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1 //
2 // immer: immutable data structures for C++
3 // Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente
4 //
5 // This software is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
6 // See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
7 //
9 #pragma once
11 #include <immer/config.hpp>
13 #include <cstddef>
14 #include <new>
15 #include <type_traits>
16 #include <memory>
20 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
21 #include <intrin.h> // for __lzcnt*
22 #endif
24 namespace immer {
25 namespace detail {
27 template <typename T>
28 using aligned_storage_for =
29  typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type;
31 template <typename T>
32 T& auto_const_cast(const T& x) { return const_cast<T&>(x); }
33 template <typename T>
34 T&& auto_const_cast(const T&& x) { return const_cast<T&&>(std::move(x)); }
36 template <typename Iter1, typename Iter2>
37 auto uninitialized_move(Iter1 in1, Iter1 in2, Iter2 out)
38 {
39  return std::uninitialized_copy(std::make_move_iterator(in1),
40  std::make_move_iterator(in2),
41  out);
42 }
44 template <class T>
45 void destroy(T* first, T* last)
46 {
47  for (; first != last; ++first)
48  first->~T();
49 }
51 template <class T, class Size>
52 void destroy_n(T* p, Size n)
53 {
54  auto e = p + n;
55  for (; p != e; ++p)
56  p->~T();
57 }
59 template <typename Heap, typename T, typename... Args>
60 T* make(Args&& ...args)
61 {
62  auto ptr = Heap::allocate(sizeof(T));
63  try {
64  return new (ptr) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
65  } catch (...) {
66  Heap::deallocate(sizeof(T), ptr);
67  throw;
68  }
69 }
71 struct not_supported_t {};
72 struct empty_t {};
74 template <typename T>
75 struct exact_t
76 {
77  T value;
78  exact_t(T v) : value{v} {};
79 };
81 template <typename T>
82 inline constexpr auto clz_(T) -> not_supported_t { IMMER_UNREACHABLE; return {}; }
83 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
84 // inline auto clz_(unsigned short x) { return __lzcnt16(x); }
85 // inline auto clz_(unsigned int x) { return __lzcnt(x); }
86 // inline auto clz_(unsigned __int64 x) { return __lzcnt64(x); }
87 #else
88 inline constexpr auto clz_(unsigned int x) { return __builtin_clz(x); }
89 inline constexpr auto clz_(unsigned long x) { return __builtin_clzl(x); }
90 inline constexpr auto clz_(unsigned long long x) { return __builtin_clzll(x); }
91 #endif
93 template <typename T>
94 inline constexpr T log2_aux(T x, T r = 0)
95 {
96  return x <= 1 ? r : log2_aux(x >> 1, r + 1);
97 }
99 template <typename T>
100 inline constexpr auto log2(T x)
101  -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<decltype(clz_(x)), not_supported_t>::value, T>
102 {
103  return x == 0 ? 0 : sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 1 - clz_(x);
104 }
106 template <typename T>
107 inline constexpr auto log2(T x)
108  -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(clz_(x)), not_supported_t>::value, T>
109 {
110  return log2_aux(x);
111 }
113 template <bool b, typename F>
114 auto static_if(F&& f) -> std::enable_if_t<b>
115 { std::forward<F>(f)(empty_t{}); }
116 template <bool b, typename F>
117 auto static_if(F&& f) -> std::enable_if_t<!b>
118 {}
120 template <bool b, typename R=void, typename F1, typename F2>
121 auto static_if(F1&& f1, F2&& f2) -> std::enable_if_t<b, R>
122 { return std::forward<F1>(f1)(empty_t{}); }
123 template <bool b, typename R=void, typename F1, typename F2>
124 auto static_if(F1&& f1, F2&& f2) -> std::enable_if_t<!b, R>
125 { return std::forward<F2>(f2)(empty_t{}); }
127 template <typename T, T value>
129 {
130  template <typename... Args>
131  T operator() (Args&&...) const { return value; }
132 };
137 template <typename Iterator, typename Sentinel,
138  std::enable_if_t
139  <detail::std_distance_supports_v<Iterator,Sentinel>, bool> = true>
140 typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
141 distance(Iterator first, Sentinel last)
142 {
143  return std::distance(first, last);
144 }
150 template <typename Iterator, typename Sentinel,
151  std::enable_if_t
152  <(!detail::std_distance_supports_v<Iterator,Sentinel>)
153  && detail::is_forward_iterator_v<Iterator>
154  && detail::compatible_sentinel_v<Iterator,Sentinel>
155  && (!detail::is_subtractable_v<Sentinel, Iterator>), bool> = true>
156 typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
157 distance(Iterator first, Sentinel last)
158 {
159  std::size_t result = 0;
160  while (first != last) {
161  ++first;
162  ++result;
163  }
164  return result;
165 }
171 template <typename Iterator, typename Sentinel,
172  std::enable_if_t
173  <(!detail::std_distance_supports_v<Iterator,Sentinel>)
174  && detail::is_forward_iterator_v<Iterator>
175  && detail::compatible_sentinel_v<Iterator,Sentinel>
176  && detail::is_subtractable_v<Sentinel, Iterator>, bool> = true>
177 typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
178 distance(Iterator first, Sentinel last)
179 {
180  return last - first;
181 }
188 template <typename Iterator, typename Sentinel, typename SinkIter,
189  std::enable_if_t
191  <Iterator,Sentinel,SinkIter>, bool> = true>
192 SinkIter uninitialized_copy(Iterator first, Sentinel last, SinkIter d_first)
193 {
194  return std::uninitialized_copy(first, last, d_first);
195 }
201 template <typename SourceIter, typename Sent, typename SinkIter,
202  std::enable_if_t
203  <(!detail::std_uninitialized_copy_supports_v<SourceIter, Sent, SinkIter>)
204  && detail::compatible_sentinel_v<SourceIter,Sent>
205  && detail::is_forward_iterator_v<SinkIter>, bool> = true>
206 SinkIter uninitialized_copy(SourceIter first, Sent last, SinkIter d_first)
207 {
208  auto current = d_first;
209  try {
210  while (first != last) {
211  *current++ = *first;
212  ++first;
213  }
214  } catch (...) {
215  using Value = typename std::iterator_traits<SinkIter>::value_type;
216  for (;d_first != current; ++d_first){
217  d_first->~Value();
218  }
219  throw;
220  }
221  return current;
222 }
224 } // namespace detail
225 } // namespace immer
void destroy(T *first, T *last)
Definition: util.hpp:45
constexpr auto log2(T x) -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< decltype(clz_(x)), not_supported_t >::value, T >
Definition: util.hpp:100
void destroy_n(T *p, Size n)
Definition: util.hpp:52
std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::difference_type distance(Iterator first, Sentinel last)
Definition: util.hpp:141
T * make(Args &&...args)
Definition: util.hpp:60
SinkIter uninitialized_copy(Iterator first, Sentinel last, SinkIter d_first)
Definition: util.hpp:192
std::size_t size_t
Definition: bits.hpp:21
constexpr T log2_aux(T x, T r=0)
Definition: util.hpp:94
constexpr auto clz_(T) -> not_supported_t
Definition: util.hpp:82
auto static_if(F &&f) -> std::enable_if_t< b >
Definition: util.hpp:114
SinkIter uninitialized_copy(SourceIter first, Sent last, SinkIter d_first)
Definition: util.hpp:206
auto uninitialized_move(Iter1 in1, Iter1 in2, Iter2 out)
Definition: util.hpp:37
T & auto_const_cast(const T &x)
Definition: util.hpp:32
Definition: config.hpp:45
typename std::aligned_storage< sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type aligned_storage_for
Definition: util.hpp:29
constexpr bool std_uninitialized_copy_supports_v
T operator()(Args &&...) const
Definition: util.hpp:131
Released under the MIT license