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80 static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table(int n, secp256k1_gej *prej, secp256k1_fe *zr, const secp256k1_gej *a) {
130 static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_globalz_windowa(secp256k1_ge *pre, secp256k1_fe *globalz, const secp256k1_gej *a) {
140 static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_storage_var(const int n, secp256k1_ge_storage *pre, const secp256k1_gej *a) {
304 static void secp256k1_ecmult_context_build(secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, const secp256k1_callback *cb) {
314 ctx->pre_g = (secp256k1_ge_storage (*)[])checked_malloc(cb, sizeof((*ctx->pre_g)[0]) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_G));
317 secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_storage_var(ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_G), *ctx->pre_g, &gj);
324 ctx->pre_g_128 = (secp256k1_ge_storage (*)[])checked_malloc(cb, sizeof((*ctx->pre_g_128)[0]) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_G));
331 secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_storage_var(ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_G), *ctx->pre_g_128, &g_128j);
450 static void secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_wnaf(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, const struct secp256k1_strauss_state *state, secp256k1_gej *r, int num, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_scalar *na, const secp256k1_scalar *ng) {
475 /* split na into na_1 and na_lam (where na = na_1 + na_lam*lambda, and na_1 and na_lam are ~128 bit) */
479 state->ps[no].bits_na_1 = secp256k1_ecmult_wnaf(state->ps[no].wnaf_na_1, 130, &state->ps[no].na_1, WINDOW_A);
480 state->ps[no].bits_na_lam = secp256k1_ecmult_wnaf(state->ps[no].wnaf_na_lam, 130, &state->ps[no].na_lam, WINDOW_A);
511 secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table(ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), state->prej, state->zr, &a[state->ps[0].input_pos]);
515 secp256k1_fe_normalize_var(&(state->prej[(np - 1) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) - 1].z));
517 secp256k1_gej_rescale(&tmp, &(state->prej[(np - 1) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) - 1].z));
518 secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table(ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), state->prej + np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), state->zr + np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), &tmp);
519 secp256k1_fe_mul(state->zr + np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), state->zr + np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A), &(a[state->ps[np].input_pos].z));
522 secp256k1_ge_globalz_set_table_gej(ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) * no, state->pre_a, &Z, state->prej, state->zr);
530 secp256k1_ge_mul_lambda(&state->pre_a_lam[np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + i], &state->pre_a[np * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + i]);
535 /* split ng into ng_1 and ng_128 (where gn = gn_1 + gn_128*2^128, and gn_1 and gn_128 are ~128 bit) */
600 static void secp256k1_ecmult(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_scalar *na, const secp256k1_scalar *ng) {
622 static const size_t point_size = (2 * sizeof(secp256k1_ge) + sizeof(secp256k1_gej) + sizeof(secp256k1_fe)) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + sizeof(struct secp256k1_strauss_point_state) + sizeof(secp256k1_gej) + sizeof(secp256k1_scalar);
624 static const size_t point_size = (sizeof(secp256k1_ge) + sizeof(secp256k1_gej) + sizeof(secp256k1_fe)) * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) + sizeof(struct secp256k1_strauss_point_state) + sizeof(secp256k1_gej) + sizeof(secp256k1_scalar);
629 static int secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_batch(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points, size_t cb_offset) {
640 if (!secp256k1_scratch_allocate_frame(scratch, secp256k1_strauss_scratch_size(n_points), STRAUSS_SCRATCH_OBJECTS)) {
644 scalars = (secp256k1_scalar*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * sizeof(secp256k1_scalar));
645 state.prej = (secp256k1_gej*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) * sizeof(secp256k1_gej));
646 state.zr = (secp256k1_fe*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) * sizeof(secp256k1_fe));
648 state.pre_a = (secp256k1_ge*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * 2 * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) * sizeof(secp256k1_ge));
651 state.pre_a = (secp256k1_ge*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * ECMULT_TABLE_SIZE(WINDOW_A) * sizeof(secp256k1_ge));
653 state.ps = (struct secp256k1_strauss_point_state*)secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, n_points * sizeof(struct secp256k1_strauss_point_state));
669 static int secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_batch_single(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *actx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n) {
674 return secp256k1_scratch_max_allocation(scratch, STRAUSS_SCRATCH_OBJECTS) / secp256k1_strauss_scratch_size(1);
732 if (pos >= 2 && ((wnaf[pos - 1] == 1 && wnaf[pos - 2] < 0) || (wnaf[pos - 1] == -1 && wnaf[pos - 2] > 0))) {
763 static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_wnaf(secp256k1_gej *buckets, int bucket_window, struct secp256k1_pippenger_state *state, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *sc, const secp256k1_ge *pt, size_t num) {
775 state->ps[no].skew_na = secp256k1_wnaf_fixed(&state->wnaf_na[no*n_wnaf], &sc[np], bucket_window+1);
936 SECP256K1_INLINE static void secp256k1_ecmult_endo_split(secp256k1_scalar *s1, secp256k1_scalar *s2, secp256k1_ge *p1, secp256k1_ge *p2) {
962 size_t entry_size = sizeof(secp256k1_ge) + sizeof(secp256k1_scalar) + sizeof(struct secp256k1_pippenger_point_state) + (WNAF_SIZE(bucket_window+1)+1)*sizeof(int);
963 return (sizeof(secp256k1_gej) << bucket_window) + sizeof(struct secp256k1_pippenger_state) + entries * entry_size;
966 static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_batch(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points, size_t cb_offset) {
991 if (!secp256k1_scratch_allocate_frame(scratch, secp256k1_pippenger_scratch_size(n_points, bucket_window), PIPPENGER_SCRATCH_OBJECTS)) {
996 state_space = (struct secp256k1_pippenger_state *) secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, sizeof(*state_space));
997 state_space->ps = (struct secp256k1_pippenger_point_state *) secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, entries * sizeof(*state_space->ps));
998 state_space->wnaf_na = (int *) secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, entries*(WNAF_SIZE(bucket_window+1)) * sizeof(int));
999 buckets = (secp256k1_gej *) secp256k1_scratch_alloc(scratch, sizeof(*buckets) << bucket_window);
1042 static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_batch_single(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *actx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n) {
1061 size_t entry_size = sizeof(secp256k1_ge) + sizeof(secp256k1_scalar) + sizeof(struct secp256k1_pippenger_point_state) + (WNAF_SIZE(bucket_window+1)+1)*sizeof(int);
1066 space_overhead = (sizeof(secp256k1_gej) << bucket_window) + entry_size + sizeof(struct secp256k1_pippenger_state);
1089 static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_simple_var(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points) {
1116 static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_batch_size_helper(size_t *n_batches, size_t *n_batch_points, size_t max_n_batch_points, size_t n) {
1134 typedef int (*secp256k1_ecmult_multi_func)(const secp256k1_ecmult_context*, secp256k1_scratch*, secp256k1_gej*, const secp256k1_scalar*, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void*, size_t);
1135 static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_var(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n) {
1138 int (*f)(const secp256k1_ecmult_context*, secp256k1_scratch*, secp256k1_gej*, const secp256k1_scalar*, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void*, size_t, size_t);
1155 /* Compute the batch sizes for pippenger given a scratch space. If it's greater than a threshold
1157 if (!secp256k1_ecmult_multi_batch_size_helper(&n_batches, &n_batch_points, secp256k1_pippenger_max_points(scratch), n)) {
1163 if (!secp256k1_ecmult_multi_batch_size_helper(&n_batches, &n_batch_points, secp256k1_strauss_max_points(scratch), n)) {
static void secp256k1_ge_globalz_set_table_gej(size_t len, secp256k1_ge *r, secp256k1_fe *globalz, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_fe *zr)
Bring a batch inputs given in jacobian coordinates (with known z-ratios) to the same global z "denomi...
static int secp256k1_ge_is_infinity(const secp256k1_ge *a)
Check whether a group element is the point at infinity.
static int secp256k1_ecmult_context_is_built(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:356
static void secp256k1_ecmult_context_clone(secp256k1_ecmult_context *dst, const secp256k1_ecmult_context *src, const secp256k1_callback *cb)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:336
static int secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(const secp256k1_gej *a)
Check whether a group element is the point at infinity.
Definition: field_10x26.h:12
static void secp256k1_gej_add_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_gej *b, secp256k1_fe *rzr)
Set r equal to the sum of a and b.
static int secp256k1_scalar_is_even(const secp256k1_scalar *a)
Check whether a scalar, considered as an nonnegative integer, is even.
static void secp256k1_ecmult_context_clear(secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:360
static size_t secp256k1_pippenger_scratch_size(size_t n_points, int bucket_window)
Returns the scratch size required for a given number of points (excluding base point G) without consi...
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:956
static void secp256k1_ecmult_context_init(secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:297
static size_t secp256k1_pippenger_max_points(secp256k1_scratch *scratch)
Returns the maximum number of points in addition to G that can be used with a given scratch space...
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1051
static void secp256k1_ge_neg(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_ge *a)
static void secp256k1_fe_mul(secp256k1_fe *r, const secp256k1_fe *a, const secp256k1_fe *SECP256K1_RESTRICT b)
Sets a field element to be the product of two others.
static void secp256k1_fe_normalize_var(secp256k1_fe *r)
Normalize a field element, without constant-time guarantee.
static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_wnaf(secp256k1_gej *buckets, int bucket_window, struct secp256k1_pippenger_state *state, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *sc, const secp256k1_ge *pt, size_t num)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:763
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:751
static void secp256k1_fe_negate(secp256k1_fe *r, const secp256k1_fe *a, int m)
Set a field element equal to the additive inverse of another.
static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_batch_single(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *actx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1042
static int secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_batch(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points, size_t cb_offset)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:629
static unsigned int secp256k1_scalar_get_bits(const secp256k1_scalar *a, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count)
Access bits from a scalar.
static void secp256k1_scalar_negate(secp256k1_scalar *r, const secp256k1_scalar *a)
Compute the complement of a scalar (modulo the group order).
static int secp256k1_scalar_is_zero(const secp256k1_scalar *a)
Check whether a scalar equals zero.
#define ECMULT_TABLE_GET_GE_STORAGE(r, pre, n, w)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:285
The number of entries a table with precomputed multiples needs to have.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:54
static void secp256k1_gej_add_zinv_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_ge *b, const secp256k1_fe *bzinv)
Set r equal to the sum of a and b (with the inverse of b's Z coordinate passed as bzinv)...
A group element of the secp256k1 curve, in jacobian coordinates.
Definition: group.h:24
static void secp256k1_fe_set_int(secp256k1_fe *r, int a)
Set a field element equal to a small integer.
static void secp256k1_fe_to_storage(secp256k1_fe_storage *r, const secp256k1_fe *a)
Convert a field element to the storage type.
static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_storage_var(const int n, secp256k1_ge_storage *pre, const secp256k1_gej *a)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:140
static void secp256k1_gej_set_infinity(secp256k1_gej *r)
Set a group element (jacobian) equal to the point at infinity.
static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_simple_var(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1089
static void secp256k1_fe_add(secp256k1_fe *r, const secp256k1_fe *a)
Adds a field element to another.
static void secp256k1_gej_add_ge_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_ge *b, secp256k1_fe *rzr)
Set r equal to the sum of a and b (with b given in affine coordinates).
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:746
static void secp256k1_gej_double_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, secp256k1_fe *rzr)
Set r equal to the double of a.
static const secp256k1_ge secp256k1_ge_const_g
Generator for secp256k1, value 'g' defined in "Standards for Efficient Cryptography" (SEC2) 2...
Definition: group_impl.h:64
#define WINDOW_G
larger numbers may result in slightly better performance, at the cost of exponentially larger precomp...
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:41
static void secp256k1_scratch_deallocate_frame(secp256k1_scratch *scratch)
Deallocates a stack frame.
Definition: group.h:34
static int secp256k1_scratch_allocate_frame(secp256k1_scratch *scratch, size_t n, size_t objects)
Attempts to allocate a new stack frame with n available bytes.
static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table_globalz_windowa(secp256k1_ge *pre, secp256k1_fe *globalz, const secp256k1_gej *a)
Fill a table 'pre' with precomputed odd multiples of a.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:130
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:426
static size_t secp256k1_pippenger_bucket_window_inv(int bucket_window)
Returns the maximum optimal number of points for a bucket_window.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:901
static void secp256k1_gej_clear(secp256k1_gej *r)
Clear a secp256k1_gej to prevent leaking sensitive information.
static int secp256k1_scalar_is_high(const secp256k1_scalar *a)
Check whether a scalar is higher than the group order divided by 2.
static int secp256k1_pippenger_bucket_window(size_t n)
Returns optimal bucket_window (number of bits of a scalar represented by a set of buckets) for a give...
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:844
static size_t secp256k1_scratch_max_allocation(const secp256k1_scratch *scratch, size_t n_objects)
Returns the maximum allocation the scratch space will allow.
static int secp256k1_wnaf_fixed(int *wnaf, const secp256k1_scalar *s, int w)
Convert a number to WNAF notation.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:684
static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_var(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1135
static void secp256k1_scalar_clear(secp256k1_scalar *r)
Clear a scalar to prevent the leak of sensitive data.
static size_t secp256k1_strauss_scratch_size(size_t n_points)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:620
static void * secp256k1_scratch_alloc(secp256k1_scratch *scratch, size_t n)
Returns a pointer into the most recently allocated frame, or NULL if there is insufficient available ...
A scalar modulo the group order of the secp256k1 curve.
Definition: scalar_4x64.h:13
static void secp256k1_fe_sqr(secp256k1_fe *r, const secp256k1_fe *a)
Sets a field element to be the square of another.
static void secp256k1_scalar_split_128(secp256k1_scalar *r1, secp256k1_scalar *r2, const secp256k1_scalar *a)
Definition: scalar_low_impl.h:105
static void secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_wnaf(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, const struct secp256k1_strauss_state *state, secp256k1_gej *r, int num, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_scalar *na, const secp256k1_scalar *ng)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:450
static int secp256k1_ecmult_strauss_batch_single(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *actx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:669
static void secp256k1_gej_rescale(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_fe *b)
Rescale a jacobian point by b which must be non-zero.
#define ECMULT_TABLE_GET_GE(r, pre, n, w)
The following two macro retrieves a particular odd multiple from a table of precomputed multiples...
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:273
static void secp256k1_scalar_set_int(secp256k1_scalar *r, unsigned int v)
Set a scalar to an unsigned integer.
static void secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_fe *zi)
Definition: group_impl.h:74
static void secp256k1_ecmult_odd_multiples_table(int n, secp256k1_gej *prej, secp256k1_fe *zr, const secp256k1_gej *a)
Fill a table 'prej' with precomputed odd multiples of a.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:80
struct secp256k1_pippenger_point_state * ps
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:753
static unsigned int secp256k1_scalar_get_bits_var(const secp256k1_scalar *a, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count)
Access bits from a scalar.
static int secp256k1_ecmult_pippenger_batch(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_scratch *scratch, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_scalar *inp_g_sc, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *cbdata, size_t n_points, size_t cb_offset)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:966
Definition: ecmult.h:15
int() secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback(secp256k1_scalar *sc, secp256k1_ge *pt, size_t idx, void *data)
Definition: ecmult.h:33
static void secp256k1_ge_from_storage(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_ge_storage *a)
Convert a group element back from the storage type.
static void secp256k1_gej_set_ge(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_ge *a)
Set a group element (jacobian) equal to another which is given in affine coordinates.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:440
static int secp256k1_ecmult_multi_batch_size_helper(size_t *n_batches, size_t *n_batch_points, size_t max_n_batch_points, size_t n)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1116
Definition: scratch.h:14
static int secp256k1_ecmult_wnaf(int *wnaf, int len, const secp256k1_scalar *a, int w)
Convert a number to WNAF notation.
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:375
static void secp256k1_ecmult(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_scalar *na, const secp256k1_scalar *ng)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:600
static size_t secp256k1_strauss_max_points(secp256k1_scratch *scratch)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:673
int(* secp256k1_ecmult_multi_func)(const secp256k1_ecmult_context *, secp256k1_scratch *, secp256k1_gej *, const secp256k1_scalar *, secp256k1_ecmult_multi_callback cb, void *, size_t)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:1134
static void secp256k1_fe_inv_var(secp256k1_fe *r, const secp256k1_fe *a)
Potentially faster version of secp256k1_fe_inv, without constant-time guarantee.
Definition: util.h:18
static void secp256k1_ge_to_storage(secp256k1_ge_storage *r, const secp256k1_ge *a)
Convert a group element to the storage type.
static SECP256K1_INLINE void * checked_malloc(const secp256k1_callback *cb, size_t size)
Definition: util.h:71
static void secp256k1_ecmult_context_build(secp256k1_ecmult_context *ctx, const secp256k1_callback *cb)
Definition: ecmult_impl.h:304