Dash Core Source Documentation (
Find detailed information regarding the Dash Core source code.
Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- v -
- V_INIT : luffa.c
- validateaddress() : misc.cpp
- validNumStr() : univalue.cpp
- valtype : interpreter.cpp , ismine.cpp , sign.cpp , standard.cpp
- ValueFromAmount() : core_io.h , core_write.cpp
- VARINT : serialize.h
- vCoins : wallet_tests.cpp
- VERIFY_BITS : field_10x26_impl.h , field_5x52_int128_impl.h
- VERIFY_CHECK : util.h
- verify_flags() : dashconsensus.cpp
- VERIFY_SETUP : util.h
- verifychain() : blockchain.cpp
- verifymessage() : misc.cpp
- VerifyScript() : interpreter.cpp , interpreter.h
- verifytxoutproof() : rawtransaction.cpp
- VerifyVectorHelper() : bls_worker.cpp
- VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS : versionbits.h
- VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS : versionbits.h
- VERSIONBITS_TOP_MASK : versionbits.h
- versionbitscache : validation.cpp , validation.h
- VersionBitsDeploymentInfo : versionbits.cpp , versionbits.h
- VersionBitsMask() : versionbits.h , versionbits.cpp
- VersionBitsState() : versionbits.cpp , versionbits.h
- VersionBitsStateSinceHeight() : versionbits.cpp , versionbits.h
- VersionBitsStatistics() : versionbits.cpp , versionbits.h
- VersionBitsTipState() : validation.h , validation.cpp
- VersionBitsTipStateSinceHeight() : validation.cpp , validation.h
- VersionBitsTipStatistics() : validation.h , validation.cpp
- VG_CHECK : tests.c
- VG_UNDEF : tests.c
- vMsgsBeforeOpenLog : util.cpp
- vote_instance_m_cit : governance-object.h
- vote_instance_m_it : governance-object.h
- vote_instance_m_t : governance-object.h
- VOTE_OUTCOME_ABSTAIN : governance-vote.h
- vote_outcome_enum_t : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_OUTCOME_NO : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_OUTCOME_NONE : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_OUTCOME_YES : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_SIGNAL_DELETE : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_SIGNAL_ENDORSED : governance-vote.h
- vote_signal_enum_t : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_SIGNAL_FUNDING : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_SIGNAL_NONE : governance-vote.h
- VOTE_SIGNAL_VALID : governance-vote.h
- vote_time_pair_t : governance-object.h
- voteraw() : governance.cpp
- VoteWithMasternodes() : governance.cpp
- vQueueNotifications : transactiontablemodel.cpp
- vRPCCommands : server.cpp
- vRPCConvertParams : client.cpp