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167 bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock);
169 bool AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex);
170 bool AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp, bool* fNewBlock);
173 DisconnectResult DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view);
178 bool DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool);
182 bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex);
188 bool AddGenesisBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state);
195 bool ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, bool& fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace& connectTrace);
196 bool ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, ConnectTrace& connectTrace, DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool);
198 CBlockIndex* AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block, enum BlockStatus nStatus = BLOCK_VALID_TREE);
205 bool ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos);
208 bool RollforwardBlock(const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, const CChainParams& params);
311 static bool FlushStateToDisk(const CChainParams& chainParams, CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode, int nManualPruneHeight=0);
314 bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, bool fScriptChecks, unsigned int flags, bool cacheSigStore, bool cacheFullScriptStore, PrecomputedTransactionData& txdata, std::vector<CScriptCheck> *pvChecks = nullptr);
367 bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints* lp, bool useExistingLockPoints)
461 return (nPrevoutHeight > -1 && chainActive.Tip()) ? chainActive.Height() - nPrevoutHeight + 1 : -1;
465 bool ContextualCheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev)
491 if (fDIP0001Active_context && ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE)
498 static unsigned int GetBlockScriptFlags(const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& chainparams);
580 mempool.removeForReorg(pcoinsTip.get(), chainActive.Tip()->nHeight + 1, STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS);
582 LimitMempoolSize(mempool, gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, gArgs.GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60);
587 static bool CheckInputsFromMempoolAndCache(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &view, CTxMemPool& pool,
621 static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(const CChainParams& chainparams, CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState& state, const CTransactionRef& ptx,
628 LOCK(pool.cs); // mempool "read lock" (held through GetMainSignals().TransactionAddedToMempool())
637 return error("%s: ContextualCheckTransaction: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
664 llmq::CInstantSendLockPtr conflictLock = llmq::quorumInstantSendManager->GetConflictingLock(tx);
714 return false; // fMissingInputs and !state.IsInvalid() is used to detect this condition, don't set state.Invalid()
721 // we have all inputs cached now, so switch back to dummy, so we don't need to keep lock on mempool
734 return error("%s: Consensus::CheckTxInputs: %s, %s", __func__, tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
771 CAmount mempoolRejectFee = pool.GetMinFee(gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFee(nSize);
773 return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool min fee not met", false, strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, mempoolRejectFee));
789 size_t nLimitAncestorSize = gArgs.GetArg("-limitancestorsize", DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT)*1000;
791 size_t nLimitDescendantSize = gArgs.GetArg("-limitdescendantsize", DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT)*1000;
793 if (!pool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(entry, setAncestors, nLimitAncestors, nLimitAncestorSize, nLimitDescendants, nLimitDescendantSize, errString)) {
797 // check special TXs after all the other checks. If we'd do this before the other checks, we might end up
798 // DoS scoring a node for non-critical errors, e.g. duplicate keys because a TX is received that was already
833 unsigned int currentBlockScriptVerifyFlags = GetBlockScriptFlags(chainActive.Tip(), chainparams.GetConsensus());
834 if (!CheckInputsFromMempoolAndCache(tx, state, view, pool, currentBlockScriptVerifyFlags, true, txdata)) {
835 return error("%s: BUG! PLEASE REPORT THIS! CheckInputs failed against latest-block but not STANDARD flags %s, %s",
844 bool validForFeeEstimation = (nFees !=0) && !bypass_limits && IsCurrentForFeeEstimation() && pool.HasNoInputsOf(tx);
860 LimitMempoolSize(pool, gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000, gArgs.GetArg("-mempoolexpiry", DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY) * 60 * 60);
873 static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(const CChainParams& chainparams, CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx,
878 bool res = AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(chainparams, pool, state, tx, pfMissingInputs, nAcceptTime, bypass_limits, nAbsurdFee, coins_to_uncache, fDryRun);
880 if(!res) LogPrint(BCLog::MEMPOOL, "%s: %s %s (%s)\n", __func__, tx->GetHash().ToString(), state.GetRejectReason(), state.GetDebugMessage());
884 // After we've (potentially) uncached entries, ensure our coins cache is still within its size limits
894 return AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(chainparams, pool, state, tx, pfMissingInputs, GetTime(), bypass_limits, nAbsurdFee, fDryRun);
897 bool GetTimestampIndex(const unsigned int &high, const unsigned int &low, std::vector<uint256> &hashes)
950 bool GetTransaction(const uint256& hash, CTransactionRef& txOut, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, uint256& hashBlock, bool fAllowSlow, CBlockIndex* blockIndex)
1022 static bool WriteBlockToDisk(const CBlock& block, CDiskBlockPos& pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& messageStart)
1043 bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
1067 bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
1078 return error("ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock&, CBlockIndex*): GetHash() doesn't match index for %s at %s",
1108 CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nPrevBits, int nPrevHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fSuperblockPartOnly)
1143 for (int i = consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval; i <= nPrevHeight; i += consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval) {
1153 CAmount nSuperblockPart = (nPrevHeight > consensusParams.nBudgetPaymentsStartBlock) ? nSubsidy/10 : 0;
1167 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 1)) ret += blockValue / 20; // 175280 - 30.0% - 2014-11-25
1168 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 2)) ret += blockValue / 20; // 192560 - 35.0% - 2014-12-26
1169 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 3)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 209840 - 37.5% - 2015-01-26
1170 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 4)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 227120 - 40.0% - 2015-02-27
1171 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 5)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 244400 - 42.5% - 2015-03-30
1172 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 6)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 261680 - 45.0% - 2015-05-01
1173 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 7)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 278960 - 47.5% - 2015-06-01
1174 if(nHeight > nMNPIBlock+(nMNPIPeriod* 9)) ret += blockValue / 40; // 313520 - 50.0% - 2015-08-03
1183 int nReallocStart = nReallocActivationHeight - nReallocActivationHeight % nSuperblockCycle + nSuperblockCycle;
1214 int nCurrentPeriod = std::min<int>((nHeight - nReallocStart) / nReallocCycle, vecPeriods.size() - 1);
1276 if (pindexBestForkTip || (pindexBestInvalid && pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork > chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork + (GetBlockProof(*chainActive.Tip()) * 6)))
1281 std::string warning = std::string("'Warning: Large-work fork detected, forking after block ") +
1289 LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Large valid fork found\n forking the chain at height %d (%s)\n lasting to height %d (%s).\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__,
1298 LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Found invalid chain at least ~6 blocks longer than our best chain.\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__);
1300 LogPrintf("%s: Warning: Found invalid chain which has higher work (at least ~6 blocks worth of work) than our best chain.\nChain state database corruption likely.\n", __func__);
1328 // or a chain that is entirely longer than ours and invalid (note that this should be detected by both)
1331 // We define it this way because it allows us to only store the highest fork tip (+ base) which meets
1356 tip->GetBlockHash().ToString(), chainActive.Height(), log(tip->nChainWork.getdouble())/log(2.0),
1371 void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, CTxUndo &txundo, int nHeight)
1395 return VerifyScript(scriptSig, m_tx_out.scriptPubKey, nFlags, CachingTransactionSignatureChecker(ptxTo, nIn, m_tx_out.nValue, txdata, cacheStore), &error);
1412 size_t nMaxCacheSize = std::min(std::max((int64_t)0, gArgs.GetArg("-maxsigcachesize", DEFAULT_MAX_SIG_CACHE_SIZE) / 2), MAX_MAX_SIG_CACHE_SIZE) * ((size_t) 1 << 20);
1414 LogPrintf("Using %zu MiB out of %zu/2 requested for script execution cache, able to store %zu elements\n",
1432 bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, bool fScriptChecks, unsigned int flags, bool cacheSigStore, bool cacheFullScriptStore, PrecomputedTransactionData& txdata, std::vector<CScriptCheck> *pvChecks)
1457 static_assert(55 - sizeof(flags) - 32 >= 128/8, "Want at least 128 bits of nonce for script execution cache");
1458 CSHA256().Write(scriptExecutionCacheNonce.begin(), 55 - sizeof(flags) - 32).Write(tx.GetHash().begin(), 32).Write((unsigned char*)&flags, sizeof(flags)).Finalize(hashCacheEntry.begin());
1459 AssertLockHeld(cs_main); //TODO: Remove this requirement by making CuckooCache not require external locks
1491 return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, strprintf("non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError())));
1500 return state.DoS(100,false, REJECT_INVALID, strprintf("mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (%s)", ScriptErrorString(check.GetScriptError())));
1517 bool UndoWriteToDisk(const CBlockUndo& blockundo, CDiskBlockPos& pos, const uint256& hashBlock, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars& messageStart)
1558 CHashVerifier<CAutoFile> verifier(&filein); // We need a CHashVerifier as reserializing may lose data
1581 userMessage.empty() ? _("Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details") : userMessage,
1587 bool AbortNode(CValidationState& state, const std::string& strMessage, const std::string& userMessage="")
1631 DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view)
1678 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, hash, k, false), out.nValue));
1681 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), hash, k), CAddressUnspentValue()));
1687 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, hash, k, false), out.nValue));
1690 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), hash, k), CAddressUnspentValue()));
1694 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, hashBytes, pindex->nHeight, i, hash, k, false), out.nValue));
1695 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, hashBytes, hash, k), CAddressUnspentValue()));
1711 if (!is_spent || tx.vout[o] != coin.out || pindex->nHeight != coin.nHeight || is_coinbase != coin.fCoinBase) {
1735 spentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CSpentIndexKey(input.prevout.hash, input.prevout.n), CSpentIndexValue()));
1742 std::vector<unsigned char> hashBytes(prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+2, prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+22);
1745 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, hash, j, true), prevout.nValue * -1));
1748 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), input.prevout.hash, input.prevout.n), CAddressUnspentValue(prevout.nValue, prevout.scriptPubKey, undoHeight)));
1752 std::vector<unsigned char> hashBytes(prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+3, prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+23);
1755 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, hash, j, true), prevout.nValue * -1));
1758 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), input.prevout.hash, input.prevout.n), CAddressUnspentValue(prevout.nValue, prevout.scriptPubKey, undoHeight)));
1762 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, hashBytes, pindex->nHeight, i, hash, j, false), prevout.nValue));
1763 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, hashBytes, hash, j), CAddressUnspentValue()));
1823 static bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize);
1825 static bool WriteUndoDataForBlock(const CBlockUndo& blockundo, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, const CChainParams& chainparams)
1830 if (!FindUndoPos(state, pindex->nFile, _pos, ::GetSerializeSize(blockundo, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION) + 40))
1832 if (!UndoWriteToDisk(blockundo, _pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.MessageStart()))
1844 static bool WriteTxIndexDataForBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex)
1874 int32_t ComputeBlockVersion(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params& params, bool fCheckMasternodesUpgraded)
1884 // TODO implement new logic for MN upgrade checks (e.g. with LLMQ based feature/version voting)
1916 int64_t EndTime(const Consensus::Params& params) const override { return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(); }
1917 int Period(const Consensus::Params& params) const override { return params.nMinerConfirmationWindow; }
1918 int Threshold(const Consensus::Params& params, int nAttempt) const override { return params.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold; }
1931 static unsigned int GetBlockScriptFlags(const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus::Params& consensusparams) {
1950 // Start enforcing BIP68 (sequence locks) and BIP112 (CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) using versionbits logic.
1951 if (VersionBitsState(pindex->pprev, consensusparams, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
1956 if (VersionBitsState(pindex->pprev, consensusparams, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_BIP147, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
1983 bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex,
2009 if (pindex->pprev && pindex->phashBlock && llmq::chainLocksHandler->HasConflictingChainLock(pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash())) {
2010 return state.DoS(10, error("%s: conflicting with chainlock", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-chainlock");
2039 // We've been configured with the hash of a block which has been externally verified to have a valid history.
2040 // A suitable default value is included with the software and updated from time to time. Because validity
2042 // This setting doesn't force the selection of any particular chain but makes validating some faster by
2058 fScriptChecks = (GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(*pindexBestHeader, *pindex, *pindexBestHeader, chainparams.GetConsensus()) <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2);
2064 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Sanity checks: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime1 - nTimeStart), nTimeCheck * MICRO, nTimeCheck * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2074 // This rule was originally applied to all blocks with a timestamp after March 15, 2012, 0:00 UTC.
2075 // Now that the whole chain is irreversibly beyond that time it is applied to all blocks except the
2076 // two in the chain that violate it. This prevents exploiting the issue against nodes during their
2078 bool fEnforceBIP30 = (!pindex->phashBlock) || // Enforce on CreateNewBlock invocations which don't have a hash.
2079 !((pindex->nHeight==91842 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000a4d0a398161ffc163c503763b1f4360639393e0e4c8e300e0caec")) ||
2080 (pindex->nHeight==91880 && pindex->GetBlockHash() == uint256S("0x00000000000743f190a18c5577a3c2d2a1f610ae9601ac046a38084ccb7cd721")));
2082 // Once BIP34 activated it was not possible to create new duplicate coinbases and thus other than starting
2083 // with the 2 existing duplicate coinbase pairs, not possible to create overwriting txs. But by the
2084 // time BIP34 activated, in each of the existing pairs the duplicate coinbase had overwritten the first
2085 // before the first had been spent. Since those coinbases are sufficiently buried its no longer possible to create further
2087 // If we're on the known chain at height greater than where BIP34 activated, we can save the db accesses needed for the BIP30 check.
2089 CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
2090 //Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
2091 fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
2115 // Start enforcing BIP68 (sequence locks) and BIP112 (CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) using versionbits logic.
2117 if (VersionBitsState(pindex->pprev, chainparams.GetConsensus(), Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
2125 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * MICRO, nTimeForks * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2129 CCheckQueueControl<CScriptCheck> control(fScriptChecks && nScriptCheckThreads ? &scriptcheckqueue : nullptr);
2141 txdata.reserve(block.vtx.size()); // Required so that pointers to individual PrecomputedTransactionData don't get invalidated
2156 return error("%s: Consensus::CheckTxInputs: %s, %s", __func__, tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
2187 hashBytes = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+2, prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+22));
2190 hashBytes = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+3, prevout.scriptPubKey.begin()+23));
2202 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(addressType, hashBytes, pindex->nHeight, i, txhash, j, true), prevout.nValue * -1));
2205 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(addressType, hashBytes, input.prevout.hash, input.prevout.n), CAddressUnspentValue()));
2211 spentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CSpentIndexKey(input.prevout.hash, input.prevout.n), CSpentIndexValue(txhash, j, pindex->nHeight, prevout.nValue, addressType, hashBytes)));
2232 bool fCacheResults = fJustCheck; /* Don't cache results if we're actually connecting blocks (still consult the cache, though) */
2233 if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, fScriptChecks, flags, fCacheResults, fCacheResults, txdata[i], nScriptCheckThreads ? &vChecks : nullptr))
2247 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, txhash, k, false), out.nValue));
2250 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(2, uint160(hashBytes), txhash, k), CAddressUnspentValue(out.nValue, out.scriptPubKey, pindex->nHeight)));
2256 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), pindex->nHeight, i, txhash, k, false), out.nValue));
2259 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, uint160(hashBytes), txhash, k), CAddressUnspentValue(out.nValue, out.scriptPubKey, pindex->nHeight)));
2263 addressIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressIndexKey(1, hashBytes, pindex->nHeight, i, txhash, k, false), out.nValue));
2264 addressUnspentIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(CAddressUnspentKey(1, hashBytes, txhash, k), CAddressUnspentValue(out.nValue, out.scriptPubKey, pindex->nHeight)));
2279 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, %.3fms/txin) [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2), MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeConnect * MICRO, nTimeConnect * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2282 return state.DoS(100, error("%s: CheckQueue failed", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "block-validation-failed");
2284 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Verify %u txins: %.2fms (%.3fms/txin) [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", nInputs - 1, MILLI * (nTime4 - nTime2), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : MILLI * (nTime4 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeVerify * MICRO, nTimeVerify * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2302 llmq::CInstantSendLockPtr conflictLock = llmq::quorumInstantSendManager->GetConflictingLock(*tx);
2307 llmq::quorumInstantSendManager->RemoveChainLockConflictingLock(::SerializeHash(*conflictLock), *conflictLock);
2313 return state.DoS(10, error("ConnectBlock(DASH): transaction %s conflicts with transaction lock %s", tx->GetHash().ToString(), conflictLock->txid.ToString()),
2322 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - IS filter: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5_1 - nTime4), nTimeISFilter * MICRO, nTimeISFilter * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2327 CAmount blockReward = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(pindex->pprev->nBits, pindex->pprev->nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
2331 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - GetBlockSubsidy: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5_2 - nTime5_1), nTimeSubsidy * MICRO, nTimeSubsidy * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2334 return state.DoS(0, error("ConnectBlock(DASH): %s", strError), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-amount");
2338 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - IsBlockValueValid: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5_3 - nTime5_2), nTimeValueValid * MICRO, nTimeValueValid * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2341 return state.DoS(0, error("ConnectBlock(DASH): couldn't find masternode or superblock payments"),
2346 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - IsBlockPayeeValid: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5_4 - nTime5_3), nTimePayeeValid * MICRO, nTimePayeeValid * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2354 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - ProcessSpecialTxsInBlock: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5_5 - nTime5_4), nTimeProcessSpecial * MICRO, nTimeProcessSpecial * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2357 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Dash specific: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MICRO * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeDashSpecific * MICRO, nTimeDashSpecific * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2390 if (!pblocktree->WriteTimestampIndex(CTimestampIndexKey(pindex->nTime, pindex->GetBlockHash())))
2398 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime6 - nTime5), nTimeIndex * MICRO, nTimeIndex * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2403 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Callbacks: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime7 - nTime6), nTimeCallbacks * MICRO, nTimeCallbacks * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2414 bool static FlushStateToDisk(const CChainParams& chainparams, CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode, int nManualPruneHeight) {
2457 // The cache is large and we're within 10% and 10 MiB of the limit, but we have time now (not in the middle of a block processing).
2458 bool fCacheLarge = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && cacheSize > std::max((9 * nTotalSpace) / 10, nTotalSpace - MAX_BLOCK_COINSDB_USAGE * 1024 * 1024);
2461 // It's been a while since we wrote the block index to disk. Do this frequently, so we don't need to redownload after a crash.
2462 bool fPeriodicWrite = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastWrite + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000;
2463 // It's been very long since we flushed the cache. Do this infrequently, to optimize cache usage.
2464 bool fPeriodicFlush = mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC && nNow > nLastFlush + (int64_t)DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * 1000000;
2466 fDoFullFlush = (mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS) || fCacheLarge || fCacheCritical || fPeriodicFlush || fFlushForPrune;
2484 for (std::set<CBlockIndex*>::iterator it = setDirtyBlockIndex.begin(); it != setDirtyBlockIndex.end(); ) {
2497 // Flush best chain related state. This can only be done if the blocks / block index write was also done.
2515 if (fDoFullFlush || ((mode == FLUSH_STATE_ALWAYS || mode == FLUSH_STATE_PERIODIC) && nNow > nLastSetChain + (int64_t)DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL * 1000000)) {
2567 ThresholdState state = checker.GetStateFor(pindex, chainParams.GetConsensus(), warningcache[bit]);
2569 const std::string strWarning = strprintf(_("Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit %i)"), bit);
2581 if (pindex->nVersion > VERSIONBITS_LAST_OLD_BLOCK_VERSION && (pindex->nVersion & ~nExpectedVersion) != 0)
2586 warningMessages.push_back(strprintf(_("%d of last 100 blocks have unexpected version"), nUpgraded));
2589 std::string strWarning = _("Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect");
2594 std::string strMessage = strprintf("%s: new best=%s height=%d version=0x%08x log2_work=%.8f tx=%lu date='%s' progress=%f cache=%.1fMiB(%utxo)", __func__,
2598 GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.TxData(), pindexNew), pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1<<20)), pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize());
2615 bool CChainState::DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool)
2632 return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
2637 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * MILLI);
2703 pool.NotifyEntryRemoved.disconnect(boost::bind(&ConnectTrace::NotifyEntryRemoved, this, _1, _2));
2741 bool CChainState::ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, ConnectTrace& connectTrace, DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool)
2759 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * MILLI, nTimeReadFromDisk * MICRO);
2769 return error("ConnectTip(): ConnectBlock %s failed with %s", pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
2772 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * MILLI, nTimeConnectTotal * MICRO, nTimeConnectTotal * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2778 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * MILLI, nTimeFlush * MICRO, nTimeFlush * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2783 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Writing chainstate: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime5 - nTime4) * MILLI, nTimeChainState * MICRO, nTimeChainState * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2791 int64_t nTime6 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimePostConnect += nTime6 - nTime5; nTimeTotal += nTime6 - nTime1;
2792 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, " - Connect postprocess: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime6 - nTime5) * MILLI, nTimePostConnect * MICRO, nTimePostConnect * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2793 LogPrint(BCLog::BENCHMARK, "- Connect block: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime6 - nTime1) * MILLI, nTimeTotal * MICRO, nTimeTotal * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
2809 std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>::reverse_iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.rbegin();
2815 // Check whether all blocks on the path between the currently active chain and the candidate are valid.
2816 // Just going until the active chain is an optimization, as we know all blocks in it are valid already.
2830 if (fFailedChain && (pindexBestInvalid == nullptr || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork))
2859 // Note that we can't delete the current block itself, as we may need to return to it later in case a
2861 std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>::iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.begin();
2862 while (it != setBlockIndexCandidates.end() && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(*it, chainActive.Tip())) {
2865 // Either the current tip or a successor of it we're working towards is left in setBlockIndexCandidates.
2873 bool CChainState::ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, bool& fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace& connectTrace)
2897 // Don't iterate the entire list of potential improvements toward the best tip, as we likely only need
2911 if (!ConnectTip(state, chainparams, pindexConnect, pindexConnect == pindexMostWork ? pblock : std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>(), connectTrace, disconnectpool)) {
2981 bool CChainState::ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock) {
2988 // make sure that no matter what, only one thread is executing ActivateBestChain. This avoids a race condition when
3024 if (!ActivateBestChainStep(state, chainparams, pindexMostWork, pblock && pblock->GetHash() == pindexMostWork->GetBlockHash() ? pblock : nullBlockPtr, fInvalidFound, connectTrace))
3072 bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock) {
3076 bool CChainState::PreciousBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& params, CBlockIndex *pindex)
3108 bool CChainState::InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex)
3167 if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(it->second, chainActive.Tip())) {
3174 GetMainSignals().SynchronousUpdatedBlockTip(chainActive.Tip(), nullptr, IsInitialBlockDownload());
3180 bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex) {
3195 if (it->second->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && it->second->nChainTx && setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(chainActive.Tip(), it->second)) {
3245 pindexNew->nTimeMax = (pindexNew->pprev ? std::max(pindexNew->pprev->nTimeMax, pindexNew->nTime) : pindexNew->nTime);
3246 pindexNew->nChainWork = (pindexNew->pprev ? pindexNew->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindexNew);
3267 bool CChainState::ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos)
3292 if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr || !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(pindex, chainActive.Tip())) {
3295 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator, std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex);
3312 static bool FindBlockPos(CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize, unsigned int nHeight, uint64_t nTime, bool fKnown = false)
3334 LogPrintf("Leaving block file %i: %s\n", nLastBlockFile, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString());
3348 unsigned int nNewChunks = (vinfoBlockFile[nFile].nSize + BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE;
3355 LogPrintf("Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in blk%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile);
3369 static bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize)
3388 LogPrintf("Pre-allocating up to position 0x%x in rev%05u.dat\n", nNewChunks * UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, pos.nFile);
3400 static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
3417 bool CheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
3434 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txnmrklroot", true, "hashMerkleRoot mismatch");
3440 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-duplicate", true, "duplicate transaction");
3448 if (block.vtx.empty() || block.vtx.size() > MaxBlockSize(true) || ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > MaxBlockSize(true))
3453 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase");
3456 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-multiple", false, "more than one coinbase");
3462 strprintf("Transaction check failed (tx hash %s) %s", tx->GetHash().ToString(), state.GetDebugMessage()));
3471 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops", false, "out-of-bounds SigOpCount");
3488 static bool ContextualCheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& params, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, int64_t nAdjustedTime)
3502 return state.DoS(100, error("%s : incorrect proof of work (DGW pre-fork) - %f %f %f at %d", __func__, abs(n1-n2), n1, n2, nHeight),
3506 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-diffbits", false, strprintf("incorrect proof of work at %d", nHeight));
3516 return state.DoS(100, error("%s: forked chain older than last checkpoint (height %d)", __func__, nHeight), REJECT_CHECKPOINT, "bad-fork-prior-to-checkpoint");
3521 return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-old", strprintf("block's timestamp is too early %d %d", block.GetBlockTime(), pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()));
3525 return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "time-too-new", strprintf("block timestamp too far in the future %d %d", block.GetBlockTime(), nAdjustedTime + 2 * 60 * 60));
3543 static bool ContextualCheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev)
3549 if (VersionBitsState(pindexPrev, consensusParams, Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV, versionbitscache) == THRESHOLD_ACTIVE) {
3562 if (block.vtx.empty() || block.vtx.size() > nMaxBlockSize || ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION) > nMaxBlockSize)
3570 return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-nonfinal", false, "non-final transaction");
3580 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops", false, "out-of-bounds SigOpCount");
3584 // The CbTx special transaction payload will then contain the height, which is checked in CheckCbTx
3590 return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-height", false, "block height mismatch in coinbase");
3603 bool CChainState::AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex)
3620 return state.Invalid(error("%s: block %s is marked invalid", __func__, hash.ToString()), 0, "duplicate");
3625 return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
3636 return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk");
3640 return state.DoS(10, error("%s: prev block %s conflicts with chainlock", __func__, block.hashPrevBlock.ToString()), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk-chainlock");
3643 return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
3655 return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk");
3664 return state.DoS(10, error("%s: header %s conflicts with chainlock", __func__, hash.ToString()), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-chainlock");
3682 bool ProcessNewBlockHeaders(const std::vector<CBlockHeader>& headers, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlockIndex** ppindex, CBlockHeader *first_invalid)
3703 static CDiskBlockPos SaveBlockToDisk(const CBlock& block, int nHeight, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp) {
3722 bool CChainState::AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp, bool* fNewBlock)
3739 bool fHasMoreOrSameWork = (chainActive.Tip() ? pindex->nChainWork >= chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork : true);
3796 FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FLUSH_STATE_NONE); // we just allocated more disk space for block files
3803 bool ProcessNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock, bool fForceProcessing, bool *fNewBlock)
3819 ret = g_chainstate.AcceptBlock(pblock, state, chainparams, &pindex, fForceProcessing, nullptr, fNewBlock);
3837 bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
3844 return state.DoS(10, error("%s: conflicting with chainlock", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-chainlock");
3857 return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
3904 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator, std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev);
3922 for (std::set<int>::iterator it = setFilesToPrune.begin(); it != setFilesToPrune.end(); ++it) {
3930 /* Calculate the block/rev files to delete based on height specified by user with RPC command pruneblockchain */
3939 // last block to prune is the lesser of (user-specified height, MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP from the tip)
3940 unsigned int nLastBlockWeCanPrune = std::min((unsigned)nManualPruneHeight, chainActive.Tip()->nHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP);
3943 if (vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nSize == 0 || vinfoBlockFile[fileNumber].nHeightLast > nLastBlockWeCanPrune)
3949 LogPrintf("Prune (Manual): prune_height=%d removed %d blk/rev pairs\n", nLastBlockWeCanPrune, count);
4004 // don't prune files that could have a block within MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of the main chain's tip but keep scanning
4016 LogPrint(BCLog::PRUNE, "Prune: target=%dMiB actual=%dMiB diff=%dMiB max_prune_height=%d removed %d blk/rev pairs\n",
4088 bool CChainState::LoadBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensus_params, CBlockTreeDB& blocktree)
4090 if (!blocktree.LoadBlockIndexGuts(consensus_params, [this](const uint256& hash){ return this->InsertBlockIndex(hash); }))
4113 pindex->nTimeMax = (pindex->pprev ? std::max(pindex->pprev->nTimeMax, pindex->nTime) : pindex->nTime);
4128 if (!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) && pindex->pprev && (pindex->pprev->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)) {
4132 if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) && (pindex->nChainTx || pindex->pprev == nullptr))
4134 if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK && (!pindexBestInvalid || pindex->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork))
4138 if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE) && (pindexBestHeader == nullptr || CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindexBestHeader, pindex)))
4157 LogPrintf("%s: last block file info: %s\n", __func__, vinfoBlockFile[nLastBlockFile].ToString());
4216 if (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash() == pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock()) return true;
4253 bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth)
4277 int percentageDone = std::max(1, std::min(99, (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * (nCheckLevel >= 4 ? 50 : 100))));
4288 LogPrintf("VerifyDB(): block verification stopping at height %d (pruning, no data)\n", pindex->nHeight);
4294 return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4304 return error("VerifyDB(): *** found bad undo data at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4309 if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) {
4313 return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4327 return error("VerifyDB(): *** coin database inconsistencies found (last %i blocks, %i good transactions before that)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexFailure->nHeight + 1, nGoodTransactions);
4334 uiInterface.ShowProgress(_("Verifying blocks..."), std::max(1, std::min(99, 100 - (int)(((double)(chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight)) / (double)nCheckDepth * 50))), false);
4338 return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4340 return error("VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4345 LogPrintf("No coin database inconsistencies in last %i blocks (%i transactions)\n", chainActive.Height() - pindexState->nHeight, nGoodTransactions);
4351 bool CChainState::RollforwardBlock(const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, const CChainParams& params)
4356 return error("ReplayBlock(): ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4370 if (!ProcessSpecialTxsInBlock(block, pindex, state, false /*fJustCheck*/, false /*fScriptChecks*/)) {
4393 const CBlockIndex* pindexFork = nullptr; // Latest block common to both the old and the new tip.
4400 if (!hashHeads[1].IsNull()) { // The old tip is allowed to be 0, indicating it's the first flush.
4419 return error("RollbackBlock(): ReadBlockFromDisk() failed at %d, hash=%s", pindexOld->nHeight, pindexOld->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4424 return error("RollbackBlock(): DisconnectBlock failed at %d, hash=%s", pindexOld->nHeight, pindexOld->GetBlockHash().ToString());
4426 // If DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN is returned, it means a non-existing UTXO was deleted, or an existing UTXO was
4427 // overwritten. It corresponds to cases where the block-to-be-disconnect never had all its operations
4428 // applied to the UTXO set. However, as both writing a UTXO and deleting a UTXO are idempotent operations,
4527 bool CChainState::AddGenesisBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state)
4625 if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock) == mapBlockIndex.end()) {
4626 LogPrint(BCLog::REINDEX, "%s: Out of order block %s, parent %s not known\n", __func__, hash.ToString(),
4641 } else if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight % 1000 == 0) {
4642 LogPrint(BCLog::REINDEX, "Block Import: already had block %s at height %d\n", hash.ToString(), mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight);
4661 std::pair<std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos>::iterator, std::multimap<uint256, CDiskBlockPos>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnknownParent.equal_range(head);
4667 LogPrint(BCLog::REINDEX, "%s: Processing out of order child %s of %s\n", __func__, pblockrecursive->GetHash().ToString(),
4671 if (g_chainstate.AcceptBlock(pblockrecursive, dummy, chainparams, nullptr, true, &it->second, nullptr))
4702 // During a reindex, we read the genesis block and call CheckBlockIndex before ActivateBestChain,
4718 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangeGenesis = forward.equal_range(nullptr);
4721 assert(rangeGenesis.first == rangeGenesis.second); // There is only one index entry with parent nullptr.
4729 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstMissing = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_HAVE_DATA.
4730 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNeverProcessed = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex for which nTx == 0.
4731 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotTreeValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TREE (regardless of being valid or not).
4732 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (regardless of being valid or not).
4733 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotChainValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN (regardless of being valid or not).
4734 CBlockIndex* pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = nullptr; // Oldest ancestor of pindex which does not have BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS (regardless of being valid or not).
4737 if (pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr && pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_VALID) pindexFirstInvalid = pindex;
4738 if (pindexFirstMissing == nullptr && !(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) pindexFirstMissing = pindex;
4739 if (pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr && pindex->nTx == 0) pindexFirstNeverProcessed = pindex;
4740 if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TREE) pindexFirstNotTreeValid = pindex;
4741 if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) pindexFirstNotTransactionsValid = pindex;
4742 if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotChainValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) pindexFirstNotChainValid = pindex;
4743 if (pindex->pprev != nullptr && pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == nullptr && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) pindexFirstNotScriptsValid = pindex;
4748 assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == consensusParams.hashGenesisBlock); // Genesis block's hash must match.
4749 assert(pindex == chainActive.Genesis()); // The current active chain's genesis block must be this block.
4751 if (pindex->nChainTx == 0) assert(pindex->nSequenceId <= 0); // nSequenceId can't be set positive for blocks that aren't linked (negative is used for preciousblock)
4752 // VALID_TRANSACTIONS is equivalent to nTx > 0 for all nodes (whether or not pruning has occurred).
4763 assert(((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) == (pindex->nTx > 0)); // This is pruning-independent.
4764 // All parents having had data (at some point) is equivalent to all parents being VALID_TRANSACTIONS, which is equivalent to nChainTx being set.
4765 assert((pindexFirstNeverProcessed != nullptr) == (pindex->nChainTx == 0)); // nChainTx != 0 is used to signal that all parent blocks have been processed (but may have been pruned).
4768 assert(pindex->pprev == nullptr || pindex->nChainWork >= pindex->pprev->nChainWork); // For every block except the genesis block, the chainwork must be larger than the parent's.
4769 assert(nHeight < 2 || (pindex->pskip && (pindex->pskip->nHeight < nHeight))); // The pskip pointer must point back for all but the first 2 blocks.
4770 assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr); // All mapBlockIndex entries must at least be TREE valid
4771 if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_TREE) assert(pindexFirstNotTreeValid == nullptr); // TREE valid implies all parents are TREE valid
4772 if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN) assert(pindexFirstNotChainValid == nullptr); // CHAIN valid implies all parents are CHAIN valid
4773 if ((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) assert(pindexFirstNotScriptsValid == nullptr); // SCRIPTS valid implies all parents are SCRIPTS valid
4776 assert((pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) == 0); // The failed mask cannot be set for blocks without invalid parents.
4778 if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr) {
4791 } else { // If this block sorts worse than the current tip or some ancestor's block has never been seen, it cannot be in setBlockIndexCandidates.
4795 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangeUnlinked = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex->pprev);
4805 if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed != nullptr && pindexFirstInvalid == nullptr) {
4806 // If this block has block data available, some parent was never received, and has no invalid parents, it must be in mapBlocksUnlinked.
4809 if (!(pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA)) assert(!foundInUnlinked); // Can't be in mapBlocksUnlinked if we don't HAVE_DATA
4810 if (pindexFirstMissing == nullptr) assert(!foundInUnlinked); // We aren't missing data for any parent -- cannot be in mapBlocksUnlinked.
4811 if (pindex->pprev && (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) && pindexFirstNeverProcessed == nullptr && pindexFirstMissing != nullptr) {
4812 // We HAVE_DATA for this block, have received data for all parents at some point, but we're currently missing data for some parent.
4822 if (!CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindex, chainActive.Tip()) && setBlockIndexCandidates.count(pindex) == 0) {
4832 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = forward.equal_range(pindex);
4854 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator,std::multimap<CBlockIndex*,CBlockIndex*>::iterator> rangePar = forward.equal_range(pindexPar);
4856 assert(rangePar.first != rangePar.second); // Our parent must have at least the node we're coming from as child.
4879 return strprintf("CBlockFileInfo(blocks=%u, size=%u, heights=%u...%u, time=%s...%s)", nBlocks, nSize, nHeightFirst, nHeightLast, DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeFirst), DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%d", nTimeLast));
4889 ThresholdState VersionBitsTipState(const Consensus::Params& params, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
4895 BIP9Stats VersionBitsTipStatistics(const Consensus::Params& params, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
4901 int VersionBitsTipStateSinceHeight(const Consensus::Params& params, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
4949 AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(chainparams, mempool, state, tx, nullptr /* pfMissingInputs */, nTime,
4981 LogPrintf("Imported mempool transactions from disk: %i succeeded, %i failed, %i expired, %i already there\n", count, failed, expired, already_there);
void UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *, const CBlockIndex *, bool fInitialDownload)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:172
Definition: params.h:20
arith_uint256 nChainWork
(memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this ...
Definition: chain.h:195
Definition: util.h:124
static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIGOPS
The maximum number of sigops we're willing to relay/mine in a single tx.
Definition: policy.h:28
bool ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &pblock, bool &fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace &connectTrace)
Try to make some progress towards making pindexMostWork the active block.
Definition: validation.cpp:2873
const Coin & AccessByTxid(const CCoinsViewCache &view, const uint256 &txid)
Utility function to find any unspent output with a given txid.
Definition: coins.cpp:249
bool existsProviderTxConflict(const CTransaction &tx) const
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1229
std::multimap< CBlockIndex *, CBlockIndex * > mapBlocksUnlinked
Definition: validation.cpp:162
bool GetBlockHash(uint256 &hashRet, int nBlockHeight)
Return true if hash can be found in chainActive at nBlockHeight height.
Definition: validation.cpp:1894
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_SIZE_LIMIT
Default for -limitancestorsize, maximum kilobytes of tx + all in-mempool ancestors.
Definition: validation.h:66
CTxMemPool mempool
Definition: transaction.h:16
std::string NetworkIDString() const
Return the BIP70 network string (main, test or regtest)
Definition: chainparams.h:76
Definition: versionbits.h:42
bool AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &pblock, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex **ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos *dbp, bool *fNewBlock)
Store block on disk.
Definition: validation.cpp:3722
int Expire(int64_t time)
Expire all transaction (and their dependencies) in the mempool older than time.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1403
static constexpr unsigned int LOCKTIME_VERIFY_SEQUENCE
Flags for nSequence and nLockTime locks.
Definition: consensus.h:28
int64_t EndTime(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const override
Definition: validation.cpp:1916
int nMasternodePaymentsIncreaseBlock
Definition: params.h:135
int32_t nSequenceId
(memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received.
Definition: chain.h:217
void SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue()
This is a synonym for the following, which asserts certain locks are not held: std::promise<void> pro...
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:154
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCKFILE_SIZE
The maximum size of a blk?????.dat file (since 0.8)
Definition: validation.h:76
static FILE * OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly=false)
Open an undo file (rev?????.dat)
Definition: validation.cpp:4061
static void FindFilesToPrune(std::set< int > &setFilesToPrune, uint64_t nPruneAfterHeight)
Prune block and undo files (blk???.dat and undo???.dat) so that the disk space used is less than a us...
Definition: validation.cpp:3975
static bool FlushStateToDisk(const CChainParams &chainParams, CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode, int nManualPruneHeight=0)
Update the on-disk chain state.
Definition: validation.cpp:2414
void AddCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &&coin, bool potential_overwrite)
Add a coin.
Definition: coins.cpp:66
void NotifyEntryRemoved(CTransactionRef txRemoved, MemPoolRemovalReason reason)
Definition: validation.cpp:2727
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_LIMIT
Default for -limitdescendantcount, max number of in-mempool descendants.
Definition: validation.h:68
Definition: util.h:114
Definition: versionbits.h:33
Definition: chain.h:85
CBlockIndex * pskip
pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
Definition: chain.h:180
void addSpentIndex(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, const CCoinsViewCache &view)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:555
static bool WriteTxIndexDataForBlock(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex)
Definition: validation.cpp:1844
std::condition_variable CConditionVariable
Just a typedef for std::condition_variable, can be wrapped later if desired.
Definition: sync.h:106
static bool ContextualCheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams ¶ms, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, int64_t nAdjustedTime)
Context-dependent validity checks.
Definition: validation.cpp:3488
bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state)
Transaction validation functions.
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:152
std::pair< int, int64_t > CalculateSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector< int > *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block)
Calculates the block height and previous block's median time past at which the transaction will be co...
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:30
Default for -permitbaremultisig.
Definition: validation.h:119
bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hash, CTransactionRef &txOut, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, uint256 &hashBlock, bool fAllowSlow, CBlockIndex *blockIndex)
Return transaction in txOut, and if it was found inside a block, its hash is placed in hashBlock...
Definition: validation.cpp:950
void PruneBlockIndexCandidates()
Delete all entries in setBlockIndexCandidates that are worse than the current tip.
Definition: validation.cpp:2858
Definition: txmempool.h:40
Describes a place in the block chain to another node such that if the other node doesn't have the sam...
Definition: block.h:127
void NotifyHeaderTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, bool fInitialDownload)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:222
static const unsigned int STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS
Used as the flags parameter to sequence and nLocktime checks in non-consensus code.
Definition: policy.h:60
const Coin & AccessCoin(const COutPoint &output) const
Return a reference to Coin in the cache, or a pruned one if not found.
Definition: coins.cpp:116
static bool LoadBlockIndexDB(const CChainParams &chainparams)
Definition: validation.cpp:4145
void removeRecursive(const CTransaction &tx, MemPoolRemovalReason reason=MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:725
void SynchronousUpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex *, const CBlockIndex *, bool fInitialDownload)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:178
Definition: spentindex.h:166
void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
Definition: validation.cpp:4694
bool GetAddressUnspent(uint160 addressHash, int type, std::vector< std::pair< CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue > > &unspentOutputs)
Definition: validation.cpp:934
bool SequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, std::vector< int > *prevHeights, const CBlockIndex &block)
Check if transaction is final per BIP 68 sequence numbers and can be included in a block...
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:102
int Threshold(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, int nAttempt) const override
Definition: validation.cpp:1918
void BlockDisconnected(const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &, const CBlockIndex *pindexDisconnected)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:194
Definition: block.h:72
int64_t BeginTime(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const override
Definition: validation.cpp:1915
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_SIG_CACHE_SIZE
Definition: sigcache.h:16
Definition: versionbits.h:22
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE
Default for -maxmempool, maximum megabytes of mempool memory usage.
Definition: policy.h:30
bool LoadGenesisBlock(const CChainParams &chainparams)
Ensures we have a genesis block in the block tree, possibly writing one to disk.
Definition: validation.cpp:4571
Definition: interpreter.h:55
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > pblock)
Make the best chain active, in multiple steps.
Definition: validation.cpp:2981
Definition: validation.cpp:98
bool VerifyDB(const CChainParams &chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview, int nCheckLevel, int nCheckDepth)
Definition: validation.cpp:4253
static const unsigned int MAX_DISCONNECTED_TX_POOL_SIZE
Maximum kilobytes for transactions to store for processing during reorg.
Definition: validation.h:74
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex)
Mark a block as invalid.
Definition: validation.cpp:3180
CAmount maxTxFee
Absolute maximum transaction fee (in duffs) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtr...
Definition: validation.cpp:247
static const int32_t VERSIONBITS_TOP_MASK
What bitmask determines whether versionbits is in use.
Definition: versionbits.h:16
Definition: transaction.h:17
std::atomic_bool fReindex(false)
int Period(const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const override
Definition: validation.cpp:1917
size_t GetSerializeSize(const T &t, int nType, int nVersion=0)
Definition: serialize.h:1295
bool Condition(const CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params ¶ms) const override
Definition: validation.cpp:1920
void TransactionAddedToMempool(const CTransactionRef &, int64_t)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:182
std::string DateTimeStrFormat(const char *pszFormat, int64_t nTime)
Definition: utiltime.cpp:93
static FILE * fileout
We use boost::call_once() to make sure mutexDebugLog and vMsgsBeforeOpenLog are initialized in a thre...
Definition: util.cpp:192
static const unsigned int MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP
Block files containing a block-height within MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP of chainActive.Tip() will not be prun...
Definition: validation.h:207
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ANCESTOR_LIMIT
Default for -limitancestorcount, max number of in-mempool ancestors.
Definition: validation.h:64
const CBlockIndex * LastCommonAncestor(const CBlockIndex *pa, const CBlockIndex *pb)
Find the last common ancestor two blocks have.
Definition: chain.cpp:155
Definition: versionbits.h:23
Definition: interpreter.h:102
All parent headers found, difficulty matches, timestamp >= median previous, checkpoint.
Definition: chain.h:134
bool IsBlockPayeeValid(const CTransaction &txNew, int nBlockHeight, CAmount blockReward)
Definition: masternode-payments.cpp:162
static ThresholdConditionCache warningcache[VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS]
Definition: validation.cpp:1929
size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const
Calculate the size of the cache (in bytes)
Definition: coins.cpp:36
void InvalidBlockFound(CBlockIndex *pindex, const CValidationState &state)
Definition: validation.cpp:1361
unsigned int GetSizeOfCompactSize(uint64_t nSize)
Compact Size size < 253 – 1 byte size <= USHRT_MAX – 3 bytes (253 + 2 bytes) size <= UINT_MAX – 5 ...
Definition: serialize.h:225
const struct VBDeploymentInfo VersionBitsDeploymentInfo[Consensus::MAX_VERSION_BITS_DEPLOYMENTS]
Definition: versionbits.cpp:8
cache implements a cache with properties similar to a cuckoo-set
Definition: cuckoocache.h:160
std::unordered_multimap< uint256, CBlockIndex *, BlockHasher > PrevBlockMap
Definition: validation.h:153
Only first tx is coinbase, 2 <= coinbase input script length <= 100, transactions valid...
Definition: chain.h:141
CChainState stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain and he...
Definition: validation.cpp:117
bool HasNoInputsOf(const CTransaction &tx) const
Check that none of this transactions inputs are in the mempool, and thus the tx is not dependent on o...
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1363
BIP9Stats VersionBitsTipStatistics(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
Get the numerical statistics for the BIP9 state for a given deployment at the current tip...
Definition: validation.cpp:4895
arith_uint256 nMinimumChainWork
Minimum work we will assume exists on some valid chain.
Definition: validation.cpp:244
void AddCoins(CCoinsViewCache &cache, const CTransaction &tx, int nHeight, bool check)
Utility function to add all of a transaction's outputs to a cache.
Definition: coins.cpp:87
std::set< txiter, CompareIteratorByHash > setEntries
Definition: txmempool.h:499
void addTransaction(const CTransactionRef &tx)
Definition: txmempool.h:804
CBlockIndex * Genesis() const
Returns the index entry for the genesis block of this chain, or nullptr if none.
Definition: chain.h:448
Definition: box.hpp:161
Reason why a transaction was removed from the mempool, this is passed to the notification signal...
Definition: txmempool.h:349
int ApplyTxInUndo(Coin &&undo, CCoinsViewCache &view, const COutPoint &out)
Restore the UTXO in a Coin at a given COutPoint.
Definition: validation.cpp:1602
CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the Dash system...
Definition: chainparams.h:41
bool DoS(int level, bool ret=false, unsigned int chRejectCodeIn=0, const std::string &strRejectReasonIn="", bool corruptionIn=false, const std::string &strDebugMessageIn="")
Definition: validation.h:36
bool ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos &pos)
Mark a block as having its data received and checked (up to BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS).
Definition: validation.cpp:3267
Definition: validation.cpp:97
bool GetBoolArg(const std::string &strArg, bool fDefault) const
Return boolean argument or default value.
Definition: util.cpp:824
bool ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams ¶ms, CCoinsView *view)
Definition: validation.cpp:4378
uint32_t VersionBitsMask(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
Definition: versionbits.cpp:260
static bool WriteBlockToDisk(const CBlock &block, CDiskBlockPos &pos, const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars &messageStart)
Definition: validation.cpp:1022
RAII-style controller object for a CCheckQueue that guarantees the passed queue is finished before co...
Definition: checkqueue.h:17
void UpdateMempoolForReorg(DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool, bool fAddToMempool)
Definition: validation.cpp:546
uint160 Hash160(const T1 pbegin, const T1 pend)
Compute the 160-bit hash an object.
Definition: hash.h:161
static const uint64_t nMinDiskSpace
Minimum disk space required - used in CheckDiskSpace()
Definition: validation.h:197
Definition: interpreter.h:40
void TrimToSize(size_t sizelimit, std::vector< COutPoint > *pvNoSpendsRemaining=nullptr)
Remove transactions from the mempool until its dynamic size is <= sizelimit.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1502
bool ProcessNewBlock(const CChainParams &chainparams, const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > pblock, bool fForceProcessing, bool *fNewBlock)
Process an incoming block.
Definition: validation.cpp:3803
void BlockChecked(const CBlock &, const CValidationState &)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:210
uint64_t nPruneTarget
Number of MiB of block files that we're trying to stay below.
Definition: validation.cpp:237
static bool ContextualCheckBlock(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev)
NOTE: This function is not currently invoked by ConnectBlock(), so we should consider upgrade issues ...
Definition: validation.cpp:3543
bool AddGenesisBlock(const CChainParams &chainparams, const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state)
Definition: validation.cpp:4527
Reads data from an underlying stream, while hashing the read data.
Definition: hash.h:219
static FILE * OpenDiskFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix, bool fReadOnly)
Definition: validation.cpp:4033
unsigned int nChainTx
(memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block. ...
Definition: chain.h:204
Definition: validation.cpp:306
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > pblock)
Find the best known block, and make it the tip of the block chain.
Definition: validation.cpp:3072
indirectmap< COutPoint, const CTransaction * > mapNextTx
Definition: txmempool.h:538
bool SpendCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin *moveto=nullptr)
Spend a coin.
Definition: coins.cpp:98
bool IsNull() const
Return true if the wrapped FILE* is nullptr, false otherwise.
Definition: streams.h:455
ThresholdState VersionBitsTipState(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
Get the BIP9 state for a given deployment at the current tip.
Definition: validation.cpp:4889
Definition: validation.cpp:5052
unsigned int GetTransactionSigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int flags)
Count total signature operations for a transaction.
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:138
static CuckooCache::cache< uint256, SignatureCacheHasher > scriptExecutionCache
Definition: validation.cpp:1406
void UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(const std::vector< uint256 > &vHashesToUpdate)
When adding transactions from a disconnected block back to the mempool, new mempool entries may have ...
Definition: txmempool.cpp:111
Definition: transaction.h:22
bool ProcessNewBlockHeaders(const std::vector< CBlockHeader > &headers, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, const CBlockIndex **ppindex, CBlockHeader *first_invalid)
Process incoming block headers.
Definition: validation.cpp:3682
CTxMemPoolEntry stores data about the corresponding transaction, as well as data about all in-mempool...
Definition: txmempool.h:69
static const std::string MAIN
BIP70 chain name strings (main, test or regtest)
Definition: chainparamsbase.h:20
void check(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins) const
If sanity-checking is turned on, check makes sure the pool is consistent (does not contain two transa...
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1013
const char * ScriptErrorString(const ScriptError serror)
Definition: script_error.cpp:8
CInstantSendManager * quorumInstantSendManager
Definition: quorums_instantsend.cpp:40
std::unique_ptr< CCoinsViewCache > pcoinsTip
Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main)
Definition: validation.cpp:300
static constexpr int MAX_BLOCK_COINSDB_USAGE
No need to periodic flush if at least this much space still available.
Definition: txdb.h:27
bool AreInputsStandard(const CTransaction &tx, const CCoinsViewCache &mapInputs)
Check transaction inputs to mitigate two potential denial-of-service attacks:
Definition: policy.cpp:142
boost::signals2::signal< void(bool, const CBlockIndex *)> NotifyBlockTip
New block has been accepted.
Definition: ui_interface.h:105
Definition: txdb.h:45
boost::signals2::signal< void(bool, const CBlockIndex *)> NotifyHeaderTip
Best header has changed.
Definition: ui_interface.h:108
bool IsValid(enum BlockStatus nUpTo=BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) const
Check whether this block index entry is valid up to the passed validity level.
Definition: chain.h:332
uint32_t nHeight
at which height this containing transaction was included in the active block chain ...
Definition: coins.h:39
uint256 SerializeHash(const T &obj, int nType=SER_GETHASH, int nVersion=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
Compute the 256-bit hash of an object's serialization.
Definition: hash.h:254
Removed in size limiting.
indexed_disconnected_transactions queuedTx
Definition: txmempool.h:795
bool UndoSpecialTxsInBlock(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex)
Definition: specialtx.cpp:150
bool CheckDiskSpace(uint64_t nAdditionalBytes)
Check whether enough disk space is available for an incoming block.
Definition: validation.cpp:4022
static const uint32_t MEMPOOL_HEIGHT
Fake height value used in Coin to signify they are only in the memory pool (since 0...
Definition: txmempool.h:38
bool IsPayToPublicKey() const
Used for obsolete pay-to-pubkey addresses indexing.
Definition: script.cpp:221
void SetfLargeWorkInvalidChainFound(bool flag)
Definition: warnings.cpp:35
Outputs do not overspend inputs, no double spends, coinbase output ok, no immature coinbase spends...
Definition: chain.h:145
static CDiskBlockPos SaveBlockToDisk(const CBlock &block, int nHeight, const CChainParams &chainparams, const CDiskBlockPos *dbp)
Store block on disk.
Definition: validation.cpp:3703
bool ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams ¶ms, CCoinsView *view)
Replay blocks that aren't fully applied to the database.
Definition: validation.cpp:4451
bool ProcessSpecialTxsInBlock(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex, CValidationState &state, bool fJustCheck, bool fCheckCbTxMerleRoots)
Definition: specialtx.cpp:94
unsigned int nTimeMax
(memory only) Maximum nTime in the chain up to and including this block.
Definition: chain.h:220
Definition: versionbits.h:70
bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
Transaction validation functions.
Definition: validation.cpp:317
FILE * OpenBlockFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly)
Open a block file (blk?????.dat)
Definition: validation.cpp:4056
void PruneOneBlockFile(const int fileNumber)
Mark one block file as pruned.
Definition: validation.cpp:3886
Definition: spentindex.h:244
CCriticalSection cs_nBlockSequenceId
Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we know which one to give pri...
Definition: validation.cpp:130
CBlockIndex * InsertBlockIndex(const uint256 &hash)
Create a new block index entry for a given block hash.
Definition: validation.cpp:4070
int GetSpendHeight(const CCoinsViewCache &inputs)
Return the spend height, which is one more than the inputs.GetBestBlock().
Definition: validation.cpp:1398
Scripts & signatures ok. Implies all parents are also at least SCRIPTS.
Definition: chain.h:148
static const unsigned int BLOCKFILE_CHUNK_SIZE
The pre-allocation chunk size for blk?????.dat files (since 0.8)
Definition: validation.h:78
void ApplyDelta(const uint256 hash, CAmount &nFeeDelta) const
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1347
CFeeRate minRelayTxFee
A fee rate smaller than this is considered zero fee (for relaying, mining and transaction creation) ...
Definition: validation.cpp:246
CBlockIndex * pindexBestHeader
Best header we've seen so far (used for getheaders queries' starting points).
Definition: validation.cpp:218
unsigned int nDataPos
Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored.
Definition: chain.h:189
void removeForBlock(const std::vector< CTransactionRef > &vtx)
Definition: txmempool.h:811
static constexpr unsigned int LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST
Use GetMedianTimePast() instead of nTime for end point timestamp.
Definition: consensus.h:30
bool LoadGenesisBlock(const CChainParams &chainparams)
Definition: validation.cpp:4538
static const int64_t MAX_FEE_ESTIMATION_TIP_AGE
Maximum age of our tip in seconds for us to be considered current for fee estimation.
Definition: validation.h:116
void RemoveChainLockConflictingLock(const uint256 &islockHash, const CInstantSendLock &islock)
Definition: quorums_instantsend.cpp:1318
int VersionBitsStateSinceHeight(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos, VersionBitsCache &cache)
Definition: versionbits.cpp:255
bool CheckBlock(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
Functions for validating blocks and updating the block tree.
Definition: validation.cpp:3417
We want to be able to estimate feerates that are needed on tx's to be included in a certain number of...
Definition: fees.h:138
bool CheckTxInputs(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nSpendHeight, CAmount &txfee)
Check whether all inputs of this transaction are valid (no double spends and amounts) This does not m...
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:211
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex *pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params ¶ms)
Definition: pow.cpp:168
std::unique_ptr< CCoinsViewDB > pcoinsdbview
Global variable that points to the coins database (protected by cs_main)
Definition: validation.cpp:299
static CCheckQueue< CScriptCheck > scriptcheckqueue(128)
Removed for block.
bool RollforwardBlock(const CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, const CChainParams ¶ms)
Apply the effects of a block on the utxo cache, ignoring that it may already have been applied...
Definition: validation.cpp:4351
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP
Definition: validation.h:120
unsigned int MaxBlockSigOps(bool fDIP0001Active)
The maximum allowed number of signature check operations in a block (network rule) ...
Definition: consensus.h:17
bool Contains(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const
Efficiently check whether a block is present in this chain.
Definition: chain.h:471
Definition: validation.cpp:304
static bool WriteUndoDataForBlock(const CBlockUndo &blockundo, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex, const CChainParams &chainparams)
Definition: validation.cpp:1825
std::shared_ptr< CInstantSendLock > CInstantSendLockPtr
Definition: quorums_instantsend.h:41
CBlockIndex * Next(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const
Find the successor of a block in this chain, or nullptr if the given index is not found or is the tip...
Definition: chain.h:476
Abstract class that implements BIP9-style threshold logic, and caches results.
Definition: versionbits.h:55
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE
Default for -minrelaytxfee, minimum relay fee for transactions.
Definition: validation.h:56
static bool CheckInputsFromMempoolAndCache(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &view, CTxMemPool &pool, unsigned int flags, bool cacheSigStore, PrecomputedTransactionData &txdata)
Definition: validation.cpp:587
static const unsigned int UNDOFILE_CHUNK_SIZE
The pre-allocation chunk size for rev?????.dat files (since 0.8)
Definition: validation.h:80
CAmount GetMasternodePayment(int nHeight, CAmount blockValue, int nReallocActivationHeight)
Definition: validation.cpp:1158
Definition: transaction.h:21
Definition: chainparams.h:28
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_DESCENDANT_SIZE_LIMIT
Default for -limitdescendantsize, maximum kilobytes of in-mempool descendants.
Definition: validation.h:70
bool DisconnectTip(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool)
Disconnect chainActive's tip.
Definition: validation.cpp:2615
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MEMPOOL_EXPIRY
Default for -mempoolexpiry, expiration time for mempool transactions in hours.
Definition: validation.h:72
void AllocateFileRange(FILE *file, unsigned int offset, unsigned int length)
this function tries to make a particular range of a file allocated (corresponding to disk space) it i...
Definition: util.cpp:1151
void UnlinkPrunedFiles(const std::set< int > &setFilesToPrune)
Actually unlink the specified files.
Definition: validation.cpp:3920
bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
Check whether we are doing an initial block download (synchronizing from disk or network) ...
Definition: validation.cpp:1219
Definition: spentindex.h:133
bool EvaluateSequenceLocks(const CBlockIndex &block, std::pair< int, int64_t > lockPair)
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:92
bool ContextualCheckTransaction(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev)
Definition: validation.cpp:465
virtual std::vector< uint256 > GetHeadBlocks() const
Retrieve the range of blocks that may have been only partially written.
Definition: coins.cpp:12
bool ConnectTip(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &pblock, ConnectTrace &connectTrace, DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool)
Connect a new block to chainActive.
Definition: validation.cpp:2741
const CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars & MessageStart() const
Definition: chainparams.h:55
CInstantSendLockPtr GetConflictingLock(const CTransaction &tx)
Definition: quorums_instantsend.cpp:1479
int VersionBitsTipStateSinceHeight(const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos)
Get the block height at which the BIP9 deployment switched into the state for the block building on t...
Definition: validation.cpp:4901
bool TestLockPointValidity(const LockPoints *lp)
Test whether the LockPoints height and time are still valid on the current chain. ...
Definition: validation.cpp:349
bool PreciousBlock(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams ¶ms, CBlockIndex *pindex)
Definition: validation.cpp:3076
void AcceptedBlockHeader(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:218
bool CalculateMemPoolAncestors(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAncestors, uint64_t limitAncestorCount, uint64_t limitAncestorSize, uint64_t limitDescendantCount, uint64_t limitDescendantSize, std::string &errString, bool fSearchForParents=true) const
Try to calculate all in-mempool ancestors of entry.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:154
CBlockIndex * GetLastCheckpoint(const CCheckpointData &data)
Returns last CBlockIndex* in mapBlockIndex that is a checkpoint.
Definition: checkpoints.cpp:18
uint32_t nMinerConfirmationWindow
Definition: params.h:170
Definition: txmempool.h:766
class CMainCleanup instance_of_cmaincleanup
bool GetSpentIndex(CSpentIndexKey &key, CSpentIndexValue &value)
Definition: validation.cpp:908
CBlockIndex * FindMostWorkChain()
Return the tip of the chain with the most work in it, that isn't known to be invalid (it's however fa...
Definition: validation.cpp:2803
void ThreadScriptCheck()
Run an instance of the script checking thread.
Definition: validation.cpp:1866
bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params ¶ms)
Check whether a block hash satisfies the proof-of-work requirement specified by nBits.
Definition: pow.cpp:233
An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout.
Definition: transaction.h:26
Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create:
Definition: validation.cpp:255
CBlockFileInfo * GetBlockFileInfo(size_t n)
Get block file info entry for one block file.
Definition: validation.cpp:4882
void AddTransactionsUpdated(unsigned int n)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:356
CFeeRate GetMinFee(size_t sizelimit) const
The minimum fee to get into the mempool, which may itself not be enough for larger-sized transactions...
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1470
static void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
arith_uint256 nLastPreciousChainwork
chainwork for the last block that preciousblock has been applied to.
Definition: validation.cpp:136
bool VerifyScript(const CScript &scriptSig, const CScript &scriptPubKey, unsigned int flags, const BaseSignatureChecker &checker, ScriptError *serror)
Definition: interpreter.cpp:1287
bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints *lp, bool useExistingLockPoints)
Check if transaction will be BIP 68 final in the next block to be created.
Definition: validation.cpp:367
Definition: txmempool.h:768
int64_t nMaxTipAge
If the tip is older than this (in seconds), the node is considered to be in initial block download...
Definition: validation.cpp:238
void BlockConnected(CBlockIndex *pindex, std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > pblock)
Definition: validation.cpp:2706
bool ResetBlockFailureFlags(CBlockIndex *pindex)
Definition: validation.cpp:3184
static const unsigned int DATABASE_WRITE_INTERVAL
Time to wait (in seconds) between writing blocks/block index to disk.
Definition: validation.h:104
uint256 hashAssumeValid
Block hash whose ancestors we will assume to have valid scripts without checking them.
Definition: validation.cpp:243
unsigned char MessageStartChars[MESSAGE_START_SIZE]
Definition: protocol.h:38
std::map< const CBlockIndex *, ThresholdState > ThresholdConditionCache
Definition: versionbits.h:31
Definition: spentindex.h:42
Closure representing one script verification Note that this stores references to the spending transac...
Definition: validation.h:371
static bool FindBlockPos(CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize, unsigned int nHeight, uint64_t nTime, bool fKnown=false)
Definition: validation.cpp:3312
static constexpr size_t MESSAGE_START_SIZE
Definition: protocol.h:31
bool LoadBlockIndex(const CChainParams &chainparams)
Load the block tree and coins database from disk, initializing state if we're running with -reindex...
Definition: validation.cpp:4490
uint256 GetBestBlock() const override
Retrieve the block hash whose state this CCoinsView currently represents.
Definition: coins.cpp:135
Definition: versionbits.h:24
unsigned int nUndoPos
Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored.
Definition: chain.h:192
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< CTransactionRef > > conflictedTxs
Definition: validation.cpp:2673
int32_t nBlockSequenceId
Blocks loaded from disk are assigned id 0, so start the counter at 1.
Definition: validation.cpp:132
Definition: spork.h:25
bool IsBlockValueValid(const CBlock &block, int nBlockHeight, CAmount blockReward, std::string &strErrorRet)
Definition: masternode-payments.cpp:77
class CChainState g_chainstate
bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams &chainparams, FILE *fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp)
Import blocks from an external file.
Definition: validation.cpp:4576
static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWithTime(const CChainParams &chainparams, CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx, bool *pfMissingInputs, int64_t nAcceptTime, bool bypass_limits, const CAmount nAbsurdFee, bool fDryRun)
(try to) add transaction to memory pool with a specified acceptance time
Definition: validation.cpp:873
DisconnectResult DisconnectBlock(const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &view)
Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
Definition: validation.cpp:1631
Definition: util.h:121
Definition: validation.h:121
std::string FormatStateMessage(const CValidationState &state)
Convert CValidationState to a human-readable message for logging.
Definition: validation.cpp:513
static bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigned int nAddSize)
Definition: validation.cpp:3369
static const unsigned int STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS
Standard script verification flags that standard transactions will comply with.
Definition: policy.h:44
ThresholdState GetStateFor(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms, ThresholdConditionCache &cache) const
Definition: versionbits.cpp:46
CTxMemPool stores valid-according-to-the-current-best-chain transactions that may be included in the ...
Definition: txmempool.h:442
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex *pindex)
Definition: validation.cpp:3108
Definition: util.h:112
Template mixin that adds -Wthread-safety locking annotations to a subset of the mutex API...
Definition: sync.h:54
int32_t nBlockReverseSequenceId
Decreasing counter (used by subsequent preciousblock calls).
Definition: validation.cpp:134
bool CheckInputs(const CTransaction &tx, CValidationState &state, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs, bool fScriptChecks, unsigned int flags, bool cacheSigStore, bool cacheFullScriptStore, PrecomputedTransactionData &txdata, std::vector< CScriptCheck > *pvChecks=nullptr)
Check whether all inputs of this transaction are valid (no double spends, scripts & sigs...
Definition: validation.cpp:1432
unsigned int GetLegacySigOpCount(const CTransaction &tx)
Auxiliary functions for transaction validation (ideally should not be exposed)
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:107
bool ResetBlockFailureFlags(CBlockIndex *pindex)
Remove invalidity status from a block and its descendants.
Definition: validation.cpp:3218
The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root...
Definition: chain.h:170
const CChainParams & Params()
Return the currently selected parameters.
Definition: chainparams.cpp:947
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock &block, CValidationState &state, CBlockIndex *pindex, CCoinsViewCache &view, const CChainParams &chainparams, bool fJustCheck=false)
Apply the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins...
Definition: validation.cpp:1983
What block version to use for new blocks (pre versionbits)
Definition: versionbits.h:12
boost::signals2::signal< void()> NotifyAlertChanged
Status bar alerts changed.
Definition: ui_interface.h:93
bool LoadBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params &consensus_params, CBlockTreeDB &blocktree)
Definition: validation.cpp:4088
int GetUTXOConfirmations(const COutPoint &outpoint)
Definition: validation.cpp:456
std::atomic_bool fImporting(false)
std::vector< PerBlockConnectTrace > blocksConnected
Definition: validation.cpp:2694
void InitScriptExecutionCache()
Initializes the script-execution cache.
Definition: validation.cpp:1409
Definition: validation.cpp:307
static const int32_t VERSIONBITS_TOP_BITS
What bits to set in version for versionbits blocks.
Definition: versionbits.h:14
double GuessVerificationProgress(const ChainTxData &data, const CBlockIndex *pindex)
Guess how far we are in the verification process at the given block index.
Definition: validation.cpp:5035
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx, bool *pfMissingInputs, bool bypass_limits, const CAmount nAbsurdFee, bool fDryRun)
(try to) add transaction to memory pool
Definition: validation.cpp:890
std::string GetArg(const std::string &strArg, const std::string &strDefault) const
Return string argument or default value.
Definition: util.cpp:808
void PruneBlockFilesManual(int nManualPruneHeight)
Prune block files up to a given height.
Definition: validation.cpp:3953
Definition: validation.cpp:305
CBlockIndex * FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain &chain, const CBlockLocator &locator)
Find the last common block between the parameter chain and a locator.
Definition: validation.cpp:284
Definition: interpreter.h:48
bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, const CBlock &block, CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot)
Check a block is completely valid from start to finish (only works on top of our current best block...
Definition: validation.cpp:3837
void NotifyInstantSendDoubleSpendAttempt(const CTransaction ¤tTx, const CTransaction &previousTx)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:242
bool PreciousBlock(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams ¶ms, CBlockIndex *pindex)
Mark a block as precious and reorganize.
Definition: validation.cpp:3104
Definition: spentindex.h:209
CBlockIndex * Tip() const
Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or nullptr if none.
Definition: chain.h:453
bool HasConflictingChainLock(int nHeight, const uint256 &blockHash)
Definition: quorums_chainlocks.cpp:638
std::set< CBlockIndex *, CBlockIndexWorkComparator > setBlockIndexCandidates
The set of all CBlockIndex entries with BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for itself and all ancestors) and a...
Definition: validation.cpp:124
Definition: sigcache.h:43
CBlockLocator GetLocator(const CBlockIndex *pindex=nullptr) const
Return a CBlockLocator that refers to a block in this chain (by default the tip). ...
Definition: chain.cpp:23
std::set< CBlockIndex * > g_failed_blocks
In order to efficiently track invalidity of headers, we keep the set of blocks which we tried to conn...
Definition: validation.cpp:156
std::unique_ptr< CBlockTreeDB > pblocktree
Global variable that points to the active block tree (protected by cs_main)
Definition: validation.cpp:301
Definition: spentindex.h:14
Definition: params.h:18
Definition: validation.cpp:2670
bool RaiseValidity(enum BlockStatus nUpTo)
Raise the validity level of this block index entry.
Definition: chain.h:342
bool LoadBlockIndexGuts(const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, std::function< CBlockIndex *(const uint256 &)> insertBlockIndex)
Definition: txdb.cpp:416
boost::signals2::signal< bool(const std::string &message, const std::string &caption, unsigned int style), boost::signals2::last_value< bool > > ThreadSafeMessageBox
Show message box.
Definition: ui_interface.h:76
bool GetAddressIndex(uint160 addressHash, int type, std::vector< std::pair< CAddressIndexKey, CAmount > > &addressIndex, int start, int end)
Definition: validation.cpp:922
bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction &tx, std::string &reason)
Check for standard transaction types.
Definition: policy.cpp:62
static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(const CChainParams &chainparams, CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &ptx, bool *pfMissingInputs, int64_t nAcceptTime, bool bypass_limits, const CAmount &nAbsurdFee, std::vector< COutPoint > &coins_to_uncache, bool fDryRun)
Definition: validation.cpp:621
Definition: chain.h:160
uint32_t nRuleChangeActivationThreshold
Minimum blocks including miner confirmation of the total of nMinerConfirmationWindow blocks in a reta...
Definition: params.h:168
bool getSpentIndex(CSpentIndexKey &key, CSpentIndexValue &value)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:595
bool IsFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int nBlockHeight, int64_t nBlockTime)
Check if transaction is final and can be included in a block with the specified height and time...
Definition: tx_verify.cpp:17
void SetBestChain(const CBlockLocator &)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:200
boost::signals2::signal< void(CTransactionRef, MemPoolRemovalReason)> NotifyEntryRemoved
Definition: txmempool.h:687
bool AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, const CChainParams &chainparams, CBlockIndex **ppindex)
Definition: validation.cpp:3603
bool addUnchecked(const uint256 &hash, const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, bool validFeeEstimate=true)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1424
void removeForBlock(const std::vector< CTransactionRef > &vtx, unsigned int nBlockHeight)
Called when a block is connected.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:953
Definition: interpreter.h:37
size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const
Definition: txmempool.h:800
The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks. ...
Definition: transaction.h:198
bool IsSporkActive(SporkId nSporkID)
IsSporkActive returns a bool for time-based sporks, and should be used to determine whether the spork...
Definition: spork.cpp:211
int nMasternodePaymentsIncreasePeriod
Definition: params.h:136
static void FindFilesToPruneManual(std::set< int > &setFilesToPrune, int nManualPruneHeight)
Definition: validation.cpp:3931
WarningBitsConditionChecker(int bitIn)
Definition: validation.cpp:1913
const Consensus::Params & GetConsensus() const
Definition: chainparams.h:54
std::unordered_map< uint256, CBlockIndex *, BlockHasher > BlockMap
Definition: validation.h:152
bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock &block, const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams)
Functions for disk access for blocks.
Definition: validation.cpp:1043
const CBlock & DevNetGenesisBlock() const
Definition: chainparams.h:59
CCoinsView that adds a memory cache for transactions to another CCoinsView.
Definition: coins.h:201
std::vector< PerBlockConnectTrace > & GetBlocksConnected()
Definition: validation.cpp:2715
CBlockIndex * GetAncestor(int height)
Efficiently find an ancestor of this block.
Definition: chain.cpp:110
static const unsigned int DATABASE_FLUSH_INTERVAL
Time to wait (in seconds) between flushing chainstate to disk.
Definition: validation.h:106
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nPrevBits, int nPrevHeight, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fSuperblockPartOnly)
Definition: validation.cpp:1108
bool Invalid(bool ret=false, unsigned int _chRejectCode=0, const std::string &_strRejectReason="", const std::string &_strDebugMessage="")
Definition: validation.h:50
CChain & chainActive
The currently-connected chain of blocks (protected by cs_main).
Definition: validation.cpp:217
Non-refcounted RAII wrapper around a FILE* that implements a ring buffer to deserialize from...
Definition: streams.h:519
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > WaitableLock
Just a typedef for std::unique_lock, can be wrapped later if desired.
Definition: sync.h:109
static void UpdateTip(const CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CChainParams &chainParams)
Check warning conditions and do some notifications on new chain tip set.
Definition: validation.cpp:2550
void addAddressIndex(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, const CCoinsViewCache &view)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:468
CBlockIndex * AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader &block, enum BlockStatus nStatus=BLOCK_VALID_TREE)
Definition: validation.cpp:3222
std::string SanitizeString(const std::string &str, int rule)
Remove unsafe chars.
Definition: utilstrencodings.cpp:24
ThresholdState VersionBitsState(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos, VersionBitsCache &cache)
Definition: versionbits.cpp:245
static void LimitMempoolSize(CTxMemPool &pool, size_t limit, unsigned long age)
Definition: validation.cpp:500
static const int32_t VERSIONBITS_NUM_BITS
Total bits available for versionbits.
Definition: versionbits.h:18
static const int CLIENT_VERSION
dashd-res.rc includes this file, but it cannot cope with real c++ code.
Definition: clientversion.h:38
Definition: chain.h:31
boost::signals2::signal< void(const std::string &title, int nProgress, bool resume_possible)> ShowProgress
Show progress e.g.
Definition: ui_interface.h:102
fs::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix)
Translation to a filesystem path.
Definition: validation.cpp:4065
Definition: serialize.h:160
const CBlockIndex * FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const
Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry.
Definition: chain.cpp:51
CCoinsView that brings transactions from a memorypool into view.
Definition: txmempool.h:739
bool GetTimestampIndex(const unsigned int &high, const unsigned int &low, std::vector< uint256 > &hashes)
Definition: validation.cpp:897
Definition: validation.cpp:96
void NewPoWValidBlock(const CBlockIndex *, const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:214
static unsigned int GetBlockScriptFlags(const CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params &chainparams)
Definition: validation.cpp:1931
void PrioritiseTransaction(const uint256 &hash, const CAmount &nFeeDelta)
Affect CreateNewBlock prioritisation of transactions.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1317
void removeForReorg(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins, unsigned int nMemPoolHeight, int flags)
Definition: txmempool.cpp:757
void removeEntry(indexed_disconnected_transactions::index< insertion_order >::type::iterator entry)
Definition: txmempool.h:827
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader &block, CValidationState &state, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW=true)
Definition: validation.cpp:3400
Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree, and scan through nonce value...
Definition: block.h:20
bool LoadChainTip(const CChainParams &chainparams)
Update the chain tip based on database information.
Definition: validation.cpp:4214
bool CheckSpecialTx(const CTransaction &tx, const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, CValidationState &state)
Definition: specialtx.cpp:20
std::string _(const char *psz)
Translation function: Call Translate signal on UI interface, which returns a boost::optional result...
Definition: util.h:92
Definition: serialize.h:162
Wrapped mutex: supports recursive locking, but no waiting TODO: We should move away from using the re...
Definition: sync.h:94
void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction &tx, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, CTxUndo &txundo, int nHeight)
Definition: validation.cpp:1371
static const int64_t MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME
Maximum amount of time that a block timestamp is allowed to exceed the current network-adjusted time ...
Definition: chain.h:21
bool RewindBlockIndex(const CChainParams ¶ms)
int64_t GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(const CBlockIndex &to, const CBlockIndex &from, const CBlockIndex &tip, const Consensus::Params ¶ms)
Return the time it would take to redo the work difference between from and to, assuming the current h...
Definition: chain.cpp:136
BIP9Stats VersionBitsStatistics(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms, Consensus::DeploymentPos pos, VersionBitsCache &cache)
Definition: versionbits.cpp:250
Definition: serialize.h:161
static void InvalidChainFound(CBlockIndex *pindexNew)
Definition: validation.cpp:1344
Used to track blocks whose transactions were applied to the UTXO state as a part of a single Activate...
Definition: validation.cpp:2692
int32_t ComputeBlockVersion(const CBlockIndex *pindexPrev, const Consensus::Params ¶ms, bool fCheckMasternodesUpgraded)
Determine what nVersion a new block should use.
Definition: validation.cpp:1874
CAmount GetFee(size_t nBytes) const
Return the fee in satoshis for the given size in bytes.
Definition: feerate.cpp:23
void BlockConnected(const std::shared_ptr< const CBlock > &, const CBlockIndex *pindex, const std::shared_ptr< const std::vector< CTransactionRef >> &)
Definition: validationinterface.cpp:188
bool HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const override
Just check whether a given outpoint is unspent.
Definition: coins.cpp:125
static uint256 scriptExecutionCacheNonce(GetRandHash())
static void CheckForkWarningConditionsOnNewFork(CBlockIndex *pindexNewForkTip)
Definition: validation.cpp:1311
const uint256 * phashBlock
pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex
Definition: chain.h:174
static const unsigned int MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE
The maximum size for transactions we're willing to relay/mine.
Definition: policy.h:24
For convenience, standard but not mandatory verify flags.
Definition: policy.h:57
Threshold condition checker that triggers when unknown versionbits are seen on the network...
Definition: validation.cpp:1907