl | Coin Control Features |
CCCoinsCacheEntry | |
CCCoinsStats | |
▶CCCoinsView | Abstract view on the open txout dataset |
▶CCCoinsViewBacked | CCoinsView backed by another CCoinsView |
CCCoinsViewCache | CCoinsView that adds a memory cache for transactions to another CCoinsView |
CCCoinsViewErrorCatcher | This is a minimally invasive approach to shutdown on LevelDB read errors from the chainstate, while keeping user interface out of the common library, which is shared between dashd, and dash-qt and non-server tools |
CCCoinsViewMemPool | CCoinsView that brings transactions from a memorypool into view |
CCCoinsViewDB | CCoinsView backed by the coin database (chainstate/) |
▶CCCoinsViewCursor | Cursor for iterating over CoinsView state |
CCCoinsViewDBCursor | Specialization of CCoinsViewCursor to iterate over a CCoinsViewDB |
CCCombinedBan | |
CCCompactSize | |
CCConnman | |
CCCriticalBlock | Wrapper around std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> |
CCCrypter | Encryption/decryption context with key information |
CCDataStream | Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces |
CCDBBatch | Batch of changes queued to be written to a CDBWrapper |
CCDBIterator | |
CCDBTransaction< Parent, CommitTarget > | |
CCDBTransaction< CDBWrapper, CDBBatch > | |
CCDBTransaction< RootTransaction, RootTransaction > | |
CCDBTransactionIterator< CDBTransaction > | |
▶CCDBWrapper | |
CCBlockTreeDB | Access to the block database (blocks/index/) |
CCDeterministicMN | |
CCDeterministicMNList | |
CCDeterministicMNListDiff | |
CCDeterministicMNListDiff_OldFormat | |
CCDeterministicMNManager | |
CCDeterministicMNState | |
CCDeterministicMNStateDiff | |
▶CCDiskBlockPos | |
CCDiskTxPos | |
Cllmq::CDKGComplaint | |
Cllmq::CDKGContribution | |
Cllmq::CDKGDebugManager | |
Cllmq::CDKGDebugMemberStatus | |
Cllmq::CDKGDebugSessionStatus | |
Cllmq::CDKGDebugStatus | |
Cllmq::CDKGJustification | |
Cllmq::CDKGMember | |
Cllmq::CDKGPendingMessages | Acts as a FIFO queue for incoming DKG messages |
Cllmq::CDKGPrematureCommitment | |
Cllmq::CDKGSession | The DKG session is a single instance of the DKG process |
Cllmq::CDKGSessionHandler | Handles multiple sequential sessions of one specific LLMQ type |
Cllmq::CDKGSessionManager | |
CCDynamicBitSet | |
CCEvoDB | |
CCEvoDBScopedCommitter | |
CCExplicitNetCleanup | |
CCExtKey | |
CCExtPubKey | |
CCFeeRate | Fee rate in satoshis per kilobyte: CAmount / kB |
Cllmq::CFinalCommitment | |
Cllmq::CFinalCommitmentTxPayload | |
CCFixedBitSet | |
CCFixedVarIntsBitSet | Stores a fixed size bitset as a series of VarInts |
CCFlatData | Wrapper for serializing arrays and POD |
CCFlatDB< T > | Generic Dumping and Loading
CCConnman::CFullyConnectedOnly | |
CCGetSimplifiedMNListDiff | P2P messages |
CCGovernanceManager | |
▶CCGovernanceObject | Governance Object |
CCSuperblock | Trigger : Superblock |
CCGovernanceObjectVoteFile | Represents the collection of votes associated with a given CGovernanceObject Recently received votes are held in memory until a maximum size is reached after which older votes a flushed to a disk file |
CCGovernancePayment | Governance Object Payment |
CCGovernanceTriggerManager | Trigger Mananger |
CCGovernanceVote | |
CCGovernanceVoting | Governance Voting |
CChaCha20 | A class for ChaCha20 256-bit stream cipher developed by Daniel J |
CChaCha20Poly1305AEAD | |
CChainTxData | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ< value_t, hash_key, equal_key, default_memory_policy, default_bits > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ< value_t, hash_key, equal_key, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
CCHash160 | A hasher class for Bitcoin's 160-bit hash (SHA-256 + RIPEMD-160) |
CCHash256 | A hasher class for Bitcoin's 256-bit hash (double SHA-256) |
CCHashSigner | Helper class for signing hashes and checking their signatures |
▶CCHashWriter | A writer stream (for serialization) that computes a 256-bit hash |
CCHashVerifier< Source > | Reads data from an underlying stream, while hashing the read data |
CCHDAccount | |
CCHDChain | |
CCHDPubKey | |
CCHMAC_SHA256 | A hasher class for HMAC-SHA-256 |
CCHMAC_SHA512 | A hasher class for HMAC-SHA-512 |
CCImportingNow | |
CCInit | |
CCInputCoin | |
Cllmq::CInstantSendDb | |
Cllmq::CInstantSendLock | |
CCInv | Inv message data |
CCKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassEntry | |
CCKeePassIntegrator | |
CCKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassRequest | |
CCKeePassIntegrator::CKeePassResponse | |
CCKey | An encapsulated private key |
CCKeyHolder | |
CCKeyHolderStorage | |
CCKeyMetadata | |
CCKeyPool | A key pool entry |
▶CCKeyStore | A virtual base class for key stores |
▶CCBasicKeyStore | Basic key store, that keeps keys in an address->secret map |
▶CCCryptoKeyStore | Keystore which keeps the private keys encrypted |
CCWallet | A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of transactions and balances, and provides the ability to create new transactions |
Cllmq::CLLMQUtils | |
CCLogCategoryActive | |
CCLogCategoryDesc | |
CCMainCleanup | |
CCMainSignals | |
CCMasterKey | Private key encryption is done based on a CMasterKey, which holds a salt and random encryption key |
CCMasternodeMetaInfo | |
CCMasternodeMetaMan | |
CCMasternodePayments | |
CCMasternodeSync | |
CCMasternodeUtils | |
CCMedianFilter< T > | Median filter over a stream of values |
CCMempoolAddressDelta | |
CCMempoolAddressDeltaKey | |
CCMempoolAddressDeltaKeyCompare | |
CCMerkleBlock | Used to relay blocks as header + vector<merkle branch> to filtered nodes |
▶CCMerkleTx | A transaction with a merkle branch linking it to the block chain |
CCWalletTx | A transaction with a bunch of additional info that only the owner cares about |
CCMessageHeader | Message header |
CCMessageSigner | Helper class for signing messages and checking their signatures |
CCMNAuth | This class handles the p2p message MNAUTH |
CCMnemonic | Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Tomas Dzetkulic Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Pavol Rusnak |
CCMutableTransaction | A mutable version of CTransaction |
▶CCNetAddr | IP address (IPv6, or IPv4 using mapped IPv6 range (::FFFF:0:0/96)) |
▶CCService | A combination of a network address (CNetAddr) and a (TCP) port |
▶CCAddress | A CService with information about it as peer |
CCAddrInfo | Extended statistics about a CAddress |
CCNetCleanup | |
CCNetFulfilledRequestManager | |
CCNetMessage | |
CCNetMsgMaker | |
CCNetProcessingCleanup | |
CCNode | Information about a peer |
CCNodeCombinedStats | |
CCNodeStateStats | |
CCNodeStats | |
CCNoDestination | |
CCoin | A UTXO entry |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::collision_t | |
CCSVModelWriter::Column | |
Cimmer::detail::combine_standard_layout< Ts > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::combine_standard_layout_aux< Ts > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::combine_standard_layout_aux< T > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::combine_standard_layout_aux< T, Ts... > | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::combine_value | |
CCombinerAll | |
CCompactTallyItem | |
CCompareBlocksByHeight | Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads |
CCompareByPriority | |
CCompareCTxMemPoolIter | Comparator for CTxMemPool::txiter objects |
CCompareInputBIP69 | Implementation of BIP69 https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0069.mediawiki |
CCompareInputCoinBIP69 | |
CCompareInvMempoolOrder | |
CCTxMemPool::CompareIteratorByHash | |
CCompareOutputBIP69 | |
CCompareScoreMN | |
CCompareTxIterByAncestorCount | |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee | |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorScore | Sort an entry by min(score/size of entry's tx, score/size with all ancestors) |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore | Sort an entry by max(score/size of entry's tx, score/size with all descendants) |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime | |
CCompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore | Sort by score of entry ((fee+delta)/size) in descending order |
CCompareValueOnly | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_center_pos< Node > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_merger< Node > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_merger_mut< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_rebalance_plan< B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_rebalance_plan_mut< B, BL > | |
▶Cconditional | |
Cimmer::get_transience_policy< RefcountPolicy > | |
CConnectTrace | Used to track blocks whose transactions were applied to the UTXO state as a part of a single ActivateBestChainStep call |
Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_iterator | |
Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::const_reverse_iterator | |
Cimmer::detail::constantly< T, value > | |
Cllmq::CDKGSessionManager::ContributionsCacheEntry | |
Cllmq::CDKGSessionManager::ContributionsCacheKey | |
CContributionVerifier | |
Ctinyformat::detail::convertToInt< T, convertible > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::convertToInt< T, true > | |
CCOrphanTx | |
CCOutPoint | An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout |
CCOutput | |
CCOutputEntry | |
CCPartialMerkleTree | Data structure that represents a partial merkle tree |
CCPendingDsaRequest | |
Cimmer::cpp_heap | |
CCPrivateSend | |
CCPrivateSendAccept | |
▶CCPrivateSendBaseManager | |
CCPrivateSendClientManager | Used to keep track of current status of mixing pool |
CCPrivateSendServer | Used to keep track of current status of mixing pool |
▶CCPrivateSendBaseSession | |
CCPrivateSendClientSession | |
CCPrivateSendServer | Used to keep track of current status of mixing pool |
CCPrivateSendBroadcastTx | Helper class to store mixing transaction (tx) information |
CCPrivateSendEntry | |
CCPrivateSendQueue | A currently in progress mixing merge and denomination information |
CCPrivateSendStatusUpdate | |
CCProposalValidator | |
CCProRegTx | |
CCProUpRegTx | |
CCProUpRevTx | |
CCProUpServTx | |
CCPubKey | An encapsulated public key |
Cllmq::CQuorum | An object of this class represents a quorum which was mined on-chain (through a quorum commitment) It at least contains informations about the members and the quorum public key which is needed to verify recovered signatures from this quorum |
Cllmq::CQuorumBlockProcessor | |
Cllmq::CQuorumManager | The quorum manager maintains quorums which were mined on chain |
Ccrash_info | |
Ccrash_info_header | |
CCRateCheckBuffer | |
CCRecipient | |
Cllmq::CRecoveredSig | |
Cllmq::CRecoveredSigsDb | |
▶Cllmq::CRecoveredSigsListener | |
Cllmq::CChainLocksHandler | |
Cllmq::CInstantSendManager | |
Cllmq::CSigSharesManager | |
▶CCReserveScript | |
CCReserveKey | A key allocated from the key pool |
CCRIPEMD160 | A hasher class for RIPEMD-160 |
CCRollingBloomFilter | RollingBloomFilter is a probabilistic "keep track of most recently inserted" set |
CCRPCCommand | |
CCRPCConvertParam | |
CCRPCConvertTable | |
CCRPCSignals | |
CCRPCTable | Dash RPC command dispatcher |
CCScheduler | |
CCScriptCheck | Closure representing one script verification Note that this stores references to the spending transaction |
CCScriptCompressor | Compact serializer for scripts |
CCScriptNum | |
CCSemaphore | |
CCSemaphoreGrant | RAII-style semaphore lock |
CCSerActionSerialize | Support for ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS and READWRITE macro |
CCSerActionUnserialize | |
CCSerializedNetMsg | |
CCSHA1 | A hasher class for SHA1 |
CCSHA256 | A hasher class for SHA-256 |
CCSHA512 | A hasher class for SHA-512 |
Cllmq::CSignedSession | |
Cllmq::CSigningManager | |
Cllmq::CSigSesAnn | |
Cllmq::CSigShare | |
Cllmq::CSigSharesInv | |
Cllmq::CSigSharesNodeState | |
CCSimplifiedMNList | |
CCSimplifiedMNListDiff | |
CCSimplifiedMNListEntry | |
CCSipHasher | SipHash-2-4 |
CCSizeComputer | |
CCSpentIndexKey | |
CCSpentIndexKeyCompare | |
CCSpentIndexTxInfo | |
CCSpentIndexValue | |
CCSporkDef | |
CCSporkManager | CSporkManager is a higher-level class which manages the node's spork messages, rules for which sporks should be considered active/inactive, and processing for certain sporks (e.g |
CCSporkMessage | Sporks are network parameters used primarily to prevent forking and turn on/off certain features |
CCSubNet | |
CCSuperblockManager | Superblock Manager |
Cctaes_test | |
CCThreadInterrupt | |
CCTimestampIndexIteratorKey | |
CCTimestampIndexKey | |
CCTransaction | The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks |
CCTransactionBuilder | Enables simple transaction generation for a given CWallet object |
CCTransactionBuilderOutput | Used by CTransactionBuilder to represent its transaction outputs |
CCTranslationInterface | Signals for translation |
▶CCTxIn | An input of a transaction |
CCTxDSIn | Holds a mixing input |
CCTxMemPool | CTxMemPool stores valid-according-to-the-current-best-chain transactions that may be included in the next block |
CCTxMemPoolEntry | CTxMemPoolEntry stores data about the corresponding transaction, as well as data about all in-mempool transactions that depend on the transaction ("descendant" transactions) |
CCTxMemPoolModifiedEntry | |
CCTxOut | An output of a transaction |
CCTxOutCompressor | Wrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization |
CCTxUndo | Undo information for a CTransaction |
CCUpdatedBlock | |
▶CCValidationInterface | |
CCActiveMasternodeManager | |
CCDSNotificationInterface | |
CCWallet | A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of transactions and balances, and provides the ability to create new transactions |
CCZMQNotificationInterface | |
CPeerLogicValidation | |
Csubmitblock_StateCatcher | |
CCValidationState | Capture information about block/transaction validation |
CCVarInt< I > | |
CCVectorWriter | |
CCVerifyDB | RAII wrapper for VerifyDB: Verify consistency of the block and coin databases |
CCWalletKey | Private key that includes an expiration date in case it never gets used |
CCWalletScanState | |
▶CCZMQAbstractNotifier | |
▶CCZMQAbstractPublishNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashBlockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashChainLockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashGovernanceObjectNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashGovernanceVoteNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashInstantSendDoubleSpendNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashTransactionLockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishHashTransactionNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawBlockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawChainLockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawChainLockSigNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawGovernanceObjectNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawGovernanceVoteNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawInstantSendDoubleSpendNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawTransactionLockNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawTransactionLockSigNotifier | |
CCZMQPublishRawTransactionNotifier | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL >::data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::sub_result::data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::node< T, B, MP >::data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::arrays::node< T, MemoryPolicy >::data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::data_t | |
CCDBTransaction< Parent, CommitTarget >::DataStreamCmp | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::default_value | |
CDereferencingComparator< T > | |
Cdescendant_score | |
Cdeserialize_type | Dummy data type to identify deserializing constructors |
CDeserializeTuple< Stream, index, Ts > | |
CDeserializeTuple< Stream, 0, Ts... > | |
Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::direct_or_indirect | |
CDisconnectedBlockTransactions | |
Cimmer::disowned | |
CDKG | |
Cimmer::dvektor< T, B, MemoryPolicy > | |
CECCVerifyHandle | Users of this module must hold an ECCVerifyHandle |
Cecmult_multi_data | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy::apply< HeapPolicy >::type::edit | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy::apply< typename >::type::edit | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::empty_leaf_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::empty_regular_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::empty_t | |
Cimmer::enable_intrusive_ptr< Deriv, RefcountPolicy > | |
▶Cimmer::enable_intrusive_ptr< node< T, B, MP >, MP::refcount > | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::node< T, B, MP > | |
Cimmer::enable_optimized_heap_policy< Deriv, HeapPolicy > | |
▶Cimmer::enable_optimized_heap_policy< node< T, B, MP >, MP::heap > | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::node< T, B, MP > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ_iterator< T, Hash, Eq, MP, B >::end_t | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL >::end_t | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rrbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL >::end_t | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::iterator< T, B, MP >::end_t | |
Centry_time | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::equal_key | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::equal_value | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::error_value | |
CEstimationResult | |
CEstimatorBucket | |
Cimmer::detail::exact_t< T > | |
▶CException | |
Corg.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1Util.AssertFailException | |
▶Cexception | |
CCGovernanceException | A class which encapsulates information about a governance exception condition |
Cllmq::AbortPhaseException | |
CExpirationInfo | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_convertible< T1, T2 >::fail | |
▶Cfalse_type | |
Cimmer::detail::compatible_sentinel< T, U, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_dereferenceable< T, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_equality_comparable< T, U, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_forward_iterator< T, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_inequality_comparable< T, U, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_iterator< T, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_preincrementable< T, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_subtractable< T, U, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::std_distance_supports< T, U, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::std_uninitialized_copy_supports< T, U, V, typename > | |
Cimmer::detail::swappable::with< T, U, typename > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< T > | If none of the specialized versions above matched and T is an enum, default to calling Serialize/Unserialze with the underlying type |
CFastRandomContext | Fast randomness source |
CFeeCalculation | |
Cimmer::flex_vector< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::FormatArg | |
▶Ctinyformat::FormatList | List of template arguments format(), held in a type-opaque way |
Ctinyformat::detail::FormatListN< N > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::FormatListN< 0 > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::formatValueAsType< T, fmtT, convertible > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::formatValueAsType< T, fmtT, true > | |
Cimmer::free_list_heap_policy< Heap, Limit > | |
Cimmer::free_list_node | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::full_leaf_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::full_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::gc_atom_impl< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::gc_heap | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::get_bitmap_type< B > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::get_bitmap_type< 6u > | |
Cimmer::atom< T, MemoryPolicy >::get_gc_atom_impl | |
Cimmer::atom< T, MemoryPolicy >::get_refcount_atom_impl | |
Cstd::hash< immer::box< T, MP > > | |
Cstd::hash< SporkId > | |
Cstd::hash< uint256 > | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::hash_key | |
Cimmer::free_list_heap< Size, Limit, Base >::head_t | |
Cimmer::detail::thread_local_free_list_storage< Heap >::head_t | |
Cimmer::detail::unsafe_free_list_storage< Heap >::head_t | |
Cimmer::heap_policy< Heap > | |
▶CHTTPClosure | Event handler closure |
CHTTPWorkItem | HTTP request work item |
CHTTPEvent | Event class |
CHTTPPathHandler | |
CHTTPReply | Reply structure for request_done to fill in |
CHTTPRequest | In-flight HTTP request |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::impl< T, B, MP > | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::impl< T, B, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL >::impl_data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::impl_data_t | |
CBitcoinGUI::IncomingTransactionMessage | |
Cindirectmap< K, T > | |
Cindirectmap< COutPoint, const CTransaction *> | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::inherit< T, Next > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::inherit< T, void > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL >::inner_t | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::inner_t | |
Cinsertion_order | |
▶Cintegral_constant | |
Cimmer::get_prefer_fewer_bigger_objects< HeapPolicy > | |
Cimmer::get_use_transient_rvalues< RefcountPolicy > | |
Cpooled_secure_allocator< T >::internal_secure_allocator | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_convertible< T1, T2 > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_wchar< T > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_wchar< const wchar_t * > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_wchar< const wchar_t[n]> | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_wchar< wchar_t * > | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_wchar< wchar_t[n]> | |
▶Citerator | |
Cimmer::detail::iterator_facade< DerivedT, IteratorCategoryT, T, ReferenceT, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::iterator_facade< champ_iterator< T, Hash, Eq, MP, B >, std::forward_iterator_tag, T, const T &, std::ptrdiff_t, const T *> | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ_iterator< T, Hash, Eq, MP, B > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::iterator_facade< rbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL >, std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, const T &, std::ptrdiff_t, const T *> | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::iterator_facade< rrbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL >, std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, const T &, std::ptrdiff_t, const T *> | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rrbtree_iterator< T, MP, B, BL > | |
Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::iterator | |
Cimmer::detail::iterator_core_access | |
▶Citerator_facade | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::iterator< T, B, MP > | |
CIteratorComparator | |
CJSONRPCRequest | |
CJSONUTF8StringFilter | |
CCGovernanceManager::last_object_rec | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::leaf_descent_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::leaf_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::leaf_sub_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL >::leaf_t | |
CLimitedString< Limit > | |
CCConnman::ListenSocket | |
CConsensus::LLMQParams | |
CLocalServiceInfo | |
▶CLockedPageAllocator | OS-dependent allocation and deallocation of locked/pinned memory pages |
CPosixLockedPageAllocator | LockedPageAllocator specialized for OSes that don't try to be special snowflakes |
▶CLockedPool | Pool for locked memory chunks |
CLockedPoolManager | Singleton class to keep track of locked (ie, non-swappable) memory, for use in std::allocator templates |
CLockPoints | |
▶CLogger | |
CCBitcoinLevelDBLogger | |
CMainSignalsInstance | |
Cimmer::detail::make_void< Ts > | |
Cimmer::malloc_heap | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
Cimmer::map< uint256, CDeterministicMNCPtr > | |
Cimmer::map< uint256, std::pair< uint256, uint32_t > > | |
Cimmer::map< uint64_t, uint256 > | |
Cimmer::map_transient< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member< T, Next > | |
CMember | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member< T, void > | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member_two< T, Next > | |
Cimmer::memory_policy< HeapPolicy, RefcountPolicy, TransiencePolicy, PreferFewerBiggerObjects, UseTransientRValues > | |
Cmempoolentry_txid | |
CCBLSBatchVerifier< SourceId, MessageId >::Message | |
Cmodifiedentry_iter | |
Corg.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1 | |
Corg.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1Test | This class holds test cases defined for testing this library |
Corg.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1Util | |
▶CNetEventsInterface | Interface for message handling |
CPeerLogicValidation | |
CNetworkStyle | |
▶CNext | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::inherit< T, Next >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member< T, Next >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::arrays::no_capacity< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::no_refcount_policy | |
Cimmer::no_spinlock | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::arrays::node< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
CNodeEvictionCandidate | |
CNodeLessThan | |
Cllmq::CInstantSendManager::NonLockedTxInfo | |
Cnontrivial_t | |
Cimmer::norefs_tag | |
Cimmer::detail::not_supported_t | |
CNSBundle(returnCorrectIdentifier) | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::null_sub_pos | |
Cimmer::heap_policy< Heap >::optimized< size_t > | |
Cimmer::free_list_heap_policy< Heap, Limit >::optimized< Size > | |
Cimmer::unsafe_free_list_heap_policy< Heap, Limit >::optimized< Size > | |
CBlockAssembler::Options | |
CCConnman::Options | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy::apply< typename >::type::ownee | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy::apply< HeapPolicy >::type::ownee | |
▶Cowner | |
Cimmer::array_transient< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::flex_vector_transient< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::vector_transient< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy::apply< HeapPolicy >::type::owner | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy::apply< typename >::type::owner | |
CConsensus::Params | Parameters that influence chain consensus |
CPartiallyDownloadedBlock | |
CPaymentRequestPlus | |
CPeerTablePriv | |
CPerBlockConnectTrace | |
CPrecomputedTransactionData | |
CPrefilledTransaction | |
▶Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff > | Implements a drop-in replacement for std::vector<T> which stores up to N elements directly (without heap allocation) |
CCScript | Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::project_value | |
Cimmer::map< K, T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::project_value_ptr | |
CProxyCredentials | Credentials for proxy authentication |
CProxySetting | |
CproxyType | |
▶CQAbstractItemDelegate | |
CTxViewDelegate | |
▶CQAbstractListModel | |
CBitcoinUnits | Dash unit definitions |
COptionsModel | Interface from Qt to configuration data structure for Bitcoin client |
▶CQAbstractTableModel | |
CAddressTableModel | Qt model of the address book in the core |
CBanTableModel | Qt model providing information about connected peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call |
CPeerTableModel | Qt model providing information about connected peers, similar to the "getpeerinfo" RPC call |
CRecentRequestsTableModel | Model for list of recently generated payment requests / dash: URIs |
CTransactionTableModel | UI model for the transaction table of a wallet |
▶CQApplication | |
CBitcoinApplication | Main Dash application object |
▶CQComboBox | |
CQValueComboBox | |
▶CQDialog | |
CAddressBookPage | Widget that shows a list of sending or receiving addresses |
CAskPassphraseDialog | Multifunctional dialog to ask for passphrases |
CCoinControlDialog | |
CEditAddressDialog | Dialog for editing an address and associated information |
CHelpMessageDialog | "Help message" dialog box |
CIntro | Introduction screen (pre-GUI startup) |
COpenURIDialog | |
COptionsDialog | Preferences dialog |
CQRDialog | |
CReceiveCoinsDialog | Dialog for requesting payment of bitcoins |
CReceiveRequestDialog | |
CSendCoinsDialog | Dialog for sending bitcoins |
CSignVerifyMessageDialog | |
CTransactionDescDialog | Dialog showing transaction details |
▶CQFrame | |
CWalletFrame | A container for embedding all wallet-related controls into BitcoinGUI |
▶CQLabel | |
CGUIUtil::ClickableLabel | |
CQRGeneralImageWidget | |
CQRImageWidget | |
CUnitDisplayStatusBarControl | |
▶CQLineEdit | |
CAmountLineEdit | QLineEdit that uses fixed-point numbers internally and uses our own formatting/parsing functions |
CQValidatedLineEdit | Line edit that can be marked as "invalid" to show input validation feedback |
▶CQMainWindow | |
CBitcoinGUI | Bitcoin GUI main class |
▶CQMessageBox | |
CSendConfirmationDialog | |
▶CQObject | |
CBitcoinCore | Class encapsulating Dash Core startup and shutdown |
▶CCallback | |
CFunctionCallback< F > | |
CClientModel | Model for Dash network client |
CCSVModelWriter | Export a Qt table model to a CSV file |
CFreespaceChecker | |
CGUIUtil::TableViewLastColumnResizingFixer | Makes a QTableView last column feel as if it was being resized from its left border |
CGUIUtil::ToolTipToRichTextFilter | Qt event filter that intercepts ToolTipChange events, and replaces the tooltip with a rich text representation if needed |
CMacDockIconHandler | MacOS-specific Dock icon handler |
CMacNotificationHandler | Macintosh-specific notification handler (supports UserNotificationCenter) |
CNotificator | Cross-platform desktop notification client |
CPaymentServer | |
CQtRPCTimerBase | Class for handling RPC timers (used for e.g |
CRPCExecutor | |
CTransactionDesc | Provide a human-readable extended HTML description of a transaction |
CWalletModel | Interface to Bitcoin wallet from Qt view code |
▶CQProgressBar | |
CGUIUtil::ClickableProgressBar | |
▶CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CTransactionFilterProxy | Filter the transaction list according to pre-specified rules |
▶CQStackedWidget | |
CSendCoinsEntry | A single entry in the dialog for sending bitcoins |
CWalletView | |
▶CQTreeWidget | |
CCoinControlTreeWidget | |
▶CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CCCoinControlWidgetItem | |
▶CQValidator | |
CAmountValidator | Amount widget validator, checks for valid CAmount value |
CBitcoinAddressCheckValidator | Bitcoin address widget validator, checks for a valid bitcoin address |
CBitcoinAddressEntryValidator | Base58 entry widget validator, checks for valid characters and removes some whitespace |
CProxyAddressValidator | Proxy address widget validator, checks for a valid proxy address |
▶CQWidget | |
CAppearanceWidget | |
CBitcoinAmountField | Widget for entering bitcoin amounts |
CMasternodeList | Masternode Manager page widget |
CModalOverlay | Modal overlay to display information about the chain-sync state |
COverviewPage | Overview ("home") page widget |
CRPCConsole | Local Bitcoin RPC console |
CShutdownWindow | "Shutdown" window |
CSplashScreen | Class for the splashscreen with information of the running client |
CTrafficGraphWidget | |
CTransactionView | Widget showing the transaction list for a wallet, including a filter row |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rbtree< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
Czero_after_free_allocator< T >::rebind< _Other > | |
Csecure_allocator< T >::rebind< _Other > | |
CRecentRequestEntry | |
CRecentRequestEntryLessThan | |
▶Crecursive_mutex | |
▶CAnnotatedMixin< std::recursive_mutex > | |
CCCriticalSection | Wrapped mutex: supports recursive locking, but no waiting TODO: We should move away from using the recursive lock by default |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::ref< T, B, MP > | |
Cimmer::detail::dvektor::ref< T, B, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::detail::ref_count_base< Deriv > | |
▶Crefcount | |
Cimmer::box< T, MemoryPolicy >::holder | |
Cimmer::detail::refcount_atom_impl< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
Cimmer::refcount_policy | |
Cimmer::detail::iterator_facade< DerivedT, IteratorCategoryT, T, ReferenceT, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT >::reference_proxy | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::regular_descent_pos< NodeT, Shift, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::regular_descent_pos< NodeT, BL, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::regular_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::regular_sub_pos< NodeT > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::node< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL >::relaxed_data_t | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::relaxed_descent_pos< NodeT, Shift, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::relaxed_descent_pos< NodeT, BL, B, BL > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::relaxed_pos< NodeT > | |
Cprevector< N, T, Size, Diff >::reverse_iterator | |
Creverse_lock< Lock > | An RAII-style reverse lock |
Creverse_range< T > | Template used for reverse iteration in C++11 range-based for loops |
▶CRPCTimerBase | Opaque base class for timers returned by NewTimerFunc |
CHTTPRPCTimer | Simple one-shot callback timer to be used by the RPC mechanism to e.g |
CQtRPCTimerBase | Class for handling RPC timers (used for e.g |
▶CRPCTimerInterface | RPC timer "driver" |
CHTTPRPCTimerInterface | |
CQtRPCTimerInterface | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::rrbtree< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
▶Cruntime_error | |
CCConnectionFailed | |
Cdbwrapper_error | |
Cscriptnum_error | |
CSSLVerifyError | |
Ctinyformat::format_error | |
Cuint_error | |
CSaltedHasher< T, S > | |
CSaltedHasherBase | |
CSaltedHasherImpl< T > | Helper classes for std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set hashing |
CSaltedHasherImpl< std::pair< N, uint256 > > | |
CSaltedHasherImpl< std::pair< uint256, N > > | |
CSaltedHasherImpl< uint256 > | |
CSaltedOutpointHasher | |
CSaltedTxidHasher | |
Cimmer::spinlock::scoped_lock | |
Cimmer::no_spinlock::scoped_lock | |
CCGovernanceManager::ScopedLockBool | |
Csecp256k1_callback | |
Csecp256k1_context_struct | |
Csecp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature | Opaque data structured that holds a parsed ECDSA signature, supporting pubkey recovery |
Csecp256k1_ecdsa_signature | Opaque data structured that holds a parsed ECDSA signature |
Csecp256k1_ecmult_context | |
Csecp256k1_ecmult_gen_context | |
Csecp256k1_fe | |
Csecp256k1_fe_storage | |
Csecp256k1_ge | A group element of the secp256k1 curve, in affine coordinates |
Csecp256k1_ge_storage | |
Csecp256k1_gej | A group element of the secp256k1 curve, in jacobian coordinates |
Csecp256k1_hmac_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_num | |
Csecp256k1_pippenger_point_state | |
Csecp256k1_pippenger_state | |
Csecp256k1_pubkey | Opaque data structure that holds a parsed and valid public key |
Csecp256k1_rfc6979_hmac_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_scalar | A scalar modulo the group order of the secp256k1 curve |
Csecp256k1_scratch_space_struct | |
Csecp256k1_sha256 | |
Csecp256k1_strauss_point_state | |
Csecp256k1_strauss_state | |
Corg.bitcoin.Secp256k1Context | This class holds the context reference used in native methods to handle ECDSA operations |
CSecp256k1Init | |
CSeedSpec6 | |
CSendCoinsRecipient | |
CWalletModel::SendCoinsReturn | |
CSerializeTuple< Stream, index, Ts > | Tuple |
CSerializeTuple< Stream, 0, Ts... > | |
Cllmq::CSigSharesNodeState::Session | |
Cllmq::CSigSharesNodeState::SessionInfo | |
Cimmer::set< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
Cimmer::set_transient< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B > | |
CSignatureCacheHasher | We're hashing a nonce into the entries themselves, so we don't need extra blinding in the set hash computation |
CSignatureData | |
Cllmq::SigShareMap< T > | |
Cllmq::SigShareMap< bool > | |
Cllmq::SigShareMap< int64_t > | |
Cllmq::SigShareMap< llmq::CSigShare > | |
Cllmq::SigShareMap< std::pair< NodeId, int64_t > > | |
CCBLSWorker::SigVerifyJob | |
CSingleThreadedSchedulerClient | Class used by CScheduler clients which may schedule multiple jobs which are required to be run serially |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::singleton_regular_sub_pos< NodeT > | |
CsortProposalsByVotes | |
Csph_blake_small_context | This structure is a context for BLAKE-224 and BLAKE-256 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_bmw_small_context | This structure is a context for BMW-224 and BMW-256 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_cubehash_context | This structure is a context for CubeHash computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_echo_big_context | This structure is a context for ECHO computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_echo_small_context | This structure is a context for ECHO computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_groestl_big_context | This structure is a context for Groestl-384 and Groestl-512 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_groestl_small_context | This structure is a context for Groestl-224 and Groestl-256 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_jh_context | This structure is a context for JH computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_keccak_context | This structure is a context for Keccak computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_luffa224_context | This structure is a context for Luffa-224 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_luffa384_context | This structure is a context for Luffa-384 computations |
Csph_luffa512_context | This structure is a context for Luffa-512 computations |
Csph_shavite_big_context | This structure is a context for SHAvite-384 and SHAvite-512 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_shavite_small_context | This structure is a context for SHAvite-224 and SHAvite-256 computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_simd_big_context | This structure is a context for SIMD computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Csph_simd_small_context | This structure is a context for SIMD computations: it contains the intermediate values and some data from the last entered block |
Cimmer::spinlock | |
Cimmer::split_heap< Size, SmallHeap, BigHeap > | |
Cstackframe_info | |
Cbenchmark::State | |
▶Cstatic_visitor | |
CCAffectedKeysVisitor | |
CStaticSaltedHasher | |
CLockedPool::Stats | Memory statistics |
CArena::Stats | Memory statistics |
Cmemusage::stl_shared_counter | |
Cmemusage::stl_tree_node< X > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::champ< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::sub_result | |
Ctinyformat::detail::is_convertible< T1, T2 >::succeed | |
▶CT | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::inherit< T, Next >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::inherit< T, void >::type | |
Ctallyitem | |
▶CTestChain100Setup | |
CCreateTransactionTestSetup | |
CListCoinsTestingSetup | |
CTestCrypter | |
▶CTestingSetup | |
CWalletTestingSetup | Testing setup and teardown for wallet |
Cimmer::detail::thread_local_free_list_storage< Heap > | |
Cctpl::thread_pool | |
Ccxxtimer::Timer | This class works as a stopwatch |
CTorControlConnection | Low-level handling for Tor control connection |
CTorController | Controller that connects to Tor control socket, authenticate, then create and maintain an ephemeral hidden service |
CTorControlReply | Reply from Tor, can be single or multi-line |
CTrafficGraphData | |
CTrafficSample | |
CTransactionCompressor | |
CTransactionNotification | |
CTransactionRecord | UI model for a transaction |
CTransactionStatus | UI model for transaction status |
CTransactionTablePriv | |
▶Ctrue_type | |
Cimmer::detail::compatible_sentinel< T, U, std::enable_if_t< is_iterator_v< T > &&is_equality_comparable_v< T, U > &&is_inequality_comparable_v< T, U > > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_dereferenceable< T, void_t< decltype(*(std::declval< T & >()))> > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_equality_comparable< T, U, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< bool, decltype(std::declval< T & >()==std::declval< U & >())>::value > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_forward_iterator< T, std::enable_if_t< is_iterator_v< T > &&std::is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_inequality_comparable< T, U, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< bool, decltype(std::declval< T & >() !=std::declval< U & >())>::value > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_iterator< T, void_t< std::enable_if_t< is_preincrementable_v< T > &&is_dereferenceable_v< T > &&std::is_copy_constructible< T >::value &&std::is_copy_assignable< T >::value &&std::is_destructible< T >::value &&is_swappable_v< T > >, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::difference_type, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::reference, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::pointer, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_preincrementable< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T &, decltype(++(std::declval< T & >()))>::value > > | |
Cimmer::detail::is_subtractable< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T & >() - std::declval< U & >())> > | |
Cimmer::detail::std_distance_supports< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::distance(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< U >()))> > | |
Cimmer::detail::std_uninitialized_copy_supports< T, U, V, void_t< decltype(std::uninitialized_copy(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< U >(), std::declval< V >()))> > | |
Cimmer::detail::swappable::with< T, U, void_t< decltype(swap(std::declval< T & >(), std::declval< U & >())), decltype(swap(std::declval< U & >(), std::declval< T & >()))> > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< Consensus::LLMQType > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< PoolMessage > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< PoolState > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< PoolStatusUpdate > | |
Cis_serializable_enum< SporkId > | |
CTxConfirmStats | We will instantiate an instance of this class to track transactions that were included in a block |
Ctxid_index | DisconnectedBlockTransactions |
CTxInUndoDeserializer | |
CTxInUndoSerializer | Undo information for a CTxIn |
CTxLessThan | |
CCTxMemPool::TxLinks | |
CTxMempoolInfo | Information about a mempool transaction |
CCBlockPolicyEstimator::TxStatsInfo | |
Cimmer::no_transience_policy::apply< typename >::type | |
Cimmer::gc_transience_policy::apply< HeapPolicy >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member_two< T, Next >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::member< T, void >::type | |
Cimmer::detail::csl::type_t< T > | |
CUniValue | |
CUniValueType | Wrapper for UniValue::VType, which includes typeAny: Used to denote don't care type |
CWalletModel::UnlockContext | |
Cunordered_limitedmap< K, V, Hash > | STL-like map container that only keeps the N elements with the highest value |
Cunordered_limitedmap< uint256, bool > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< Key, Value, Hasher, MaxSize, TruncateThreshold > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< COutPoint, uint256, SaltedOutpointHasher, 10000 > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< std::pair< Consensus::LLMQType, uint256 >, bool, StaticSaltedHasher, 30000 > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< std::pair< Consensus::LLMQType, uint256 >, std::vector< CQuorumCPtr >, StaticSaltedHasher, 32 > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< uint256, bool, StaticSaltedHasher, 30000 > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< uint256, CInstantSendLockPtr, StaticSaltedHasher, 10000 > | |
Cunordered_lru_cache< uint256, uint256, StaticSaltedHasher, 10000 > | |
Cimmer::unsafe_free_list_heap_policy< Heap, Limit > | |
Cimmer::detail::unsafe_free_list_storage< Heap > | |
Cimmer::unsafe_refcount_policy | |
Cupdate_ancestor_state | |
Cupdate_descendant_state | |
Cupdate_fee_delta | |
Cupdate_for_parent_inclusion | |
Cupdate_lock_points | |
▶CCDBTransaction< Parent, CommitTarget >::ValueHolder | |
CCDBTransaction< Parent, CommitTarget >::ValueHolderImpl< V > | |
Cimmer::detail::hamts::node< T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B >::values_data_t | |
CVBDeploymentInfo | |
Cimmer::vector< T, MemoryPolicy, B, BL > | |
CVectorAggregator< T > | |
CVersionBitsCache | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< Deriv > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< array_for_visitor< T > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::array_for_visitor< T > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_both_mut_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_both_mut_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_both_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_both_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_left_mut_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_left_mut_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_left_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_left_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_merger_mut_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_merger_mut_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_merger_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_merger_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_rebalance_plan_fill_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_rebalance_plan_fill_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_right_mut_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_right_mut_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_right_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_right_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_trees_left_mut_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_trees_left_mut_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_trees_left_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_trees_left_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_trees_right_mut_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_trees_right_mut_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< concat_trees_right_visitor< Node > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::concat_trees_right_visitor< Node > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< dec_left_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::dec_left_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< dec_right_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::dec_right_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< dec_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::dec_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< equals_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::equals_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_i_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_i_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_left_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_left_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_p_i_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_p_i_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_p_left_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_p_left_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_p_right_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_p_right_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_p_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_p_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_right_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_right_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< for_each_chunk_visitor > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::for_each_chunk_visitor | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< get_mut_visitor< NodeT > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::get_mut_visitor< NodeT > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< get_visitor< T > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::get_visitor< T > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< push_tail_mut_visitor< NodeT, Mutating > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::push_tail_mut_visitor< NodeT, Mutating > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< push_tail_visitor< NodeT > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::push_tail_visitor< NodeT > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< region_for_visitor< T > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::region_for_visitor< T > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< rrb > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::equals_visitor::rrb | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< slice_left_mut_visitor< NodeT, Collapse, Mutating > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::slice_left_mut_visitor< NodeT, Collapse, Mutating > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< slice_left_visitor< NodeT, Collapse > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::slice_left_visitor< NodeT, Collapse > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< slice_right_mut_visitor< NodeT, Collapse, Mutating > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::slice_right_mut_visitor< NodeT, Collapse, Mutating > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< slice_right_visitor< NodeT, Collapse > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::slice_right_visitor< NodeT, Collapse > | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< this_aux_t > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::equals_visitor::this_aux_t | |
▶Cimmer::detail::rbts::visitor_base< update_visitor< NodeT > > | |
Cimmer::detail::rbts::update_visitor< NodeT > | |
Cvote_instance_t | |
Cvote_rec_t | |
CWalletBatch | Access to the wallet database |
▶CWalletInitInterface | |
CDummyWalletInit | |
CWalletInit | |
CWalletModelTransaction | Data model for a walletmodel transaction |
CWalletRescanReserver | RAII object to check and reserve a wallet rescan |
CWalletTxHasher | |
Cimmer::detail::arrays::with_capacity< T, MemoryPolicy > | |
CWorkQueue< WorkItem > | Simple work queue for distributing work over multiple threads |
▶CX | |
Cmemusage::unordered_node< X > | |
CX509Deleter | |
CX509StoreDeleter | |
CAnnotatedMixin< PARENT > | Template mixin that adds -Wthread-safety locking annotations to a subset of the mutex API |