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44 strTxStatus = tr("0/unconfirmed, %1").arg((wtx.InMempool() ? tr("in memory pool") : tr("not in memory pool"))) + (wtx.isAbandoned() ? ", "+tr("abandoned") : "");
63 QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx, TransactionRecord *rec, int unit)
106 QString addressOwned = (::IsMine(*wallet, address) == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) ? tr("own address") : tr("watch-only");
108 strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wallet->mapAddressBook[address].name) + ")";
144 strHTML += BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nUnmatured)+ " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity()) + ")";
154 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet) + "<br>";
205 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -txout.nValue) + "<br>";
207 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, txout.nValue) + "<br>";
215 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nValue) + "<br>";
216 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nValue) + "<br>";
221 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction fee") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nTxFee) + "<br>";
230 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet->GetDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
233 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet->GetCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
237 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Net amount") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet, true) + "<br>";
243 strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["message"], true) + "<br>";
245 strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Comment") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.mapValue["comment"], true) + "<br>";
248 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Output index") + ":</b> " + QString::number(rec->getOutputIndex()) + "<br>";
249 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction total size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(wtx.tx->GetTotalSize()) + " bytes<br>";
254 strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(r.second, true) + "<br>";
274 strHTML += "<br>" + tr("Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to \"not accepted\" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.").arg(QString::number(numBlocksToMaturity)) + "<br>";
285 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet->GetDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
288 strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet->GetCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
313 strHTML = strHTML + " " + tr("Amount") + "=" + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, txout.nValue);
314 strHTML = strHTML + " IsMine=" + (wallet->IsMine(txout) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("true") : tr("false"));
315 strHTML = strHTML + " IsWatchOnly=" + (wallet->IsMine(txout) & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";
boost::variant< CNoDestination, CKeyID, CScriptID > CTxDestination
A txout script template with a specific destination.
Definition: standard.h:80
bool ExtractDestination(const CScript &scriptPubKey, CTxDestination &addressRet)
Parse a standard scriptPubKey for the destination address.
Definition: standard.cpp:158
std::map< CTxDestination, CAddressBookData > mapAddressBook
Definition: wallet.h:906
static QString formatHtmlWithUnit(int unit, const CAmount &amount, bool plussign=false, SeparatorStyle separators=separatorStandard)
Format as HTML string (with unit)
Definition: bitcoinunits.cpp:167
CAmount GetDebit(const isminefilter &filter) const
filter decides which addresses will count towards the debit
Definition: wallet.cpp:2169
bool IsValidDestination(const CTxDestination &dest)
Check whether a CTxDestination is a CNoDestination.
Definition: standard.cpp:281
static const int COINBASE_MATURITY
Coinbase transaction outputs can only be spent after this number of new blocks (network rule) ...
Definition: consensus.h:24
QString HtmlEscape(const QString &str, bool fMultiLine)
Definition: guiutil.cpp:481
Definition: paymentrequestplus.h:28
std::unique_ptr< CCoinsViewCache > pcoinsTip
Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main)
Definition: validation.cpp:300
int getOutputIndex() const
Return the output index of the subtransaction.
Definition: transactionrecord.cpp:383
bool CheckFinalTx(const CTransaction &tx, int flags)
Transaction validation functions.
Definition: validation.cpp:317
bool getMerchant(X509_STORE *certStore, QString &merchant) const
Definition: paymentrequestplus.cpp:60
std::atomic< uint64_t > logCategories
QString getTxID() const
Return the unique identifier for this transaction (part)
Definition: transactionrecord.cpp:378
Definition: ismine.h:26
Definition: util.h:109
An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout.
Definition: transaction.h:26
A transaction with a bunch of additional info that only the owner cares about.
Definition: wallet.h:280
std::string EncodeDestination(const CTxDestination &dest)
Definition: base58.cpp:329
Definition: ismine.h:25
CAmount GetDebit(const CTxIn &txin, const isminefilter &filter) const
Returns amount of debit if the input matches the filter, otherwise returns 0.
Definition: wallet.cpp:1559
Definition: ismine.h:24
A CWallet is an extension of a keystore, which also maintains a set of transactions and balances...
Definition: wallet.h:715
static QString FormatTxStatus(const CWalletTx &wtx)
Definition: transactiondesc.cpp:25
CAmount GetCredit(const CTxOut &txout, const isminefilter &filter) const
Definition: wallet.cpp:1708
CChain & chainActive
The currently-connected chain of blocks (protected by cs_main).
Definition: validation.cpp:217
static QString toHTML(CWallet *wallet, CWalletTx &wtx, TransactionRecord *rec, int unit)
Definition: transactiondesc.cpp:63
int GetDepthInMainChain(const CBlockIndex *&pindexRet) const
Return depth of transaction in blockchain: <0 : conflicts with a transaction this deep in the blockch...
Definition: wallet.cpp:5501
isminetype IsMine(const CKeyStore &keystore, const CTxDestination &dest)
Definition: ismine.cpp:28
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > vOrderForm
Definition: wallet.h:312