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1 // Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The Dash Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
8 #include <consensus/validation.h>
9 #include <core_io.h>
10 #include <init.h>
13 #include <net_processing.h>
14 #include <netmessagemaker.h>
15 #include <script/interpreter.h>
16 #include <txmempool.h>
17 #include <util.h>
18 #include <utilmoneystr.h>
19 #include <validation.h>
23 #include <univalue.h>
27 void CPrivateSendServer::ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, const std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv, CConnman& connman)
28 {
29  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
30  if (!masternodeSync.IsBlockchainSynced()) return;
32  if (strCommand == NetMsgType::DSACCEPT) {
34  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- peer=%d using obsolete version %i\n", pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->nVersion);
35  if (g_enable_bip61) {
36  connman.PushMessage(pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()).Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand,
38  "Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PRIVATESEND_PEER_PROTO_VERSION)));
39  }
40  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_VERSION, connman);
41  return;
42  }
44  if (IsSessionReady()) {
45  // too many users in this session already, reject new ones
46  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- queue is already full!\n");
47  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_QUEUE_FULL, connman);
48  return;
49  }
52  vRecv >> dsa;
54  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- nDenom %d (%s) txCollateral %s", dsa.nDenom, CPrivateSend::DenominationToString(dsa.nDenom), dsa.txCollateral.ToString());
56  auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip();
57  auto dmn = mnList.GetValidMNByCollateral(activeMasternodeInfo.outpoint);
58  if (!dmn) {
59  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_MN_LIST, connman);
60  return;
61  }
63  if (vecSessionCollaterals.empty()) {
64  {
65  TRY_LOCK(cs_vecqueue, lockRecv);
66  if (!lockRecv) return;
68  for (const auto& q : vecPrivateSendQueue) {
69  if (q.masternodeOutpoint == activeMasternodeInfo.outpoint) {
70  // refuse to create another queue this often
71  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- last dsq is still in queue, refuse to mix\n");
72  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_RECENT, connman);
73  return;
74  }
75  }
76  }
78  int64_t nLastDsq = mmetaman.GetMetaInfo(dmn->proTxHash)->GetLastDsq();
79  int64_t nDsqThreshold = mmetaman.GetDsqThreshold(dmn->proTxHash, mnList.GetValidMNsCount());
80  if (nLastDsq != 0 && nDsqThreshold > mmetaman.GetDsqCount()) {
81  if (fLogIPs) {
82  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- last dsq too recent, must wait: peer=%d, addr=%s\n", pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->addr.ToString());
83  } else {
84  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- last dsq too recent, must wait: peer=%d\n", pfrom->GetId());
85  }
86  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_RECENT, connman);
87  return;
88  }
89  }
91  PoolMessage nMessageID = MSG_NOERR;
93  bool fResult = nSessionID == 0 ? CreateNewSession(dsa, nMessageID, connman)
94  : AddUserToExistingSession(dsa, nMessageID);
95  if (fResult) {
96  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- is compatible, please submit!\n");
97  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_ACCEPTED, nMessageID, connman);
98  return;
99  } else {
100  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSACCEPT -- not compatible with existing transactions!\n");
101  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, nMessageID, connman);
102  return;
103  }
105  } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::DSQUEUE) {
107  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- peer=%d using obsolete version %i\n", pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->nVersion);
108  if (g_enable_bip61) {
109  connman.PushMessage(pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()).Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand,
111  "Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PRIVATESEND_PEER_PROTO_VERSION)));
112  }
113  return;
114  }
116  CPrivateSendQueue dsq;
117  vRecv >> dsq;
119  {
120  TRY_LOCK(cs_vecqueue, lockRecv);
121  if (!lockRecv) return;
123  // process every dsq only once
124  for (const auto& q : vecPrivateSendQueue) {
125  if (q == dsq) {
126  return;
127  }
128  if (q.fReady == dsq.fReady && q.masternodeOutpoint == dsq.masternodeOutpoint) {
129  // no way the same mn can send another dsq with the same readiness this soon
130  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- Peer %s is sending WAY too many dsq messages for a masternode with collateral %s\n", pfrom->GetLogString(), dsq.masternodeOutpoint.ToStringShort());
131  return;
132  }
133  }
134  } // cs_vecqueue
136  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- %s new\n", dsq.ToString());
138  if (dsq.IsTimeOutOfBounds()) return;
140  auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListAtChainTip();
141  auto dmn = mnList.GetValidMNByCollateral(dsq.masternodeOutpoint);
142  if (!dmn) return;
144  if (!dsq.CheckSignature(dmn->pdmnState->pubKeyOperator.Get())) {
145  LOCK(cs_main);
146  Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 10);
147  return;
148  }
150  if (!dsq.fReady) {
151  int64_t nLastDsq = mmetaman.GetMetaInfo(dmn->proTxHash)->GetLastDsq();
152  int64_t nDsqThreshold = mmetaman.GetDsqThreshold(dmn->proTxHash, mnList.GetValidMNsCount());
153  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- nLastDsq: %d nDsqThreshold: %d nDsqCount: %d\n", nLastDsq, nDsqThreshold, mmetaman.GetDsqCount());
154  //don't allow a few nodes to dominate the queuing process
155  if (nLastDsq != 0 && nDsqThreshold > mmetaman.GetDsqCount()) {
156  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- Masternode %s is sending too many dsq messages\n", dmn->pdmnState->addr.ToString());
157  return;
158  }
159  mmetaman.AllowMixing(dmn->proTxHash);
161  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSQUEUE -- new PrivateSend queue (%s) from masternode %s\n", dsq.ToString(), dmn->pdmnState->addr.ToString());
163  TRY_LOCK(cs_vecqueue, lockRecv);
164  if (!lockRecv) return;
165  vecPrivateSendQueue.push_back(dsq);
166  dsq.Relay(connman);
167  }
169  } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::DSVIN) {
171  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSVIN -- peer=%d using obsolete version %i\n", pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->nVersion);
172  if (g_enable_bip61) {
173  connman.PushMessage(pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()).Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand,
175  "Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PRIVATESEND_PEER_PROTO_VERSION)));
176  }
177  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_VERSION, connman);
178  return;
179  }
181  //do we have enough users in the current session?
182  if (!IsSessionReady()) {
183  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSVIN -- session not complete!\n");
184  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, ERR_SESSION, connman);
185  return;
186  }
188  CPrivateSendEntry entry;
189  vRecv >> entry;
191  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSVIN -- txCollateral %s", entry.txCollateral->ToString());
193  PoolMessage nMessageID = MSG_NOERR;
195  entry.addr = pfrom->addr;
196  if (AddEntry(connman, entry, nMessageID)) {
197  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_ACCEPTED, nMessageID, connman);
198  CheckPool(connman);
199  RelayStatus(STATUS_ACCEPTED, connman);
200  } else {
201  PushStatus(pfrom, STATUS_REJECTED, nMessageID, connman);
202  }
204  } else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::DSSIGNFINALTX) {
206  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSSIGNFINALTX -- peer=%d using obsolete version %i\n", pfrom->GetId(), pfrom->nVersion);
207  if (g_enable_bip61) {
208  connman.PushMessage(pfrom, CNetMsgMaker(pfrom->GetSendVersion()).Make(NetMsgType::REJECT, strCommand,
210  "Version must be %d or greater", MIN_PRIVATESEND_PEER_PROTO_VERSION)));
211  }
212  return;
213  }
215  std::vector<CTxIn> vecTxIn;
216  vRecv >> vecTxIn;
218  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSSIGNFINALTX -- vecTxIn.size() %s\n", vecTxIn.size());
220  int nTxInIndex = 0;
221  int nTxInsCount = (int)vecTxIn.size();
223  for (const auto& txin : vecTxIn) {
224  nTxInIndex++;
225  if (!AddScriptSig(txin)) {
226  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSSIGNFINALTX -- AddScriptSig() failed at %d/%d, session: %d\n", nTxInIndex, nTxInsCount, nSessionID);
227  RelayStatus(STATUS_REJECTED, connman);
228  return;
229  }
230  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "DSSIGNFINALTX -- AddScriptSig() %d/%d success\n", nTxInIndex, nTxInsCount);
231  }
232  // all is good
233  CheckPool(connman);
234  }
235 }
238 {
239  // MN side
240  vecSessionCollaterals.clear();
244 }
246 //
247 // Check the mixing progress and send client updates if a Masternode
248 //
250 {
251  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
253  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CheckPool -- entries count %lu\n", GetEntriesCount());
255  // If we have an entry for each collateral, then create final tx
257  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CheckPool -- FINALIZE TRANSACTIONS\n");
258  CreateFinalTransaction(connman);
259  return;
260  }
262  // Check for Time Out
263  // If we timed out while accepting entries, then if we have more than minimum, create final tx
266  // Punish misbehaving participants
267  ChargeFees(connman);
268  // Try to complete this session ignoring the misbehaving ones
269  CreateFinalTransaction(connman);
270  return;
271  }
273  // If we have all of the signatures, try to compile the transaction
275  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CheckPool -- SIGNING\n");
276  CommitFinalTransaction(connman);
277  return;
278  }
279 }
282 {
283  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CreateFinalTransaction -- FINALIZE TRANSACTIONS\n");
285  CMutableTransaction txNew;
287  // make our new transaction
288  for (int i = 0; i < GetEntriesCount(); i++) {
289  for (const auto& txout : vecEntries[i].vecTxOut) {
290  txNew.vout.push_back(txout);
291  }
292  for (const auto& txdsin : vecEntries[i].vecTxDSIn) {
293  txNew.vin.push_back(txdsin);
294  }
295  }
297  sort(txNew.vin.begin(), txNew.vin.end(), CompareInputBIP69());
298  sort(txNew.vout.begin(), txNew.vout.end(), CompareOutputBIP69());
300  finalMutableTransaction = txNew;
301  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CreateFinalTransaction -- finalMutableTransaction=%s", txNew.ToString());
303  // request signatures from clients
306 }
309 {
310  if (!fMasternodeMode) return; // check and relay final tx only on masternode
313  uint256 hashTx = finalTransaction->GetHash();
315  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CommitFinalTransaction -- finalTransaction=%s", finalTransaction->ToString());
317  {
318  // See if the transaction is valid
319  TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
320  CValidationState validationState;
321  mempool.PrioritiseTransaction(hashTx, 0.1 * COIN);
322  if (!lockMain || !AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, validationState, finalTransaction, nullptr /* pfMissingInputs */, false /* bypass_limits */, maxTxFee /* nAbsurdFee */)) {
323  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CommitFinalTransaction -- AcceptToMemoryPool() error: Transaction not valid\n");
324  SetNull();
325  // not much we can do in this case, just notify clients
327  return;
328  }
329  }
331  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CommitFinalTransaction -- CREATING DSTX\n");
333  // create and sign masternode dstx transaction
334  if (!CPrivateSend::GetDSTX(hashTx)) {
336  dstxNew.Sign();
337  CPrivateSend::AddDSTX(dstxNew);
338  }
340  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CommitFinalTransaction -- TRANSMITTING DSTX\n");
342  CInv inv(MSG_DSTX, hashTx);
343  connman.RelayInv(inv);
345  // Tell the clients it was successful
348  // Randomly charge clients
349  ChargeRandomFees(connman);
351  // Reset
352  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CommitFinalTransaction -- COMPLETED -- RESETTING\n");
353  SetNull();
354 }
356 //
357 // Charge clients a fee if they're abusive
358 //
359 // Why bother? PrivateSend uses collateral to ensure abuse to the process is kept to a minimum.
360 // The submission and signing stages are completely separate. In the cases where
361 // a client submits a transaction then refused to sign, there must be a cost. Otherwise they
362 // would be able to do this over and over again and bring the mixing to a halt.
363 //
364 // How does this work? Messages to Masternodes come in via NetMsgType::DSVIN, these require a valid collateral
365 // transaction for the client to be able to enter the pool. This transaction is kept by the Masternode
366 // until the transaction is either complete or fails.
367 //
369 {
370  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
372  //we don't need to charge collateral for every offence.
373  if (GetRandInt(100) > 33) return;
375  std::vector<CTransactionRef> vecOffendersCollaterals;
378  for (const auto& txCollateral : vecSessionCollaterals) {
379  bool fFound = false;
380  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
381  if (*entry.txCollateral == *txCollateral) {
382  fFound = true;
383  break;
384  }
385  }
387  // This queue entry didn't send us the promised transaction
388  if (!fFound) {
389  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::ChargeFees -- found uncooperative node (didn't send transaction), found offence\n");
390  vecOffendersCollaterals.push_back(txCollateral);
391  }
392  }
393  }
395  if (nState == POOL_STATE_SIGNING) {
396  // who didn't sign?
397  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
398  for (const auto& txdsin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
399  if (!txdsin.fHasSig) {
400  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::ChargeFees -- found uncooperative node (didn't sign), found offence\n");
401  vecOffendersCollaterals.push_back(entry.txCollateral);
402  }
403  }
404  }
405  }
407  // no offences found
408  if (vecOffendersCollaterals.empty()) return;
410  //mostly offending? Charge sometimes
411  if ((int)vecOffendersCollaterals.size() >= vecSessionCollaterals.size() - 1 && GetRandInt(100) > 33) return;
413  //everyone is an offender? That's not right
414  if ((int)vecOffendersCollaterals.size() >= vecSessionCollaterals.size()) return;
416  //charge one of the offenders randomly
417  std::random_shuffle(vecOffendersCollaterals.begin(), vecOffendersCollaterals.end());
420  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::ChargeFees -- found uncooperative node (didn't %s transaction), charging fees: %s",
421  (nState == POOL_STATE_SIGNING) ? "sign" : "send", vecOffendersCollaterals[0]->ToString());
422  ConsumeCollateral(connman, vecOffendersCollaterals[0]);
423  }
424 }
426 /*
427  Charge the collateral randomly.
428  Mixing is completely free, to pay miners we randomly pay the collateral of users.
430  Collateral Fee Charges:
432  Being that mixing has "no fees" we need to have some kind of cost associated
433  with using it to stop abuse. Otherwise it could serve as an attack vector and
434  allow endless transaction that would bloat Dash and make it unusable. To
435  stop these kinds of attacks 1 in 10 successful transactions are charged. This
436  adds up to a cost of 0.001DRK per transaction on average.
437 */
439 {
440  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
442  for (const auto& txCollateral : vecSessionCollaterals) {
443  if (GetRandInt(100) > 10) return;
444  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::ChargeRandomFees -- charging random fees, txCollateral=%s", txCollateral->ToString());
445  ConsumeCollateral(connman, txCollateral);
446  }
447 }
450 {
451  LOCK(cs_main);
452  CValidationState validationState;
453  if (!AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, validationState, txref, nullptr /* pfMissingInputs */, false /* bypass_limits */, 0 /* nAbsurdFee */)) {
454  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "%s -- AcceptToMemoryPool failed\n", __func__);
455  } else {
456  connman.RelayTransaction(*txref);
457  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "%s -- Collateral was consumed\n", __func__);
458  }
459 }
462 {
463  if (!fMasternodeMode) return false;
465  if (nState == POOL_STATE_IDLE) return false;
469  return GetTime() - nTimeLastSuccessfulStep >= nTimeout;
470 }
472 //
473 // Check for extraneous timeout
474 //
476 {
477  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
479  CheckQueue();
481  // Too early to do anything
482  if (!CPrivateSendServer::HasTimedOut()) return;
484  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CheckTimeout -- %s timed out -- resetting\n",
485  (nState == POOL_STATE_SIGNING) ? "Signing" : "Session");
486  ChargeFees(connman);
487  SetNull();
488 }
490 /*
491  Check to see if we're ready for submissions from clients
492  After receiving multiple dsa messages, the queue will switch to "accepting entries"
493  which is the active state right before merging the transaction
494 */
496 {
497  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
499  if (nState == POOL_STATE_QUEUE && IsSessionReady()) {
503  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CheckForCompleteQueue -- queue is ready, signing and relaying (%s) "
504  "with %d participants\n", dsq.ToString(), vecSessionCollaterals.size());
505  dsq.Sign();
506  dsq.Relay(connman);
507  }
508 }
510 // Check to make sure a given input matches an input in the pool and its scriptSig is valid
512 {
513  CMutableTransaction txNew;
514  txNew.vin.clear();
515  txNew.vout.clear();
517  int i = 0;
518  int nTxInIndex = -1;
519  CScript sigPubKey = CScript();
521  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
522  for (const auto& txout : entry.vecTxOut) {
523  txNew.vout.push_back(txout);
524  }
525  for (const auto& txdsin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
526  txNew.vin.push_back(txdsin);
528  if (txdsin.prevout == txin.prevout) {
529  nTxInIndex = i;
530  sigPubKey = txdsin.prevPubKey;
531  }
532  i++;
533  }
534  }
536  if (nTxInIndex >= 0) { //might have to do this one input at a time?
537  txNew.vin[nTxInIndex].scriptSig = txin.scriptSig;
538  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::IsInputScriptSigValid -- verifying scriptSig %s\n", ScriptToAsmStr(txin.scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
539  // TODO we're using amount=0 here but we should use the correct amount. This works because Dash ignores the amount while signing/verifying (only used in Bitcoin/Segwit)
540  if (!VerifyScript(txNew.vin[nTxInIndex].scriptSig, sigPubKey, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&txNew, nTxInIndex, 0))) {
541  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::IsInputScriptSigValid -- VerifyScript() failed on input %d\n", nTxInIndex);
542  return false;
543  }
544  } else {
545  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::IsInputScriptSigValid -- Failed to find matching input in pool, %s\n", txin.ToString());
546  return false;
547  }
549  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::IsInputScriptSigValid -- Successfully validated input and scriptSig\n");
550  return true;
551 }
553 //
554 // Add a client's transaction inputs/outputs to the pool
555 //
556 bool CPrivateSendServer::AddEntry(CConnman& connman, const CPrivateSendEntry& entry, PoolMessage& nMessageIDRet)
557 {
558  if (!fMasternodeMode) return false;
560  if (GetEntriesCount() >= vecSessionCollaterals.size()) {
561  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- ERROR: entries is full!\n", __func__);
562  nMessageIDRet = ERR_ENTRIES_FULL;
563  return false;
564  }
567  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- ERROR: collateral not valid!\n", __func__);
569  return false;
570  }
572  if (entry.vecTxDSIn.size() > PRIVATESEND_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE) {
573  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- ERROR: too many inputs! %d/%d\n", __func__, entry.vecTxDSIn.size(), PRIVATESEND_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE);
574  nMessageIDRet = ERR_MAXIMUM;
575  ConsumeCollateral(connman, entry.txCollateral);
576  return false;
577  }
579  std::vector<CTxIn> vin;
580  for (const auto& txin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
581  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- txin=%s\n", __func__, txin.ToString());
583  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
584  for (const auto& txdsin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
585  if (txdsin.prevout == txin.prevout) {
586  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- ERROR: already have this txin in entries\n", __func__);
587  nMessageIDRet = ERR_ALREADY_HAVE;
588  // Two peers sent the same input? Can't really say who is the malicious one here,
589  // could be that someone is picking someone else's inputs randomly trying to force
590  // collateral consumption. Do not punish.
591  return false;
592  }
593  }
594  }
595  vin.emplace_back(txin);
596  }
598  bool fConsumeCollateral{false};
599  if (!IsValidInOuts(vin, entry.vecTxOut, nMessageIDRet, &fConsumeCollateral)) {
600  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- ERROR! IsValidInOuts() failed: %s\n", __func__, CPrivateSend::GetMessageByID(nMessageIDRet));
601  if (fConsumeCollateral) {
602  ConsumeCollateral(connman, entry.txCollateral);
603  }
604  return false;
605  }
607  vecEntries.push_back(entry);
609  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- adding entry %d of %d required\n", __func__, GetEntriesCount(), CPrivateSend::GetMaxPoolParticipants());
610  nMessageIDRet = MSG_ENTRIES_ADDED;
612  return true;
613 }
616 {
617  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- scriptSig=%s\n", ScriptToAsmStr(txinNew.scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
619  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
620  for (const auto& txdsin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
621  if (txdsin.scriptSig == txinNew.scriptSig) {
622  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- already exists\n");
623  return false;
624  }
625  }
626  }
628  if (!IsInputScriptSigValid(txinNew)) {
629  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- Invalid scriptSig\n");
630  return false;
631  }
633  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- scriptSig=%s new\n", ScriptToAsmStr(txinNew.scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
635  for (auto& txin : finalMutableTransaction.vin) {
636  if (txin.prevout == txinNew.prevout && txin.nSequence == txinNew.nSequence) {
637  txin.scriptSig = txinNew.scriptSig;
638  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- adding to finalMutableTransaction, scriptSig=%s\n", ScriptToAsmStr(txinNew.scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
639  }
640  }
641  for (int i = 0; i < GetEntriesCount(); i++) {
642  if (vecEntries[i].AddScriptSig(txinNew)) {
643  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- adding to entries, scriptSig=%s\n", ScriptToAsmStr(txinNew.scriptSig).substr(0, 24));
644  return true;
645  }
646  }
648  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddScriptSig -- Couldn't set sig!\n");
649  return false;
650 }
652 // Check to make sure everything is signed
654 {
655  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
656  for (const auto& txdsin : entry.vecTxDSIn) {
657  if (!txdsin.fHasSig) return false;
658  }
659  }
661  return true;
662 }
665 {
666  if (!fMasternodeMode) return false;
668  // is denom even something legit?
670  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- denom not valid!\n", __func__);
671  nMessageIDRet = ERR_DENOM;
672  return false;
673  }
675  // check collateral
677  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- collateral not valid!\n", __func__);
679  return false;
680  }
682  return true;
683 }
686 {
687  if (!fMasternodeMode || nSessionID != 0) return false;
689  // new session can only be started in idle mode
690  if (nState != POOL_STATE_IDLE) {
691  nMessageIDRet = ERR_MODE;
692  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CreateNewSession -- incompatible mode: nState=%d\n", nState);
693  return false;
694  }
696  if (!IsAcceptableDSA(dsa, nMessageIDRet)) {
697  return false;
698  }
700  // start new session
701  nMessageIDRet = MSG_NOERR;
702  nSessionID = GetRandInt(999999) + 1;
703  nSessionDenom = dsa.nDenom;
707  if (!fUnitTest) {
708  //broadcast that I'm accepting entries, only if it's the first entry through
710  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CreateNewSession -- signing and relaying new queue: %s\n", dsq.ToString());
711  dsq.Sign();
712  dsq.Relay(connman);
713  vecPrivateSendQueue.push_back(dsq);
714  }
717  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::CreateNewSession -- new session created, nSessionID: %d nSessionDenom: %d (%s) vecSessionCollaterals.size(): %d CPrivateSend::GetMaxPoolParticipants(): %d\n",
720  return true;
721 }
724 {
725  if (!fMasternodeMode || nSessionID == 0 || IsSessionReady()) return false;
727  if (!IsAcceptableDSA(dsa, nMessageIDRet)) {
728  return false;
729  }
731  // we only add new users to an existing session when we are in queue mode
732  if (nState != POOL_STATE_QUEUE) {
733  nMessageIDRet = ERR_MODE;
734  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddUserToExistingSession -- incompatible mode: nState=%d\n", nState);
735  return false;
736  }
738  if (dsa.nDenom != nSessionDenom) {
739  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddUserToExistingSession -- incompatible denom %d (%s) != nSessionDenom %d (%s)\n",
741  nMessageIDRet = ERR_DENOM;
742  return false;
743  }
745  // count new user as accepted to an existing session
747  nMessageIDRet = MSG_NOERR;
750  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::AddUserToExistingSession -- new user accepted, nSessionID: %d nSessionDenom: %d (%s) vecSessionCollaterals.size(): %d CPrivateSend::GetMaxPoolParticipants(): %d\n",
753  return true;
754 }
756 // Returns true if either max size has been reached or if the mix timed out and min size was reached
758 {
759  if (nState == POOL_STATE_QUEUE) {
761  return true;
762  }
764  return true;
765  }
766  }
768  return true;
769  }
770  return false;
771 }
774 {
775  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- nSessionID: %d nSessionDenom: %d (%s)\n",
778  // final mixing tx with empty signatures should be relayed to mixing participants only
779  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
780  bool fOk = connman.ForNode(entry.addr, [&txFinal, &connman, this](CNode* pnode) {
781  CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pnode->GetSendVersion());
782  connman.PushMessage(pnode, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::DSFINALTX, nSessionID, txFinal));
783  return true;
784  });
785  if (!fOk) {
786  // no such node? maybe this client disconnected or our own connection went down
787  RelayStatus(STATUS_REJECTED, connman);
788  break;
789  }
790  }
791 }
793 void CPrivateSendServer::PushStatus(CNode* pnode, PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, PoolMessage nMessageID, CConnman& connman)
794 {
795  if (!pnode) return;
796  CPrivateSendStatusUpdate psssup(nSessionID, nState, 0, nStatusUpdate, nMessageID);
797  connman.PushMessage(pnode, CNetMsgMaker(pnode->GetSendVersion()).Make(NetMsgType::DSSTATUSUPDATE, psssup));
798 }
800 void CPrivateSendServer::RelayStatus(PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, CConnman& connman, PoolMessage nMessageID)
801 {
802  unsigned int nDisconnected{};
803  // status updates should be relayed to mixing participants only
804  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
805  // make sure everyone is still connected
806  bool fOk = connman.ForNode(entry.addr, [&nStatusUpdate, &nMessageID, &connman, this](CNode* pnode) {
807  PushStatus(pnode, nStatusUpdate, nMessageID, connman);
808  return true;
809  });
810  if (!fOk) {
811  // no such node? maybe this client disconnected or our own connection went down
812  ++nDisconnected;
813  }
814  }
815  if (nDisconnected == 0) return; // all is clear
817  // something went wrong
818  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- can't continue, %llu client(s) disconnected, nSessionID: %d nSessionDenom: %d (%s)\n",
821  // notify everyone else that this session should be terminated
822  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
823  connman.ForNode(entry.addr, [&connman, this](CNode* pnode) {
824  PushStatus(pnode, STATUS_REJECTED, MSG_NOERR, connman);
825  return true;
826  });
827  }
829  if (nDisconnected == vecEntries.size()) {
830  // all clients disconnected, there is probably some issues with our own connection
831  // do not charge any fees, just reset the pool
832  SetNull();
833  }
834 }
837 {
838  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::%s -- nSessionID: %d nSessionDenom: %d (%s)\n",
841  // final mixing tx with empty signatures should be relayed to mixing participants only
842  for (const auto& entry : vecEntries) {
843  bool fOk = connman.ForNode(entry.addr, [&nMessageID, &connman, this](CNode* pnode) {
844  CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(pnode->GetSendVersion());
845  connman.PushMessage(pnode, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::DSCOMPLETE, nSessionID, nMessageID));
846  return true;
847  });
848  if (!fOk) {
849  // no such node? maybe client disconnected or our own connection went down
850  RelayStatus(STATUS_REJECTED, connman);
851  break;
852  }
853  }
854 }
857 {
858  if (!fMasternodeMode) return;
860  if (nStateNew == POOL_STATE_ERROR) {
861  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::SetState -- Can't set state to ERROR as a Masternode. \n");
862  return;
863  }
865  LogPrint(BCLog::PRIVATESEND, "CPrivateSendServer::SetState -- nState: %d, nStateNew: %d\n", nState, nStateNew);
867  nState = nStateNew;
868 }
871 {
872  if (!fMasternodeMode) return; // only run on masternodes
877  privateSendServer.CheckPool(connman);
879 }
882 {
883  obj.clear();
884  obj.setObject();
885  obj.push_back(Pair("queue_size", GetQueueSize()));
887  obj.push_back(Pair("state", GetStateString()));
888  obj.push_back(Pair("entries_count", GetEntriesCount()));
889 }
CTxMemPool mempool
bool AddEntry(CConnman &connman, const CPrivateSendEntry &entry, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet)
Add a clients entry to the pool.
CMasternodeSync masternodeSync
int GetSendVersion() const
Definition: net.cpp:887
CPrivateSendServer privateSendServer
std::string ToString(bool fUseGetnameinfo=true) const
Definition: netaddress.cpp:581
const char * DSACCEPT
Definition: protocol.cpp:47
int GetRandInt(int nMax)
Definition: random.cpp:379
#define TRY_LOCK(cs, name)
Definition: sync.h:180
std::vector< CPrivateSendEntry > vecEntries
Definition: privatesend.h:364
bool ShutdownRequested()
Definition: init.cpp:179
#define strprintf
Definition: tinyformat.h:1066
CAmount maxTxFee
Absolute maximum transaction fee (in duffs) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtr...
Definition: validation.cpp:247
void CheckTimeout(CConnman &connman)
inv message data
Definition: protocol.h:429
std::vector< CTxIn > vin
Definition: transaction.h:293
static const CAmount COIN
Definition: amount.h:14
int64_t GetDsqThreshold(const uint256 &proTxHash, int nMnCount)
bool AddUserToExistingSession(const CPrivateSendAccept &dsa, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet)
std::vector< CTxDSIn > vecTxDSIn
Definition: privatesend.h:176
A currently in progress mixing merge and denomination information.
Definition: privatesend.h:215
const char * DSVIN
Definition: protocol.cpp:48
static int GetMaxPoolParticipants()
Definition: privatesend.h:452
Implementation of BIP69 https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0069.mediawiki.
Definition: transaction.h:352
CCriticalSection cs_main
Definition: validation.cpp:213
Definition: protocol.cpp:52
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount &amount)
Definition: core_write.cpp:25
bool IsInputScriptSigValid(const CTxIn &txin)
Check to make sure a given input matches an input in the pool and its scriptSig is valid...
void PushMessage(CNode *pnode, CSerializedNetMsg &&msg)
Definition: net.cpp:3733
Definition: privatesend.h:33
bool Relay(CConnman &connman)
Definition: privatesend.cpp:74
std::string ToString() const
Definition: transaction.cpp:36
Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces.
Definition: streams.h:103
CMutableTransaction finalMutableTransaction
Definition: privatesend.h:371
Definition: privatesend.h:24
bool IsBlockchainSynced()
std::shared_ptr< const CTransaction > CTransactionRef
Definition: transaction.h:345
std::unique_ptr< CDeterministicMNManager > deterministicMNManager
static const unsigned char REJECT_OBSOLETE
Definition: validation.h:14
std::vector< CTxOut > vecTxOut
Definition: privatesend.h:177
CMasternodeMetaMan mmetaman
void RelayFinalTransaction(const CTransaction &txFinal, CConnman &connman)
Relay mixing Messages.
void Misbehaving(NodeId pnode, int howmuch, const std::string &message)
Increase a node&#39;s misbehavior score.
int64_t GetTime()
Return system time (or mocked time, if set)
Definition: utiltime.cpp:22
static CTransactionRef MakeTransactionRef()
Definition: transaction.h:346
bool fMasternodeMode
Definition: util.cpp:93
Definition: privatesend.h:63
bool ForNode(NodeId id, std::function< bool(const CNode *pnode)> cond, std::function< bool(CNode *pnode)> func)
Definition: net.cpp:3795
static int GetMinPoolParticipants()
Get the minimum/maximum number of participants for the pool.
Definition: privatesend.h:449
bool push_back(const UniValue &val)
Definition: univalue.cpp:110
CActiveMasternodeInfo activeMasternodeInfo
std::string ScriptToAsmStr(const CScript &script, const bool fAttemptSighashDecode=false)
Create the assembly string representation of a CScript object.
Definition: core_write.cpp:86
CTransactionRef txCollateral
Definition: privatesend.h:178
static bool IsCollateralValid(const CTransaction &txCollateral)
If the collateral is valid given by a client.
void ChargeRandomFees(CConnman &connman)
Rarely charge fees to pay miners.
void GetJsonInfo(UniValue &obj) const
An input of a transaction.
Definition: transaction.h:70
static CPrivateSendBroadcastTx GetDSTX(const uint256 &hash)
#define LOCK(cs)
Definition: sync.h:178
CCriticalSection cs_vecqueue
Definition: privatesend.h:400
Definition: privatesend.h:173
void CheckPool(CConnman &connman)
Check for process.
bool CreateNewSession(const CPrivateSendAccept &dsa, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet, CConnman &connman)
int GetQueueSize() const
Definition: privatesend.h:412
std::vector< CPrivateSendQueue > vecPrivateSendQueue
Definition: privatesend.h:403
Definition: net.h:136
bool IsAcceptableDSA(const CPrivateSendAccept &dsa, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet)
Is this nDenom and txCollateral acceptable?
NodeId GetId() const
Definition: net.h:973
static std::pair< std::string, UniValue > Pair(const char *cKey, const char *cVal)
Definition: univalue.h:185
static void AddDSTX(const CPrivateSendBroadcastTx &dstx)
void ProcessMessage(CNode *pfrom, const std::string &strCommand, CDataStream &vRecv, CConnman &connman)
void RelayStatus(PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, CConnman &connman, PoolMessage nMessageID=MSG_NOERR)
std::vector< CTxOut > vout
Definition: transaction.h:294
void CheckForCompleteQueue(CConnman &connman)
bool VerifyScript(const CScript &scriptSig, const CScript &scriptPubKey, unsigned int flags, const BaseSignatureChecker &checker, ScriptError *serror)
const char * DSSIGNFINALTX
Definition: protocol.cpp:50
bool IsSessionReady()
Do we have enough users to take entries?
Definition: privatesend.h:75
bool AddScriptSig(const CTxIn &txin)
Add signature to a txin.
Definition: privatesend.h:25
const char * REJECT
The reject message informs the receiving node that one of its previous messages has been rejected...
Definition: protocol.cpp:37
void DoMaintenance(CConnman &connman)
const CAddress addr
Definition: net.h:834
CScript scriptSig
Definition: transaction.h:74
#define LogPrint(category,...)
Definition: util.h:214
bool IsSignaturesComplete()
Check that all inputs are signed. (Are all inputs signed?)
bool fLogIPs
Definition: util.cpp:115
Capture information about block/transaction validation.
Definition: validation.h:22
256-bit opaque blob.
Definition: uint256.h:123
std::string GetStateString() const
void AllowMixing(const uint256 &proTxHash)
static bool IsValidDenomination(int nDenom)
Helper class to store mixing transaction (tx) information.
Definition: privatesend.h:291
std::string ToString() const
Definition: transaction.cpp:71
void PushStatus(CNode *pnode, PoolStatusUpdate nStatusUpdate, PoolMessage nMessageID, CConnman &connman)
int GetEntriesCount() const
Definition: privatesend.h:393
const char * DSQUEUE
Definition: protocol.cpp:54
Serialized script, used inside transaction inputs and outputs.
Definition: script.h:389
uint32_t nSequence
Definition: transaction.h:75
bool AcceptToMemoryPool(CTxMemPool &pool, CValidationState &state, const CTransactionRef &tx, bool *pfMissingInputs, bool bypass_limits, const CAmount nAbsurdFee, bool fDryRun)
(try to) add transaction to memory pool
Definition: validation.cpp:890
void RelayCompletedTransaction(PoolMessage nMessageID, CConnman &connman)
int64_t GetAdjustedTime()
Definition: timedata.cpp:35
minimum peer version accepted by mixing pool
Definition: privatesend.h:28
bool Sign()
Sign this mixing transaction.
Definition: privatesend.cpp:45
static std::string GetMessageByID(PoolMessage nMessageID)
std::string GetLogString() const
Definition: net.cpp:750
bool setObject()
Definition: univalue.cpp:103
bool IsValidInOuts(const std::vector< CTxIn > &vin, const std::vector< CTxOut > &vout, PoolMessage &nMessageIDRet, bool *fConsumeCollateralRet) const
void RelayInv(CInv &inv, const int minProtoVersion=MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION, bool fAllowMasternodeConnections=false)
Definition: net.cpp:3482
std::atomic< int > nVersion
Definition: net.h:838
Used to keep track of current status of mixing pool.
void SetState(PoolState nStateNew)
A mutable version of CTransaction.
Definition: transaction.h:291
void CommitFinalTransaction(CConnman &connman)
void clear()
Definition: univalue.cpp:17
The basic transaction that is broadcasted on the network and contained in blocks. ...
Definition: transaction.h:198
Information about a peer.
Definition: net.h:800
CMutableTransaction txCollateral
Definition: privatesend.h:147
void RelayTransaction(const CTransaction &tx)
Definition: net.cpp:3465
COutPoint prevout
Definition: transaction.h:73
std::string ToString() const
Definition: privatesend.h:277
static CAmount DenominationToAmount(int nDenom)
void CreateFinalTransaction(CConnman &connman)
void PrioritiseTransaction(const uint256 &hash, const CAmount &nFeeDelta)
Affect CreateNewBlock prioritisation of transactions.
Definition: txmempool.cpp:1317
bool g_enable_bip61
Enable BIP61 (sending reject messages)
CMasternodeMetaInfoPtr GetMetaInfo(const uint256 &proTxHash, bool fCreate=true)
static std::string DenominationToString(int nDenom)
std::vector< CTransactionRef > vecSessionCollaterals
void ConsumeCollateral(CConnman &connman, const CTransactionRef &txref)
Consume collateral in cases when peer misbehaved.
static const size_t PRIVATESEND_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE
Definition: privatesend.h:30
void ChargeFees(CConnman &connman)
Charge fees to bad actors (Charge clients a fee if they&#39;re abusive)
Released under the MIT license