QColor | GUIUtil::getThemedQColor (ThemedColor color) |
| Helper to get colors for various themes which can't be applied via css for some reason. More...
QString | GUIUtil::getThemedStyleQString (ThemedStyle style) |
| Helper to get css style strings which are injected into rich text through qt. More...
QIcon | GUIUtil::getIcon (const QString &strIcon, ThemedColor color, ThemedColor colorAlternative, const QString &strIconPath=ICONS_PATH) |
| Helper to get an icon colorized with the given color (replaces black) and colorAlternative (replaces white) More...
QIcon | GUIUtil::getIcon (const QString &strIcon, const ThemedColor color, const QString &strIconPath) |
void | GUIUtil::setIcon (QAbstractButton *button, const QString &strIcon, ThemedColor color, ThemedColor colorAlternative, const QSize &size) |
| Helper to set an icon for a button with the given color (replaces black) and colorAlternative (replaces white). More...
void | GUIUtil::setIcon (QAbstractButton *button, const QString &strIcon, const ThemedColor color, const QSize &size) |
QString | GUIUtil::dateTimeStr (const QDateTime &date) |
QString | GUIUtil::dateTimeStr (qint64 nTime) |
void | GUIUtil::setupAddressWidget (QValidatedLineEdit *widget, QWidget *parent, bool fAllowURI) |
void | GUIUtil::setupAmountWidget (QLineEdit *widget, QWidget *parent) |
void | GUIUtil::setupAppearance (QWidget *parent, OptionsModel *model) |
bool | GUIUtil::parseBitcoinURI (const QUrl &uri, SendCoinsRecipient *out) |
bool | GUIUtil::parseBitcoinURI (QString uri, SendCoinsRecipient *out) |
bool | GUIUtil::validateBitcoinURI (const QString &uri) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatBitcoinURI (const SendCoinsRecipient &info) |
bool | GUIUtil::isDust (const QString &address, const CAmount &amount) |
QString | GUIUtil::HtmlEscape (const QString &str, bool fMultiLine) |
QString | GUIUtil::HtmlEscape (const std::string &str, bool fMultiLine) |
void | GUIUtil::copyEntryData (QAbstractItemView *view, int column, int role=Qt::EditRole) |
| Copy a field of the currently selected entry of a view to the clipboard. More...
QList< QModelIndex > | GUIUtil::getEntryData (QAbstractItemView *view, int column) |
| Return a field of the currently selected entry as a QString. More...
void | GUIUtil::setClipboard (const QString &str) |
QString | GUIUtil::getSaveFileName (QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedSuffixOut) |
| Get save filename, mimics QFileDialog::getSaveFileName, except that it appends a default suffix when no suffix is provided by the user. More...
QString | GUIUtil::getOpenFileName (QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedSuffixOut) |
| Get open filename, convenience wrapper for QFileDialog::getOpenFileName. More...
Qt::ConnectionType | GUIUtil::blockingGUIThreadConnection () |
| Get connection type to call object slot in GUI thread with invokeMethod. More...
bool | GUIUtil::isObscured (QWidget *w) |
void | GUIUtil::bringToFront (QWidget *w) |
void | GUIUtil::openDebugLogfile () |
void | GUIUtil::openConfigfile () |
void | GUIUtil::showBackups () |
void | GUIUtil::SubstituteFonts (const QString &language) |
bool | GUIUtil::GetStartOnSystemStartup () |
bool | GUIUtil::SetStartOnSystemStartup (bool fAutoStart) |
void | GUIUtil::migrateQtSettings () |
| Modify Qt network specific settings on migration. More...
void | GUIUtil::setStyleSheetDirectory (const QString &path) |
| Change the stylesheet directory. More...
bool | GUIUtil::isStyleSheetDirectoryCustom () |
| Check if a custom css directory has been set with -custom-css-dir. More...
const std::vector< QString > | GUIUtil::listStyleSheets () |
| Return a list of all required css files. More...
const std::vector< QString > | GUIUtil::listThemes () |
| Return a list of all theme css files. More...
const QString | GUIUtil::getDefaultTheme () |
| Return the name of the default theme `. More...
void | GUIUtil::loadStyleSheet (QWidget *widget=nullptr, bool fForceUpdate=false) |
| Updates the widgets stylesheet and adds it to the list of ui debug elements. More...
FontFamily | GUIUtil::fontFamilyFromString (const QString &strFamily) |
QString | GUIUtil::fontFamilyToString (FontFamily family) |
FontFamily | GUIUtil::getFontFamilyDefault () |
| set/get font family: GUIUtil::fontFamily More...
FontFamily | GUIUtil::getFontFamily () |
void | GUIUtil::setFontFamily (FontFamily family) |
bool | GUIUtil::weightFromArg (int nArg, QFont::Weight &weight) |
| Convert weight value from args (0-8) to QFont::Weight. More...
int | GUIUtil::weightToArg (const QFont::Weight weight) |
| Convert QFont::Weight to an arg value (0-8) More...
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::toQFontWeight (FontWeight weight) |
| Convert GUIUtil::FontWeight to QFont::Weight. More...
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::getFontWeightNormalDefault () |
| set/get normal font weight: GUIUtil::fontWeightNormal More...
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::getFontWeightNormal () |
void | GUIUtil::setFontWeightNormal (QFont::Weight weight) |
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::getFontWeightBoldDefault () |
| set/get bold font weight: GUIUtil::fontWeightBold More...
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::getFontWeightBold () |
void | GUIUtil::setFontWeightBold (QFont::Weight weight) |
int | GUIUtil::getFontScaleDefault () |
| set/get font scale: GUIUtil::fontScale More...
int | GUIUtil::getFontScale () |
void | GUIUtil::setFontScale (int nScale) |
double | GUIUtil::getScaledFontSize (int nSize) |
| get font size with GUIUtil::fontScale applied More...
bool | GUIUtil::loadFonts () |
| Load dash specific appliciation fonts. More...
void | GUIUtil::setApplicationFont () |
| Set an application wide default font, depends on the selected theme. More...
void | GUIUtil::setFont (const std::vector< QWidget * > &vecWidgets, FontWeight weight, int nPointSize=-1, bool fItalic=false) |
| Workaround to set correct font styles in all themes since there is a bug in macOS which leads to issues loading variations of montserrat in css it also keeps track of the set fonts to update on theme changes. More...
void | GUIUtil::updateFonts () |
| Update the font of all widgets where a custom font has been set with GUIUtil::setFont. More...
QFont | GUIUtil::getFont (FontFamily family, QFont::Weight qWeight, bool fItalic=false, int nPointSize=-1) |
| Get a properly weighted QFont object with the selected font. More...
QFont | GUIUtil::getFont (QFont::Weight qWeight, bool fItalic, int nPointSize) |
QFont | GUIUtil::getFont (FontWeight weight, bool fItalic, int nPointSize) |
QFont | GUIUtil::getFontNormal () |
| Get the default normal QFont. More...
QFont | GUIUtil::getFontBold () |
| Get the default bold QFont. More...
std::vector< QFont::Weight > | GUIUtil::getSupportedWeights () |
| Return supported weights for the current font family. More...
QFont::Weight | GUIUtil::supportedWeightFromIndex (int nIndex) |
| Convert an index to a weight in the supported weights vector. More...
int | GUIUtil::supportedWeightToIndex (QFont::Weight weight) |
| Convert a weight to an index in the supported weights vector. More...
QString | GUIUtil::getActiveTheme () |
| Return the name of the currently active theme. More...
bool | GUIUtil::dashThemeActive () |
| Check if a dash specific theme is activated (light/dark). More...
void | GUIUtil::loadTheme (QWidget *widget=nullptr, bool fForce=false) |
| Load the theme and update all UI elements according to the appearance settings. More...
void | GUIUtil::disableMacFocusRect (const QWidget *w) |
| Disable the OS default focus rect for macOS because we have custom focus rects set in the css files. More...
void | GUIUtil::updateMacFocusRects () |
| Enable/Disable the macOS focus rects depending on the current theme. More...
fs::path | GUIUtil::qstringToBoostPath (const QString &path) |
QString | GUIUtil::boostPathToQString (const fs::path &path) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatDurationStr (int secs) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatServicesStr (quint64 mask) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatPingTime (double dPingTime) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatTimeOffset (int64_t nTimeOffset) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatNiceTimeOffset (qint64 secs) |
QString | GUIUtil::formatBytes (uint64_t bytes) |
qreal | GUIUtil::calculateIdealFontSize (int width, const QString &text, QFont font, qreal minPointSize, qreal font_size) |