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Dash Core version

Release is now available from:


This is a new minor version release, bringing various bugfixes and other improvements.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:


Upgrading and downgrading

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Dash-Qt (on Mac) or dashd/dash-qt (on Linux).

Downgrade warning

Downgrade to a version <

Because release included the per-UTXO fix which changed the structure of the internal database, you will have to reindex the database if you decide to use any pre- version.

Wallet forward or backward compatibility was not affected.

Downgrade to

Downgrading to does not require any additional actions, should be fully compatible.

Notable changes

InstantSend fixes

Coin selection could work slightly incorrect in some edge cases which could lead to a creation of an InstantSend transaction which only the local wallet would consider to be a good candidate for a lock. Such txes was not locked by the network but they were creating a confusion on the user side giving an impression of a slightly higher InstantSend failure rate.

Another issue fixed in this release is that masternodes could vote for a tx that is not going to be accepted to the mempool sometimes. This could lead to a situation when user funds would be locked even though InstantSend transaction would not show up on the receiving side.

Fix -liquidityprovider option

Turned out that liquidityprovider mixing mode practically stopped working after recent improvements in the PrivateSend mixing algorithm due to a suboptimal looping which occurs only in this mode (due to a huge number of rounds). To fix the issue a small part of the mixing algorithm was reverted to a pre-0.12.2 one for this mode only. Regular users were not affected by the issue in any way and will continue to use the improved one just like before.

Other improvements and bug fixes

This release also fixes a few crashes and compatibility issues. Change log

See detailed change log below.


  • 068b20bc7 Merge #8256: BUG: bitcoin-qt crash
  • f71ab1daf Merge #11847: Fixes compatibility with boost 1.66 (#1836)



  • d6e2aa843 Swap iterations and fUseInstantSend parameters in ApproximateBestSubset (#1819)
  • c9bafe154 Vote on IS only if it was accepted to mempool (#1826)


  • ada41c3af Fix crash on exit when -createwalletbackups=0 (#1810)
  • 63e0e30e3 bump version to (#1827)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

  • Alexander Block
  • lodgepole
  • UdjinM6

As well as Bitcoin Core Developers and everyone that submitted issues, reviewed pull requests or helped translating on Transifex.

Older releases

Dash was previously known as Darkcoin.

Darkcoin tree 0.8.x was a fork of Litecoin tree 0.8, original name was XCoin which was first released on Jan/18/2014.

Darkcoin tree 0.9.x was the open source implementation of masternodes based on the 0.8.x tree and was first released on Mar/13/2014.

Darkcoin tree 0.10.x used to be the closed source implementation of Darksend which was released open source on Sep/25/2014.

Dash Core tree 0.11.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.9, Darkcoin was rebranded to Dash.

Dash Core tree 0.12.0.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.10.

Dash Core tree 0.12.1.x was a fork of Bitcoin Core tree 0.12.

These release are considered obsolete. Old release notes can be found here:

  • release-notes/dash/release-notes- "v0.12.2.2" released Dec/17/2017
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.12.2.md "v0.12.2" released Nov/08/2017
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.12.1.md "v0.12.1" released Feb/06/2017
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.12.0.md "v0.12.0" released Jun/15/2015
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.11.2.md "v0.11.2" released Mar/04/2015
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.11.1.md "v0.11.1" released Feb/10/2015
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.11.0.md "v0.11.0" released Jan/15/2015
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.10.0.md "v0.10.x" released Sep/25/2014
  • release-notes/dash/release-notes-0.9.0.md "v0.9.x" released Mar/13/2014
Released under the MIT license